how can men compete
She's done it again boys
What's the square root of a Nobel Prize?
>needs to write 2^2=4 down
(nobel prize)^(1/2)
Very basic ideas, but she really are learning!!!
>being this mad that a bimbo is making people excited about programming
>truth tables
>decimalbinary conversions
wow shes a genius. We need people like her to design the next generation of cpu.
Please join my start-up.
>learning to code requires knowing binary conversions, and gates, and the first 3 powers of 2
>bell labs 1949
>nobel prize 1956
>boolean logic
>decimal to binary table up to 16
>combinatorial circuits
>deep diving
S-Stop bullying her...
yay first year comp sci introduction class in one picture, good for her.
>basic truth tables
>simple binary conversion
>diving deep into how microprocessors work
How do people fall for this shit?
Electricity might as well be fairy dust to most people.
Is she even pretty?
>that much space left between 2^3 and 2^4
>just in case she needed more room to calculate it
We call it logic design at my school. Intro to programming is a c++ class. You need both to take any of the other classes.
i heard amd already has a head engineer position lined up for her
the fuck is this?
well she's stupid, no denying that. As someone that graduated from Wellesley I can say she's not a good example of a competent female programmer
Looks like two female ends connected by wire. Most serial communication only uses 3 pins.
Umm no, sweety. AMD is icky and their processors are made of glue. She's going to work at Intel :)
That's not fair dude. Intel could really use a brilliant mind like her right now. "Bell labs 1949" might be the key to solvinf their security problems.
This is certainly more than I expected of a marketing puppet. I don't understand why people are upset. It comes across as insecurity in your own ability. Care to explain?
When explaining binary to beginners this is actually useful. You shouldn't judge a lecturer by the content they teach in this way. Reflects very poorly on you.
No, this may be coding with Klossy but they're learning to program. This is absolutely relevant.
I love how she's one of the highest payed models in the world and dating one of the Kushners and still finds time to shoah people into thinking she knows anything about programming
No, its because thats where she started with 3 and 4 binary digits respectively.
Good for her for doing something that she likes, but her trying to get wymyn into this like guys naturally do is sort of shortsighted. Sure, some chicks genuinely will enjoy and be good at it and they'll be meant to do it - but most really won't, especially when they hit that nice round number of 30 and they suddenly want to settle down and crap out a kid. Karlie, however, doesn't need to do this as a job. I can't help but to look at it like it's just more extreme version of some cute chick on Facebook (you know the type) who will put up a pic of herself with a Star Wars t-shirt on with the caption of "LOL what a nerd xD" because it's the new way to attempt to convey that you've got some kind of personality that isn't exactly what we all know it is. As for Karlie, she's a literal model. She hangs out with Taylor Swift, gets eyefucked as she struts on a catwalk and has more money that 99.99999% of people she's ever talked to. Unlike the 99.99999% of girls she's presenting this to, when she hits that wall it will be padded, safe and in a mansion.
And I realize how bitter that all may come across but it's not meant to be that way; it's just simply how I perceive it without putting (too much) emotion into it.
>an electric circuit with 2 switches and a led
>10->2 conversion
>boolean tables
>le ebin transistor
>how and AND gate should work
Can someone tell me what the fuck this "under the hood of microprocessors" has anything to do with coding?
when i studied this shit they were considered separate things and if you where interested in one you could even choose a different class where you had more hours for that subject did something change in the last years?
>Care to explain?
This is shit you learn in the first two weeks of a computer science programming. I wouldn't even say the first semester. The first TWO weeks. She isn't diving deep under the hood of microprocessors anymore then learning to change windshield wiper fluid is teaching you in depth knowledge about car engines. You'd have to know even less about computers then she does to impressed by this shit. If she didn't already know this extremely basic shit then there is no way she knows how to computer program.
3 bytes is 2^2 and 4 bytes is 2^3 though
>3 bytes is 2^2 and 4 bytes is 2^3 though
no, retard
>Good for her for doing something that she likes
>I can't help but to look at it like it's just more extreme version of [pretending to be someone you're not]
Do you not see how having a hobby doesn't coexist with the idea of 'pretending'. She doesn't present something that's way out of what I'd expect her to know. She's not like one of those 'prodigy kids' that get 95% of work done by their parents and then present a paper on string theory. To me it just looks like a hobby programmer who's interested in programming. Not even one of those pretend-programmers who are interested in results above all else.
The ones that accept their IOT device rebooting every 10 minutes for some trivial bug because they have a watchdog and they'd rather have it do that than bother solving a basic problem. No passion.
>when she hits that wall
Are you implying software is a terrible career? There's certainly worse.
>4 bytes
>2^3 + 2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0
>he thinks bits and bytes are the same thing
fucking retard
There's no LED on that picture you dumb fuck
i just woke up, you knew what i meant
go ahead and make 2^4 out of 4 bits for me
I'm saying that a lot of the people (girls) aren't going to do this as a hobby - for a lot it's looked at as a career - one that most will not want to do longterm whether it's realized in the short term or not.
>Are you implying software is a terrible career?
>diode in the circuit
youre the dumb fuck user
2^4 = 16 = 16 states on 4 bits QED
> I'm a consunsummerist tech user and I can't into EE
Fuck off Pajeet
>just woke up
{damage control intensifies}
i never said you couldn't make it out of 4 bits, I just said your post saying "3 bytes is 2^2 and 4 bytes is 2^3 though" was wrong, which it was, retard.
Ok, still not a LED
>She isn't diving deep under the hood of microprocessors
Yeah I guess it's deceptive in that sense but I'm not sure she put the label on there. She's learning from somewhere. I doubt it's MIT opencourseware or anything like that. Can we really blame her if she's mislead? Also she's speaking to an audience that's probably used to sensationalism. I think this is just the way they're used to communicate.
>You'd have to know even less about computers then she does to impressed by this shit.
Naturally. That's the way being impressed works. I'm not impressed by her ability in case that was in question. I'm impressed that someone who chose her career does what she does. I have my prejudices.
I should know better given I know models who have been modeling since they were kids and they're alright people. But still. I've considered them separate.
>If she didn't already know this extremely basic shit then there is no way she knows how to computer program.
It's not necessary to write computer programs at all. That's just the approach most CS programs take.
Use a bit of immagination
Frankly the fact that her symbol with no recognizable purpose is coupled to the gates and a truth table that says the result is "light" should be enough for anyone. You don't have to read the symbol.
Agree, but it really triggers me when people draw completely shitty schematics.
Also, no ground, but I guess it's completely irrelevant given the context
>"LOL what a nerd xD"
>It's not necessary to write computer programs at all. That's just the approach most CS programs take.
You cannot write a computer program without understanding boolean logic. The only thing you don't need to know is binary. &&, !, ||, are part of most standard languages.
>Can we really blame her if she's mislead?
Yes we can. She's either being dishonest or incredible ignorant. Neither case would be worthy of praise. I'm not going to fawn over a model trying to affect a field she doesn't understand with a goal that I don't support.
I mean it's cool if you want to learn as a hobby but for the love of God don't go around teaching and ruining student's learning paths just because you want to be "le quirky and so random computer wizard XD" in instagram while giving unrelated/misleading teachings about the subject
my ex gf who thinks she's a genius for learning how to use basic VBA on excel just liked this pic hahahah
ill give you a nibble
>Logic gates
literal grade 10 education