

Other urls found in this thread:'s_EFI_Install_Guide/Disabling_the_Intel_Management_Engine

>About 60% of Intel Israel's employees are engaged in cutting-edge R&D, while half support high-volume manufacturing of microprocessors that power the world's computing devices.

i dont get it, what were (((they))) up to now? some memory security issue with one of their computer chips? hows that a big deal? I mean yeah it kinda sucks but...

I'd bet they've been aware since the CIA told them not to fix it or create the bug.

yeah so what is the SEC going to do, fine him 10k? oh no

For being the most JUST company of 2017? I don't think so. They are nominated again for 2018.

>some memory security issue with one of their computer chips? hows that a big deal?

Isn't that some kind of fraud?

Their stock is down 2%. I don't see the big deal.

So jewish he even jewed his own company

That makes him smart. There's nothing prohibiting you from launching your own chip company to compete.

>spends more than $12 billion on R&D
>yea he can make his own chip
Absolute state of /g

why would they tell us now about this? wed be better off if nobody knew about it. And why did it take them so long to tell us?

I don't know where the f*ck you think you are, but bigotry isn't allowed in this subreddit - especially bigotry against G*d's Chosen People.

That makes him a criminal, he had access to privileged information. What he did was insider trading.

No one was supposed to know until the patch went live but stuff got leaked and people started digging and more was found.

*all of their computer chips

Except when everyone has been exposed to a critical flaw of which he knew about, that can be used to steal data.

I'm sure the intelligence agencies will be happy about that.

They keep a stable of the zero days. This vulnerability has probably been used for years now.

it's pretty much insider trading which is illegal

so let them release the patch and everything is fine

why is everyone shitting their pants over this

the patch reduces the performance of INTEL chips by 30%. so.... intel chips cant compete anymore. Its over

Because the only way to fix it is by literally disabling the vulnerable function of the CPU, with huge performance losses.

Even if they're gimped by 30%, they're still faster and less of a fire hazard than AMD.

$0.1 have been deposited to your account.

ohh i finally get it now

Ahh yes, this patch will surely be applied to every intel CPU by the end of the week, world wide. Nothing to worry about guys. Pay no attention to intel's shitty design that allows JS in a webpage to read your kernel level memory.

Keep the shekels, you need it for your fire insurance premiums.

So this is insider trading then right? Like it is impossible not to be, this is outrageous if this cunt doesn't lose millions for something he was pretty much responsible for as a CEO.

>using inside information to sell stock before that information can affect the stock price
>makes him smart
Not if he wants to stay out of jail.

meant to reply to

i think you mean $0.07, Intel is now paying their shills 30% less

What's "federal prison time" in x86 assembly?

Sup Forums is just a bunch of commie stallman disciples who probably supported bernie. they need big gubment to regulate everything into oblivion because they cant compete in the pure meritocracy trump is establishing.

movp $BrianKrzanich, (%Jail)


In a jew ship, the Capitan is the first to save himself.

>except Intel Atom before 2013

BRB dusting my netbook

If the Atom took any performance hit at all, it'd probably fail to boot fucking Bios.

>implying we have a free market while the fed exists
kys goy

He can literally say his intentions were for a new house or something like that, he'd be off the hook

In an absolute meritocracy somebody with more mercs would eliminate those of lesser merit.
P.S, your dumb goddess was a welfare leech.

It could honestly be legal insider trading, since he's the ceo and it was his own stock. You can do that whenever you want.

c h e ck e d


Stallman was right again.


You mean "Chinese Intelligence in America"? This guy's head is going to roll.

did their stock really hit $2 ?



You can turn off Management Engine in Sandy Bridge.
I know I did in mine, there's an exploit where you can access it and overwrite it by flashing. So essentially, you can't technically "turn it off" but you can dummy it out completely.'s_EFI_Install_Guide/Disabling_the_Intel_Management_Engine

me_cleaner leaves BUP untouched. BUP is needed for bootup. Latest ME exploits affect the BUP portion itself.

So we're still fucked.

Sup Forums should start calling the lawyers

>pajeet learned a new english word
top tech "journalism"

t. Intel shill

>some memory security issue with one of their computer chips?
>with one of their computer chips
>one chip
Try every single chip they have made in the lst 10 years?
It leaks access to protected memory for fucking everything, it even breaches virtual machines.
The only "fix" fucks your cpus performance so hard it runs with only half of its previous strength.

20+ years




not enough jews on this board to file a Sup Forums only class action lawsuit

>it's a Sup Forums tries to get an innocent man incarcerated episode

the fuck should i do with my potato pc now?

>an innocent man