Tor icon visible

>Tor icon visible

Other urls found in this thread:

>not having tons of shady shit all over your desktop with porn as a wallpaper

>tons of shady shit
Tor's enough.

How about a Tor wallpaper?

You can get away with that since you could look like you're a "fighter for freedom of expression" who probably follows @torproject on twitter and donates to help them keep protecting journalists and stuff.

TOR sticker on a MBP


I only use tor for porn because if anyone found out I exclusively fap to traps and loli I'd have to kill myself.

>I only use tor for porn

>female therapist

>not using advOR
Your fault, OP
>l guess I could try to walk or hitchike to a warmer place, but I just don't have the energy. So I've decided that I'm just going to let nature take its course and l'll freeze or starve to death here. I'm okay with this.




attraction to 12+ year olds with T&A is perfectly normal
feminism has criminalized being male

>look at some comment left in one of his posts
>The world needs you!

No it doesn't. The world has been telling him to fuck off and die for quite some time now.

I hate this "hopeful", inspirational anti-suicide babble. It's fucking worthless and just makes one feel less valuable, receiving some canned speech from some sheltered fuckstain.

t. Someone with depression

Attraction (thoughts, not actions) to anything is not worthy of suffering.

This is why I will never get help for anything.

>reddit troll

It's even on my PC at work, you cuck! Also running a Tor node for about a year already. Now go shove that flag down your own throat :^)

>running a Tor node for about a year already
pic related is your future

>tfw all the good links died long ago

thanks normalfags.

I bet Tor usage puts you on the Intel haxor list for a quick raping before the patches are applied, patches that won't even be applied to Tor related systems like tails

Remember that fapping is what made you embrace that shit, you've tricked yourself.

If you nofap for long enough it goes away?

I don't think that's how sexuality works

>If you nofap for long enough it goes away?

>pedos on reddit
imagine my shock

But really, death to all pedos

Tor based systems like Tails use the Linux kernel. So they will receive the patch. I'd give it a month or two.

There is a difference between a node and a cp hosting service lel. Saying that, I'd still never take the risk of running one myself.

>death to hundreds of millions of people including victims of molestation, people I admire, family members and friends!

>cp hosting service
not really

>i've been a bad girl. punish me, daddy *bites lip*
That being said I don't live in a cucked country, like you, so no, that's not going to ever happen :^)

Which uncucked countries remain

>knowingly hosting a cp site
>voluntarily decides not to remove it

Yes, he was complicit with the ownership of it.

Russian Federation, Ukraine.. to name a couple (;


Those don't seem like viable options for Americans fleeing

freedom of speech, maaaan

>that's not going to ever happen :^)
You're in for a shock.

PS: this smug confidence is what gets you torpedos fucked in the ass

Just a relay or an exit node? I've been running a relay since 2013 and openly encourage others to participate.

12yo isnt pedo

Why doesn't the government just provide mental help for pedos instead of wasting money and destroying privacy chasing them?

Exit node

latin america

>imagine my shock
Do you know where you are, you limp-wristed lisping faggot?

Well, thank you! I live in the US and don't feel comfortable running one. Your work is appreciated.

>destroying privacy
thats your answer

just wait until you find out what lurks here

i need xanax to function properly. im not a bartard. is dream still shit? accepts monero? still complicated?

See also not all of them are sex-crazed brainlet gremlins who can't control themselves and need a straitjacket.

actually, very few of them are like that, same for non-pedos

I've run a relay for the last 2 years, averaging 15 TB traffic per month.

I asked why they don't provide help. Not doing it just means more children are harmed


Do you have any pics of what the relay interface looks like? I've always wondered how encrypted Tor traffic looks

>Do you have any pics of what the relay interface looks like? I've always wondered how encrypted Tor traffic looks
Most people only use a configuration file. No interface.
There is however a TUI for Tor called "nyx", formerly known as "arm".
I don't use it

Btw it's really simple to setup a Tor relay.
1. Install
2. Edit 8 simple lines in config file at most
3. Run

Pretty cool. I'm tempted to get back into Tor but I've been out of the loop since around 2010 and apparently its just a honeypot now. Not sure if the honeypot thing is a meme but I wouldn't like to find out the hard way.

