>be using old 2011 macbook
>trusty buddy for years but getting a little slow in his old age
>meltdown bug
>tfw he's basically dead now
Be using old 2011 macbook
>buying intel and apple products when you're so poor you dont upgrade your device for 6 years
stick to your chink/pajeet brands, sweetie
Found your problem.
I like being able to upgrade it.
>two+ button mouse
>stick to your chink/pajeet brands
Really made me think.
designed in cupertino, my poorfriend
An iToddler has defended his chinktrash.
Its already been patched since December. No negligible impact since MacBooks have PCID.
Did mavericks get the patch?
>apple product
I'm on Yosemite on my trusty MBP Mid2012, am i fugd?
>No negligible impact since Macbooks are already a joke and throttle so hard they're only using 10% of the CPU.
everyone since Haswell has PCID.
There is a negligible impact.
fuck me this has got me thinking.
i recently install ubuntu on my old macbook from 2008. would i need to have the fix applied from my old mac os or can ubuntu do it?
I upgraded ram and removed disk drive and put in a ssd.
Found your problem.
why doesn't he buy one of those external cooler stands
wait, why did he buy a mac for intensive tasks to begin with?
I'm not defending Apple's obvious failures, but I agree—why the fuck would you render on a notebook at home? If you do 3D buy a PC, period.
>wait, why did he buy a mac
that's our Planned ObsolEssences® line. guess The Free Market™ will be there to fulfil that HumanNeed© for you.
Sierra 10.12.6 is pretty good and stable for me.
>trusty buddy for years
feels :(