/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General

Infosec questions: building an obsessive need to find your own answers could be a key for more than one chain.

All are welcome here; the world is fucked and we are all in this together.

Cypherpunk Manifesto:
Cyberpunk FAQ:
>ftp://guest:[email protected]:21212/Books/Cyberpunk/Alt_Cyberpunk_FAQ_V5_preview12.htm
Hacker Manifesto:
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Fables, realities, prophecies and mythology of a community:
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Cybersecurity essentials/resources:
Reference books:
>PASSWORD : ABD52oM8T1fghmY0
>Cntrl + F Basic Knowledges, Basic Training, Arms/Arm
Endware: Heavy armor for anons, by anons:

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/cyb/ FTP:
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>#Sup Forumspunk
>#Sup Forumssec
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And this is number 002.

Some noodling is progressing in

These threads are all reddit larps

Open issues from last few rounds, in no particular order:

- FAQ: needs more input. BTW it his Preview 13.
-- especially want more on military /sec/ and tech
- /sec/ FAQ is being drafted, will reuse the FAQ above as a template
-- need more courses that are relevant
-- need more discussions on relevant studies
-- there is a debate if certifications are relevant or not, want to get this cleared up
-- countries have different approaches here, need more country specific inputs
-- need more info on open labs, CTF etc and info on how this may be relevant

>Using Wireshark is a LARP.

>FAQ: needs more input. BTW it his Preview 13.
Ah, so it is:

>especially want more on military /sec/ and tech
Where on Earth are we going to source that form?

>/sec/ FAQ is being drafted, will reuse the FAQ above as a template
That's a good idea and I'm looking forward to adding it.

>need more courses that are relevant
>need more discussions on relevant studies
I'll see what I can dig up.

>there is a debate if certifications are relevant or not, want to get this cleared up
I always tell them: "some are".

>need more info on open labs, CTF etc and info on how this may be relevant
Will do.

Don't die yet.

Is Waterfox good Sup Forums? Is it better than Firefox now?

Bringing up to debate the last months of Intel.

>>especially want more on military /sec/ and tech
>Where on Earth are we going to source that form?
It is amazing how much you can find on the net without having visitors from nameless agencies. Many are relatively open in order to recruit the right people.


Intel (and AMD, not leaving them out of this) are both focusing on benchmarks for a long time now, it was only expected that they had some gaping holes in security, as you can read in most sec eng books and derive from common sense, there's always a tradeoff of security for less speed and vice versa
This is clearly to be expected when pretty much noone on the market cares about security until they are afflicted by malware or whatnot
Those are my 2c on this desu

this is where the OS comes into play. they arent the ones to designate with fucking security. they design the engines not the safety of the cars

Damn, I really dig the OP pic. Never seen that one around these parts before.

I've spent some time today going through the metasploit unleashed course. Finding some interesting things about it I didn't know how to do.

I'm not so agree with this. Although I don't know anything alike as ME to AMD, they designed that piece of shit, therefore, they're responsible of the security.

Out of that kind of context I'm agree with you, user.

They are lainchan tier circlejerks, like the retard who replied to you.
>wirerhark XDD

It's better than firefox and all the addons you might need, work

Ι disagree
This is especially focused on by Bruce Schneier, in particular he mentions that every part should be as secure as possible, not depend on another part to secure it
BMW shouldn't have to consider that V8s could explode at any given minute (although it should have SOME precautions for that instance, granted)

Adding to the list:
- need list of GOOD blogs and newssites .
-- in that respect, LWN has some security coverage, any comments on the quality/relevance of it?

Seconding on the good blogs and news sites. I don't know where to find good tech/cyb/sec news coverage.

worlds worst irc

The IRCs are unaffiliated, they're just there as a resource.

I have the same issue when looking for other STEM resource, outside of the shitty filterless aggregators.

Then why even post here you feckless retard? I bet you even forgot to sage.

I just bought a new windows 10 laptop..
What would you recomend me to do with it?
What antivirus to install?
I scared..
I afraid that when I turn on it automatically will connect to the public wifi... :^(

Format it and install a Linux distro, or BSD.

>Trying to improve and learn is LARPing.
Whoa, you guys (*probably a samefag) are obviously so mature, deep and nuanced with your cringe virtue signaling.

