Gaming (or as I prefer to call it, gaymen) is the ultimate waste of time and technology. It’s a shameful thing...

Gaming (or as I prefer to call it, gaymen) is the ultimate waste of time and technology. It’s a shameful thing, we have complex systems that we could use to create things that have value for the society and mankind as whole, but we have people who prefer to spend time with digital versions of children’s toys. It’s an insult to the capabilities of modern technology and human brain, a selfish act that rejects advancement for some small moment’s pleasure. Say no to gaming, hope that it will fall and become forgotten so that people may use their time for something intellectually worthwhile. Learn to program, learn to create. Be someone who creates new instead of being infantuated with old.

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why not write a wow addon?

Someone give this men a beer.

>Why can't everyone be a big boy like me and spend all their time shitposting on laotian shadow puppet forums?

Screw you OP, I make games

>You can help mankind
Why would I ever want to help those retards?

said he on Sup Forums

I agree and this is why I moved on to anime.

i am a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig boy moomy :D

The same shit can be said for most wastes of time nowadays, we live in a society based around consumption and catering to the plebian masses.

never played Bio Shock 1

Can you program eternal life?
Can you program cure to cancer? AIDS?
Can you program at least a way to transplant a human brain into a fully operating robotic system with a 0% rejection rate?

Fuck computers, keep making games.


how else do i relax after a long day of brogramming and making money using a pc?

this pc is my livelyhood, escape, and lover

Wow some high level of Rick and Morty IQ. This men stand above us.

> Say no to gaming, hope that it will fall and become forgotten so that people may use their time for something intellectually worthwhile. Learn to program, learn to create

Literal retard detected.

All of tech is connected. A lot of the "real world" tech advancements are only possible because they started in the entertainment industries.

Some advancements in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and cryptocurrencies are only possible because of GPU progress which is a consequence of the competition between vendors to make better graphics for games.

Literally all video tech adoption starts with porn. The only reason why you can go to Youtube and learn anything that intellectually stimulates you is because first there were people that wanted to watch bouncing titties on the internet.

Never underestimate the power of entertainment to further technological progress.



I work 50 hours a week and workout ten. If you think you're getting anymore productivity out of me, you're fucking wrong

I hate people like that. My college CS department is full of them. Got full rides bacause they are minorities. I work my butt off to maintain a 3.5+ gpa and get an academic scholarship and it only covers a fraction of the cost. But because I'm a straight white male and I don't live in a slum I have to actually work to get through college (though the further I get in the curriculum the less helpful/useful any of this shit seems to be). I hate these moron that get a free ride and spout off things like "it doesn't matter if physics say it's impossible, you just need to believe it and it will be possible, after all phones were once thought to be impossible" but making a phone and violating the laws of thermodynamics to create a free energy machine are slightly different in scope! And while they are going on about free energy you wind up finishing whatever project you were actually ass because they are utterly USELESS and they don't even understand the basics. Like what a loop is! We are juniors and these people still struggle with comprehending loops and conditions! They have no concept of how arrays actually work at a memory level, they just know that they store elements in a numbered list! No concept of linear read/write or cacheing or misses. If the compiler says it's valid it must be, right? KMN!

>childrens toys

ah yes please let my child play Dead or Alive: Extra Explicit Boobage Beach Adult Edition just like any other toy marketed to children in stores

How do those minorities get full rides? Help a brotha out

I am unironically in CS because I want to eventually work on AI. Should I neck myself?

step 1: be a nigger
step 2: fill out and submit your university financial aid form

Literally this. My school even goes so far as to fund plane tickets and campaigning for the school in third world countries and urban slums.

Oh, I forgot. You can also be a woman. They get the same treatment.

Game programmers create software and write about how to implement all kinds of useful algorithms very efficiently. Many will publish their work for others to see or use. These can be adapted and incorporated into other programming projects, which is a benefit to all development.

Plus, some games have real world benefits:

>op end writting and go play dota or lel

I'll play video games as much as I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Faggot.

>implying anime isn't consumerist trash

Vidya is part of the reason why consumer hardware is actually good

I’ll take the bait.

Gaming is a waste of time to YOU. Nobody else gives a shit what you want, and you don’t know what’s best for other people.

