What does Sup Forums think of Overchan?
What does Sup Forums think of Overchan?
It's on F-Droid, I use it right now and I pretty much like it.
Comfy, i use it.
It's nice but I settled with Dashchan.
used it all the time, but since my dorm switched to ipv6 it got really slow and times out often
Clover is comfier.
I like Dashchan's features but Clover has the best UI and usability. So I stick with Clover.
Again, no real catalog view no install faggot
No grid view sucks,
It sucks.
Phoneposters should be banned though.
fortune just werks
Switched over to Chan Burauza, never cared for Clover either.
Dashchan a best.
Mimi the best
Enjoy your botnet.
abandoned and Dashchan is better
since Sup Forums has mobile support, i's pointless
I only use it for the rare occasion where I want to browse other image boards, otherwise I use clover for Sup Forums.
Where? What do you use to browse Sup Forums?
By far the best and I tried everything over many years, using it right now. Too bad it's dead, no update in 1.5 years, 8 c h captchas not working, no flags and so on
brave mobile
normiepleb detected
Better controls, layout, shortcuts, looks, downloading, fucking everything. Speed alone is worth it
Sounds like a browser, why would you use something that isn't optimised for Sup Forums?
Yup, this
Overscan is pretty much not needed anymore with lcd displays
Clover is better