UPDATED: this is way bigger than previously thought. Apparently there's more than 1 vulnerability. Intel is the most severely affected and KPTI (performance-degrading fix) is only for them, but there are other security bugs which affects everyone (including AMD).

1) The #IntelChip is only one piece of a much bigger security problem. There are two critical security flaws in microprocessors. The first, called Meltdown, affects virtually all Intel microprocessors.
2) The second, dubbed Spectre, is a design flaw that affects virtually all modern microprocessors (not just Intel, but AMD and ARM) and has NO PATCH.
3) Meltdown presents an urgent crisis and administrators need to implement the KAISER patch ASAP (even though it will slow performance speeds by as much as 30%), but the Spectre flaw is far more pervasive and will require a complete rearchitecture of virtually all microprocessors
4) Spectre is harder to exploit, but has no easy fix, and is far more pervasive. Researchers say it is highly likely the threat from Spectre will be with us for the decade to come.
5) The basic issue is age old security dilemma: Speed versus Security. For the past decade, processors were designed to gain every performance advantage. In the process, chipmakers failed to ask questions about the security fundamentals of their design.
6) Now, Meltdown and Spectre, show that it is possible for attackers to exploit these design flaws to access the entire memory contents of a machine. The most visceral attack scenario is an attacker who rents 5 minutes of time from an Amazon/Google/Microsoft cloud server and...
7) able to access the programs and data off every other Amazon/Google/Microsoft customer renting space on that cloud. That means logins/passwords/SSL keys/files/the motherlode.

[continues in following post]

Other urls found in this thread:

8) The business/economic implications are not clear, since eventually the only way to eradicate the threat posed by Spectre is to swap out hardware. It's not clear there is even manufacturing capacity for this. It is also unclear who will bear the cost (chipmakers or customers).
9) The industry will be dealing with this for a long time to come. END.


1st if true

So will there be lots of cheap second hand cpus flooding the market?

There are three risks

Google blog post:

>h-how do we implicate everyone in this
>we need everyone to help! it's not just us!
>t-the processors are working to spec anyway


I just wanna watch the CPU's burn. I cancelled my order for a new PC. I'm going to wait this one out untill it's fixed.

gonna have to wait a while bud

You can tell they knew about Meltdown all this time and prepared the announcement of Spectre together with it just to make Intel sound less worse.

>side channel attacks have existed for a decade or so
NSA was working with them in 1955

>it's not an issue with our product


>Intel getting BTFO with the kernel exploit
>Drops news of second "flaw" it has been saving for this exact moment
>Instead of just them burning now everyone is in the same ship
>Original kernel exploit no longer a big worry

Smart move

Power8 master race

ahh sheeeeeez.

Who are you quoting?

Time to install temple os

CPUfags on suicide watch!

>(including AMD)

Incuck lies.

Intel exec on the investor pacification call

Pajeet openly asked them whether it affects AMD or not and they bluffed for 5 minutes and then outright lied when he followed up

I for one am glad intel dragged amd down with them :)

Daily Reminder that silicon fabrication and production is organised years in advance. Intel's next 2 entire gens will still have this issue.

The CEO bailed. When the pilot is ejecting out of the roof with his briefcase and parachute, you know what's going down.

We're about to see a repeat of Seagates spectacular fall from supremacy to Western Digital circa 2008

Are the glow in the dark CIA niggers behind all this?

>These vulnerabilities affect many CPUs, including those from AMD, ARM, and Intel, as well as the devices and operating systems running them.



LOL GayMD is fucking finished for fucking lieing about this!!!

go away brain

>2) The second, dubbed Spectre, is a design flaw that affects virtually all modern microprocessors (not just Intel, but AMD and ARM) and has NO PATCH.
>dubbed Spectre
As in its a ghost, it doesn't exist, Intel just threw this in to cover their ass.

>as we see it we don't expect any financial impact
>I wouldn't expect any change in acceptance of our products

Yeah, absolutely tons of secondhand server hardware that's insecure for cheap.

Holy fuck you could build server-class home NAS for the price of an NAS today

Oy vey

>until it's fixed.

probably true.
But it actually doesn't evem matter. it's ogre now.

What does this mean for me an average poweruser who only uses his desktop rig a few hours a day for gaming and windows optimizations?

Does that mean the apple chips in the ipads are good to go? Will Apple have an advantage?

CIA niggers are incompetent hacks. You mean NSA niggers.

literally nothing, don't update

Enjoy your nocomputer for the next 5 years. You can't fix this shit, they've been cheating all this time by having this insane flaw that allowed them to stay faster than the competition

This is tearing down the tower and rebuilding from scratch, not a quick remodel

If you connect to the internet you will have your PC host to a Pajeet coinmining operation

nothing. but the porn site you go to and companies that run your online games are about to get assraped.

