Whats your favorite technology

whats your favorite technology



computer doesnt make tasty toast


porbably like a car or something

omg maki...



maki def


Has graphics technology gone anywhere, besides just muh polygons and shit?
Aren't there tons of cool tech from 5th/6th gen that isn't used because of laziness and lack of creativity?
Why aren't there more games with late 90s to mid 2000s graphics but do cool things with it?


post maki

Android gfs and it's real and I have one

That sure is a weird way to spell Umi.

umm ugly?


Nothing that requires electric power.

Mechanical watches are cool.

based marie poster

Marie roses 13 year old butt

umm shes "18"

anime girls who always have a clean asshole

there is anime girls who doesn't?

cartoon mares


Maybe. We need to examine all of them to be sure.



post her in high heels


microwave desu
cooks 90% of my food

illya > shit > linux > maki


toastoar doesnt show porn unless you have one of those custom burn-a-bitmap models.

> sell kidneys, lungs and left eye to buy android gf
> can not delete installed apps
> no native file browser
> have to purchase one and they're all shitty
> she stops sucking your dick regularly to recommend health insurance companies and power companies
> you ask her for a hug, she loads the hug module and it runs all night and in the morning her batteries are flat

>> you ask her for a hug, she loads the hug module and it runs all night and in the morning her batteries are flat

tfw will never be trapped hugging my anime gf into i starve to death
i bet itd start to be good again after you become delirious