I doubt Tor is a honeypot per se.
It's just very hard to build secure hidden services that stand up to professional government hackers indefinitely. In the case of Silk Road 1.0 the weakness wasn't in the software at all, for example.
No doubt there are honeypots on Tor, but not Tor itself, as long as you stay within hidden services. A large number of exit nodes are most likely monitored.


It's probably broken

>hundreds of millions of pedophiles

Why all the hate? Tor is a browser of peace

this counts against your ISP's bandwidth cap, doesn't it?

Yes. I run my relay on a dedicated server with 40 TB / month cap
The relay is configured to use around 15 TB / month

They do in the UK!
I'm still miffed that I got these ads for browsing /trash/.

how much does that server cost?
and im not gonna meme ya

Yes, do the math, brainlet.

>being capped
>in the current year

49€ / month
just checked again, it's 30 TB
I rarely use more than 2-3 TB myself

If I were him I'd kill the therapist. Just my 2c.

>Imlying they wouldn't arrest anyone looking for help

What do they mean by "sexual images"?


Aye; besides, even if they don't, you'd have to keep close guard of your phone records after calling them.

Anything that falls under the various laws pertaining to this topic.
My one, only and biggest gripe is that it covers hentai as the MPs of the day were specifically aiming to ban loli, although the wording of the law casts a much wider net.
Gotta move to Scotland if you want to jack off to Sailor Moon.

In short.

So pic related?



but hes right

>2d kids
Now what FBI?

kinda milfy
would do her/10

When drawn indecently, yes.

Why don't you take a seat, Chris, and I can tell you about how livid I am at the old foddy-doddies down in London, decreeing from their tiny conference rooms how adult cartoons are dangerous, and how I'm relieved to be leaving this God-forsaken land for one that's less arse-backwards, alas one that's just differently retarded.


What would that be if there are no sex acts?

I hope you know that the NSA are on your network.

Yes gay

Indecent is indecent.
Their specific wording is "grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character".

What about a wet 2D loli in a swimsuit just standing up smiling with a cameltoe visible (on which there is no focus)?

What a fucking idiot
>omg I sometimes have fantasies about underage guys, I NEED TO SEEK HELP
>no i don't watch any CP or loli, but i have FANTASIES

Therapist probably thought he was such a fucking creep, "wow I have fantasies, just like almost every other straight male!", yeah except you took the step of going to a fucking therapist about it idiot, that automatically makes it seem mega suspicious

I mean she's a therapist talking to people with actual problems ie. abusive childhood, self-ruined marriages, socially retarded people, etc, and then this creep shows up with fucking FANTASIES? You fucking bet he's getting reported, make room for people with actual problems you fucking weird cunt


>"wow I have fantasies, just like almost every other straight male!"
are you saying you have sexual fantasies of children? because i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that no, not "almost every other straight male" has those

>blaming the victim who probably was told plenty of times to "seek help" by normies online

Screams "I want attention" and "I'm a 1337 h@x0r!!!11!1!"

Eh I figured he was talking about teenagers if he was willing to post about it, but if he meant any younger than that's even more reason for that therapist to report that fuck

I'm going to post that pic every time someone says "get help" on Sup Forums

>if he meant any younger than that's even more reason for that therapist to report that fuck

So you're telling me if you were a therapist helping treat people with actual problems, and then some sicko comes in for the first time ever, talking about all his weird fantasies with kids, you wouldn't report him?

For a start it's obviously bothering him enough to make him go see a therapist so there's probably more to it than what he's telling you. Reporting that shit to get it looked it should be one of the first things you'd do, especially when he starts asking you about "doctor/patient confidentiality" and shit. You're not just going to believe a guy like that.

It's really his own fault for getting into that mess, shouldn't have acted like such a suspicious weird fuck

You are the reason kids get abused, I hope it's your kid instead of someone else's who gets diddled