Thankfully, the free market shits on your utopianism. People value gaming, so people make games and hardware to play games. Thanks to the intense demand for games and power to play them, we’ve seen incredible jumps in hardware power, throughput, efficiency, and architecture, and all sorts of crazy algorithms with many applications discovered in the pursuit of realistic real-time graphics and real-time simulation.

Without gaming, computing is a boring field that advances very slowly. Go fuck yourself you technocratic dipshit.

>no time for gaymin, gotta rice my arch desktop

Aw is the linux user feeling a bit butthurt tonight? Maybe you'll have some games next decade. Year of the linux desktop can't be too far off, right?

I've had some thoughts about
>Can you program at least a way to transplant a human brain into a fully operating robotic system with a 0% rejection rate?
Scientist can already pretty much collect raw data out of a human brain and they probably already know of some ways to alter the workings of it. Had retards not banned human/primate experimentation, we would've probably been a lot closer to transcending our human bodies.

>stop liking what I don't like

>It’s an insult to the human brain
Playing is one of the basics of human existence. It allows you to train your brain for hypothetical situations, and vidya games are a non-zero contribution to this. There's such a thing as going to far, of course, but "no vidya" wouldn't be a desirable situation.

Why there are no open-source Sup Forums-certified interesting gemus?


>gaymen is a waste of time
>friend has accumulated over 20 grand in 2 years from being a profuckingfessional COD player
OP doesn't understand economy; probably a communist

>what is nethack


>dissing anime on a website founded on anime

>we could use to create things that have value for the society and mankind as whole,
You better believe in ghost stories, because you are in one.

Agreed, gaming is trash and is time wasted that could be used on honing a constructive skill / hobby. It's only really any fun on the occasion you're hanging out with friends or something. Otherwise it's always time I regret investing.

If I need a break and don't want to work on anything I'll just exercise or take a walk innawoods. I sold my gaming PC and PS4 and I've never been happier, having been glued to a screen my whole life.

For you

>be me
>spend unhealthy, long hours playing vidya
>get fat
>goes outside for a breathe of fresh air and exercise
>get shot

Yeah because you wasting time on eskimo igloo building board is patrician use of time. Sage

>give up video games
>learn to program
>end up making video games

sorry you live in mogadishu

So were you, don't see your parents complaining

I mostly agree with OP. I recently cut vidya out of my life. Mostly because it's majorly non-free, but also because of it being a huge distraction and timesink. I do think games taught me a lot up to this point, but also that they stunted my growth and ruined my attention span. I desperately wish to program, but I keep running into problems. I can barely read books anymore. I get distracted, my comprehension is lacking, etc. I recommend anyone reading this cuts down on vidya and things like Twitter. I'm not an expert, but I think they're part of the problem.

In the future, I hope we get more free software games, educational or otherwise. I don't want my kids to be bored to death, or worse, subjected to non-free software.

What if I create video games? Kek.

Who here only plays /historical autism simulators/?

Scourge of War: Waterloo on Historical mode, full autism. Accurate Order of Battle and all orders must be sent by courier.

It's like I AM the Duke of Wellington. Tell me that isn't intellectually stimulating motherfucker.

Gaming means capitalism tech development anyone understands that
Just look at the speed it took since sony ps, thats why Gates got on board too

And it keeps the lesser people with boring lives away from suicide depresión or stress so capitalism can go on

Weebs are worse than gamerfags.

Yes but now it's gone beyong lame anime to better things.

>t. History doesn't matter to me because I'm a faggot
I don't even watch anime anymore but seriously fuck off

Get a job and you'll see you will need some time to unwind and fuck society why would I contribute to such a shitshow

>no doent pley games u shud be makin stuff !!!

What the fuck is this autistic ramble I just read. Where the fuck is the logic? Do you even know anything about tech or what's currently happening and being developed in the world, or do you think all the computing power in the world is devoted to video games or something? Neck yourself you fucking retard.

