What this thing is only good for:

What this thing is only good for:
>sick illegal shit
Prove me wrong

Government censorships in countries like chian and the middle east

This thread, again.

It was a decent method of getting RFRA items.


I always use it at work or on public WLAN. This way I'm sure no one is tracking me.

I run a hidden service on my home server to have a static address to ssh into.

I only use it as a proxy.

You complain about it but what are the alternatives anyway?

why someone will follow you??!!!

So what's your favourite flavour of Monster?

mysterious man

I once used it for faking votes in a minecraft server list. People like me are in constant damger of being busted, we need services like tor to grant us anonymity.

The future of our democratic systems depends on this votes, so don't complain and be grateful that heros like myself fight and die for you every day.

this is fucking bottnetted

pedoshit gb2/a/

What this thing is only good for:

Being a honeypot. Have fun having your name on a list.

Any good links?

Overthrowing ayatollahs.

>What this thing is only good for
To get arrested. It's a honeypot.

I use it to read news.

Tor is just one huge honeypot. The sick shit is on Freenet.

Which is also a honeypot.

Sup Forumsinternet

Don't forget trolling on trash forums like Topix. Or at least it used to if it doesn't now.

True. Every single Tor user is a pedo, a conspiracy theorist, drug dealer, money loundrer or a criminal group ffiliate.
Don't worry, we are watching all of them.