Oh fuck

And this is why I only use Allwinner CPUs. With the Chinese CPU we are all winners.

crap crap crap.
they've outsmarted us.

Spectre is already getting patched.

What about for laptop users?

This will result in many newcomers competing and innovating while the price lowers and performance soars right?

Cucks will have to downgrade from 4k to 720p vids?

what the fuck? i just read how amd said all 3 variants don't affect them?? who do i trust?

>To take advantage of this vulnerability, an attacker first must be able to run malicious code on the targeted system.

> locally executed
> still can't modify memory

really makes one ponder

you couldn't handle one night and most of a single day of butthurt, could you?

As they said many many MANY times, "average users" won't see any effect locally.

But the websites you use are high-impact and will either become creakingly slow or have to reduce service or quality significantly to cope

THE IMPORTANT part is that the Meltdown fix incurs a huge performance loss, who the fuck cares about this Spectre meme?

It's going to be my very first top of the line gaiming PC. I don't mind waiting for an extra year for some i7 9700k (fixed) and GTX 1180/2080

I hope so


pathetic inshills

Where is the list of Intel CPU's it effects? I see "Modern" but how far back are we talking? Skylake? Devil's Canyon? Sandy Bridge? Core 2 Quad days?

Why doesn't IBM take advantage of this?

>lol they can't change your passwords, just read them

Are you stupid or just retarded?

Intel GPUs have HEVC Main10, VP9 10bit and H.264 hardware decoding up to 8K res from Kaby Lake onwards

Should I run out and buy as many PowerPC as I can?

man if they're lying about AMD... well I wouldn't put it past them

Pentium 2 onwards

Early 90s


> absolutely tons of secondhand server hardware that's insecure for cheap
sell BTC

pentium pro

All x86 since the 90's.

>only uses his desktop rig a few hours a day for gaming
Pick one.

yes. or increased ads or cost to use.
are fucked? we are talking cdn.


What if they just lowered their dividends?

>You can tell they knew about Meltdown all this time

They truly aint shit.

These numbered points didn't come from the Intel conference call, which has just finished, it's from some cunt who writes for the Verge and quotes no source. No indication where the details, let alone the names came from. Chances are the exploits don't even have names adn he's made them up himself, like those cunts who hyped up a minor issue a year or so ago, called it a scary name like badlock and started a viral campaign to raise awareness of it unnecessarily.


They're decent names though.

How do we know PowerPC isn't affected?
It may just be untested due to lack of machines to test on.

They have names, but the names are
>Bounds Check Bypass
>Branch Target Injection
>Rogue Data Load


I love how this is a blatant attempt at damage control on Intel's part.
>oh fuck this security flaw is really an issue
>oh fuck the patch just makes it worse
>what do we do?
>I got it, we make up some bullshit that effects EVERYONE so it can be a team effort to fix everything and not just a failure on our part.


what about Power Processors?

We've been fine for 40 years without this problem, how bad can it be. Plus it only affects the CPU it's just billions of ones and zeroes why would anyone want to hack them?

True, with that chip you already KNOW it has a state-controlled backdoor in it. No need to wonder.

So we will just go back to good ols dedicates servers and shared hosting. It's no the end of the world. Dumb normies would pay all the extra expenses anyway.

I'm sure some burgers believe this.

I'll give you that, spectre is cool. Meltdown is too obvious in a shit made for TV hacker movie kinda way

>The issue is now being called "Meltdown and Spectre" with the bug description up at



I'm glad to see the end of computing. Time to get out my Itanium Server.

The funniest part is how we will be seeing servers being compromised by this shit for decades because no one ever updates until it's too late, just look at the wannacry meme that only affected ancient WinXP systems.


If it takes them 5 years to fix it, they might as well call it a day and go bankrupt. They will work like crazy to fix this ASAP

What the fuck is this I just take a day to enjoy seeing someone still use Windows XP and there's all this shit going on

So effectively if you're using a computer or a smartphone you're buttfucked or what now? Have we come to the point where, maybe by 2025, people will stop using technology or something? I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore...

pic related.
what a wild ride.

Time to dust out my trusty 22mhz computer from 1990

Speculative execution has been a feature of pretty much any architecture worth a shit for decades. The only reason POWER wasn't mentioned is because nobody gives a shit about it.



They're patching, but that will fuck performance.

Replacing the chips they've been using for 20 years and that have been then only thing keeping them ahead of the competition isn't quick or easy

... which he clearly thought weren't dramatic enough. Rogue data load is the only which probably sounds a little menacing to the layman due to the word rogue.

They don't have the capability anymore. They don't make anything. IBM really isn't relevant anymore. They're just "idea"-guys now.

They do have the new Power chips I remember reading about some time ago. Sadly, they've already abandoned the field to Intel, much like AMD did.

Terry was right when he said Intel were CIA niggers trying to shove as much bloat on their silicon as possible.