Gaming is shit tbf it is all just cod 2 with different graphixxx and occasionally elves instead of soldiers


They're a leisure activity like anything else, and you're not any more sophisticated for hating relaxation or hobbies. Video games aren't any more or less a waste of time than other forms of entertainment so I suppose music, film and literature are also wastes of time to you. Hopefully your only passion in life is working and making things, because by your logic that's the only thing worthwhile.

underage gamer and a frogposter, Sad

You would still be using salt lamps in your living room without knowing what a television is if it weren’t for vices (games) and war. Fucking retard

t.neet gamer


Can you even present an argument, fedora man? Gaming is technically a “waste of time.” By that logic, however, So is literally every other activity anyone has ever done because it doesn’t produce 100% efficiency of advancing human knowledge and technology and whatever the fuck else unrealistic expectations of regular working class people you have. Get a grip. 2/10 made me reply TWICE

how can you call other people fedoras when you’re a grown man playing video games LOL

How do you fall for shit bait man haha. Relax and go play some overwatch.

You should have produced something beyond what a brainlet like Elon Musk has if you spend every single waking moment being completely and efficiently productive. Go ahead and show me. I don’t play video games, but I don’t pretend to be above those who do. Come on, I’ll wait

Only brainlets play video games so I really have nothing to prove. Not playing video games automatically makes me above any “gamer”

He says as he posts on a mongolian basket weaving imageboard


You can't spend 100 percent of your time being productive, you'll burn out. Give yourself a break sometimes. Anyways games build hand eye coordination and promote Robles solving and strategy.

I actually think one of the reasons I became so successful was nes games were you have to restart a level for every time you don't do some thing perfect. It imbued the lesson that success takes a ton a patience and the willingness to carefully redo things trying different strategies.

Problem solving*

kill yourself

Well said

why do all gamers write the same nonsense, you're still a loser on Sup Forums

Sounds like America, though.

Does the idea of writing a program to offer up ADs with a click rate marginally higher than what you get with random ADs sound sexy as fuck to you? Does a robot that takes over 5 minutes fold a shirt sound amazing?

Without games, there would be far, far less advanced processing it's absurd to think about. We'd still be cranking out Zilogs and 80386's.

>This sentiment repeated ad nauseum by stiffs who have nothing in their life beyond their job and browsing Sup Forums
Such juicy irony here

Anime is as good of a time waster as gaming. Say no to that as well.

Working in AI applied in industrial manufacturing right now. Maybe I got lucky, but I like my job and the pay isn't half bad for where I live... I say go for it

Disclaimer: My degree is in Computer Engineering (something like CS+EE) and I'm currently in grad school for a master's

Why are you trying to to tell other what to do with their time and money?

>multi billion $ operation shuts down
>apply this logic to other things such as sports and entertainment TV
>mass unemployment
>having fun is banned from society
10/10 OP

But i don't want to become a useful member of society


you fail to forget one thing desu the only reason we exist is to reproduce so anything other than reproducing is just a way of wasting time until we die so anything you decide to do with your life is irrelevant and pointless unless it's having children

The meaning of life is literally hedonism.

If you aren't feeling good, you're losing.

Obsession with "worth" to society is meaningless, do what makes you feel good.

That's why based China will save the day.

I've got interested in computers because of games, and then I've learned actual programming, methodology, algorythmical thinking and stuff. And now I'm working on VR earning much more than my coworkers with same professional experience.

Where is your god now?

le upboat

>being ero/gore means it's for grown people

this goes a lot into morals and whatnot but it's not really all that wise/appropriate to give exclusive patreon scat vore gore horror porn horse cock game to a 6 year old

Not only they'll likely be traumatised but also they just won't get it and be able to appreciate it at all

everything has its time user

Gaming can be creative. According to your logic, people should be machines and only aim to be 'useful'.

>20 grand in 2 years from being a profuckingfessional COD player
That's pocket money compared to the equivalent time invested in a real job, not to mention playing COD is not a transferable skill set. Also most people lose money to games.

I hate programming, it's boring and doesent work

I can't create anything

And yet gaming was about the only thing moving GPU technology forward for about two decades, before it has grown enough that it became useful for other applications. Like simulating physics or training neural networks. Without it, we probably would have reached that point too, but GPUs would be a lo worse.
The path to progress isn't a straight line. And even if it was, what is progress worth if it doesn't make human life better in some way, such as entertaining them?
And that all disregarding the fact that games don't have to be just useless fun either, even if most are, quite deliberately.