If wifi waves is just light, how does wifi work through walls?

If wifi waves is just light, how does wifi work through walls?

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It's such a high frequency that it literally passes through walls and shit.

Weird, right?

I meant low frequency

it is magnets

A brick wall is not a wall of impenetrable matter. The waves have a density and the pores of the bricks another.

>yfw you realise light waves, radio waves, gamma rays etc are actually all the same thing at different frequencies
Welcome to EMR. Man, I remember my first physics class too. Way, way back..

What about sound waves how do they carry the sound?

Yeah OP are you in middle school or something
Welcome to the 21st century we missed you

The larger the wave length is the easier it is for a wave to pass through obstacles but the lover travel distance is. Light has incredibly low wave length, therefore it travels really far but has troubles passing through objects.

"light" is an EMF wave you can see because it is around a certain wavelength. so no wifi is not really light because the frequency is much higher.

That's vibrations, a different thing entirely. Actually similar to water ripples.

sound is a mechanical wave in a medium, like air or water.

electromagnetic waves dont require that

Sound is a vibration which makes things knock into each other and carry the energy of the wave
This can travel through solids or liquid or gas, just not through space which is in a way the opposite of light

And LEDs are literally antennas emitting waves on the frequency of light.

Walls are transparent to Wi-Fi

So how does the router generate these waves? Electricity that's it?

They both can travel far, what the hell are you talking about?

wifi works at 2.4GHz (and 5GHz)
Visible light starts at 460THz.
Wifi oscilates at 0.00000565217% the speed of visible light.

Not him, but a wifi antenna/router is generating a form of electro-magnetic radiantion (emr) at set frequencies. And that's wifi for you.
It's the same concept as a fucking light bulb, but a different frequency and process to create different wavelengths.

Fun stuff. If you think generating radio waves or light waves is impressive, think about X-Rays....don't even think about an MRI machine just yet

yes but the antennas are really really small, like electron small

How does it know which color to emit?

Imagine a ball instead of light.
Light you see is ~300 nm iirc.
So a ball 300 nm thick wont break through much.
Radio waves are like 100 m or something.
A ball that big would easily break through a wall.

You've got it wrong my familan.

Light is just electromagnetic waves, how come we can see it?

Pfff how come I can't connect to my homenetwork from a plane huh.
Check and mate

photons aren't waves, but travel in wave formation

You know how glass is transparent to visible light? Well the materials most commonly used in construction tend to be transparent to the frequencies we chose for the WiFi standards.

Matter is empty, the light go through the wall.

Like when you put water on a glass, the water is passing through.

>using wifi

>And LEDs are literally antennas emitting waves on the frequency of light.
Nibba so are our eyes but our eyes only collect data

people on this thread falling for the wifi meme or they have such slow internet that it doesn't make a difference for them

Sound waves are longitudinal waves, so they oscillate in the same direction as they travel. This happens to lend itself well to physical mediums where oscillating through compressions and rarefactions basically means squashing matter in front which then 'springs' forward through expansion, and then squashing what is further ahead.

Light, wifi, and all other em waves on the spectrum are transverse waves which oscillate perpendicular to their direction of travel. They do not require matter to travel through because they are electromagnetic and long story short, electrical and magnetic charges interact in a way which forces the forward movement em waves possess.
Read about Faraday's law, Fleming's rules and fundamentally Maxwell's equations, but it gets fucking long.

Different materials emit slightly different frequencies so you get different colours. Red is often made from GaAsP for example.

This. It's called wave particle duality where behaviour is determined by what is more convenient or 'certain'.

Distance is determined by energy. Ability to pass through objects is indeed linked to wavelength and material density. Not perfectly straight forward though.

Visible light passes through walls too retard

Your so smart, meybe even to intellegent for this site, I learned alot thanks,

Can I teach my eyes WIFI to look at naked women through walls?

> a mercedes benz is a car
> a ford fiesta is a car
> my ford fiesta is a mercedes benz

can't tell if you came over here from /sci/ or /x/

funfact: if you have sound waves in a crystal they resemble photons and can be modeled with similar equations, the vibration quasiparticle is called phonon

It isn't light, it's radio frequency. Light is actually also radio frequency, which is weirder.

itt: nu-Sup Forums trying to /sci/

Have you ever used a phone

Where does the electromagnetic field come from though?

You know xray? Well, radiation comes as you should have learned in school in 3 variants: alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Gamma radiation is also "just light but with a different (higher) frequency". As you probably would have guessed you would not been save in Tschernobyl if you stand just behind a wall that separates you from the reactor. Obviously your wifi is not dangerous(lower frequency) and is using far less energy so it's mostly gone after a few walls. Sadly a few walls aren't enough to stop the gamma radiation of a nuclear reactor.

Do ocean waves transmit data

Yes, if you think about it.

Light works through walls too, walls and the like just filter out the bright frequencies of it

>gamma rays can penetrate walls
>radio waves can penetrate walls
>regular light can't

Wait so my eye is an antenna picking up high frequency radio signals? Or every antenna pixel in my eye is an antenna?

Both have either too much or too little energy to be absorbed by the wall, therefore they pass through as if nothing was there (not exactly, they slow down a bit)

>everything is made of atoms
>just rearranged differently


How do the walls know which light to stop?

Op there is a thread on this noard only for these questions
Like... is bandwidth a kind of sandwich?

Your eyes aren't even real nigga

you're stuck in the mindset that electrons/radio waves/light is solid, its not, its a wave particle combination that can go through pretty much anything unless too much of the frequency matches the object its passing through and looses power, being absorbed. gamma/xray go through because they are high freq where lower frequencies will continuously bounce off of brick particles/metal/water in the air etc

tl:dr; fucking magnets, how do they work?

also, light -does- go through walls, but thats getting a bit pedantic

Different materials are transparent in some ranges, opaque in others.
For example, (if I'm not mistaken), UV light can't pass through glass; hence, to UV light, a window might as well be a brick wall.
I'd therefore say that walls are partially transparent to Wi-Fi signals.
Or to be less retarded, the transmission rate of Wi-Fi signals through walls is greater than that of visible light through walls.

I love these kind of thread were people explain basic physics because Im a literal brainlet
Can someone explain how modulation works? I tried building a radio for a project in highschool and failed horribly, I guess modems work in a similar way

Why are trees blue

>men are made from atoms
>women are made from atoms

Does that mean it's gay to fuck a woman?

>wifi waves is just light


This is a weirdly informative thread. I'm kind of impressed.

Materials have different transparencies at different wavelengths. It's like if you have a red light bandpass filter then that filter is going to be more transparent at the wavelengths associated with red.

Other EM waves behave the same way. You can have stuff that is transparent to UV or IR. Most windows are transparent to RF and visible light while they are pretty opaque at UV. This makes you tan a lot slower with your car windows up. Your wall is the same way. At a given wavelength is will allow a certain percentage of energy through. It will reflect some of it and it will absorb some of it and turn it in to heat.

Then what is love?

What would the world look like if we could see them all? Particularly Infrared and UV.

Material density.

Why are gamma rays dangerous? The frequencies are so high that they fuck shit up?



Travelling air pressure differentials.

>where does photons come from
they just are

They pass through things like rock wood and flesh.
Ever wondered how light works through windows?

Somewhat. The energies are high enough to match with the energies of chemical bonds, and thereby break them. Gamma rays are basically anything high to infinite, and when you get much higher than that you start hitting loads of energies of lots of physical things.

>why is it dangerous to transfer large amounts of energy to complex cellular machinery with an imperfect repair mechanism
>why is cancer dangerous
>why is cell death dangerous
do you retards even think about the questions you ask before you ask them

He meant why don't they pass through like lower energy light waves.
Doesn't matter how much energy it has if it just goes right through, right?

>Doesn't matter how much energy it has if it just goes right through, right?
no it does matter how much energy it has if it goes right through because some of that is going to be absorbed. that's why gamma radiation is the most dangerous: it will go through anything. alpha radiation is blocked (read: absorbed) by paper, beta radiation by 7cm of lead or something. gamma radiation will go through everything, and when it goes through ur body it damages things the same way putting a butane torch on a piece of wood damages it.


Pretty much. Every time you double frequency the energy carried by a photon doubles. If the energy of a photon is high enough then it has the ability to break chemical bonds. When the chemical bond it breaks is something important like one in your DNA then bad things happen.

For the same power levels a lower frequency is going to have more photons but more of them. Gamma waves pack that same power level in to fewer photons. When the photon strikes a molecule the only variables are from which direction, position, and the energy of the photon.

Smaller wavelengths also pass through narrow openings easier. At gamma ray wavelengths the space between atoms is enough. This is why x-ray and above shielding is lead. It's like fog but for gamma rays. Put enough fog between you and a flashlight and you won't be able to see it.

Look in to parrot vision. They can see UV. Parrots have patterns in their feathers that can only be seen with UV. They select mates partly through how something looks when you can see UV.

How can waves carry data?

are u literally retarded

When it comes to physics, yes

Data is coded in ones and zeros. Waves are described by how often they pass (frequency) and how big they are (amplitude). By changing the frequency or amplitude between two states, you can encode information.

It’s rather more complicated than that, but that’s the basic idea.

wave goes up
wave goes down
wave goes up
wave goes down
up = 1
down = 0

I had no idea there are so many actual brainlets on Sup Forums.

wifi contains x-rays.

I was expecting the more complicated answer but thats fine too
I have more retarded questions like why mobos have capacitors when the PSU provides the computer with only DC current

You think thats fucky op look up electron tunneling for a real mindfuck

you're so close. read about fm and am. data is transcoded into changes in amplitude or frequency. it's very cool

Jesus. Is that router an actual thing?

Was just about to say this

It's more like one wave is 0 and three quick waves are a 1

how does light go through thin objects like paper or glass


>data has to be discrete
>data has to be base 2

what's a computer/10

am= amplitude modulation
fm= frequency modulation
scuba=self contained breathing apparatus.

NO! waves go up and down, so you always get 010101010101010101010101010101? That's bullshit

the guy didn't understand how data could be encoded in waves at all. i assumed he is at least familiar with binary strings representing "data," and the most basic explanation of how they carry data is that the cyclic nature of waves can be easily mapped to 1 and 0. how those mappings are made with modulation seemed too complex for someone that literally had no understanding of the basics.
if you want different strings of 1s and 0s you have to modulate (read: change) different parts of the wave. there are two ways to do this, amplitude and frequency.

Nigger, I’m not going to even try to teach signal processing, analog or digital, to some retard in one post.

what are you even asking

Why don't we just channel our data through light instead of wifi? Literally free connection for everyone as long as the sun is shining.

this is the basis for a lot of science fiction, that computer processing in the future is somehow able to use light based transistors / bits. do u even read bruh

Underrated post

How would we use the internet when the sun goes down tho


Not really. The high energy (frequency) stuff passes through the walls. The low energy stuff diffracts *around* the walls due to its long wavelength