I got a win10 matebook X as a gift for graduating recently
Kept an image of win10 on a USB just in case, cleared the entire SSD and installed openBSD on it

A big problem with these threads is that we post all of the courses, but how many people actually complete them and get somewhere? I think we'd be better off having some sort of open-source general project for anons to contribute to. Actually practice instead of just wasting time reading

Now, that's a very good idea, but also a lot of work.

as long as we managed scope, and realized it was just for learning and not actually for getting a finished product it'd be fine

If I recall correctly it should be fairly trivial to write some sort of wrapper for wireshark or something like that in python

Experiment with Redox-OS, 9front and VMS.

I always find consumer shit. There's rarely anything interesting. I'm just fed up with constant computer/smartphone and other smart shit babble.

Precisely, if I wanted to look at reviews, I'd go and specifically find them.

>guy that bullied me in high school has a new job in network admin with some company and got hired on my birthday

I almost want to... but I have to let it go.

Hax0r him.

Instead of ignoring, you go full butthurt.
Good job, and you try to call others "immature".

>Instead of ignoring, you go full butthurt.
>Good job, and you try to call others "immature".
Likewise, good job at being a hypocrite, whilst calling others hypocrites.

It's still something I don't like actively searching.

I might take some time tomorrow to do some research on tech news sites. Gotta give something back to the community.
>If anyone knows legit sites post them here.

Thank you, user, that would be helpful.

I do DFIR for a living. Here are my suggestions (from easiest to hardest).

- Use Windows 10 native apps where possible to get that sweet sandboxing action. (E.g. Slack, VLC, etc.)
- Install a reasonable security program. I use ESET Internet Security, but dealer's choice.
- Install Glasswire free for network telemetry.
- Install a password manager of choice. Keepass, 1password, etc.
- Install Firefox Quantum and jam it full of wonderous addons for privacy and security. (E.g. Noscript, ublock origin, privacy badger, https everywhere)
- Grab viscosity (openvpn) and configure it to use a VPN.
- Install sysmon and use a public ruleset.
- Enable windows event logging and auditing.
- Enable defender exploit guard and wrap your apps.
- Enable device guard / VBS and turn on user enforced code integrity (app whitelisting)
- Enable bitlocker and use a TPM.

One of the things I've configured is a firewall profile for ESET where I cannot route packets to a network unless it's over VPN. With viscosity, you can have per-VPN interfaces, which makes this pretty easy. On a public network, I can pretty much just do DNS resolution, DHCP, and hit RFC1918 websites (80/443) for captive portals. Once I VPN, everything else is allowed.

>Keeping Windows installed.
That's where you went wrong.

Oh, I didn't realize that. Care to walk me through how I can transition to a secure linux install?

Just curious how you do kernel module signing and application whitelisting. Any distro is cool.

Well, you can simply accomplish the task by removing your Intel CPU and replacing it with an AMD one and then you proceed to install Gentoo. Job done.

Implying that loonux can't get malware.

I'm glad that your entire defense strategy is avoidance of an entire class of processors because there is a locally exploitable bug and relying on stock gentoo installation.

If I give you an ELF binary, will you go ahead and run it for me? Because I'll happily run a powershell script, DLL, or EXE file that you can provide.

When will people wake up and realize that Windows has been making massive security progress while other OSes have stagnated?

>I like my hardware AND software the way I like my boyfriends, backdoored.

Gguys I will read you when I arrive to my home..
Bbbbbut I just need my newcomputer to be operable with win 10 for my job, I dont have time YET to learn linux, I will learn it in a few months..
I just want my new win 10 laptop to be secure of viruses and shit till I put my hands to work on installing linux and learn it in the future.
You already give me really good info, i will screencap those comment

see , his information is accurate regarding Windows security. I just personally wouldn't be comfortable with it. However, because you don't have the time to learn Linux, employ his techniques.

So, expedient learning?

what does that mean?

"Crude but effective."

just tired of the reading/course meme that's always pushed in these threads

Thank you very much guys

I understand that, you want direct instruction, rather than dancing around the point? You know, there are a lot of books that directly teach you the subject, certainly penetration testing?

Thank you very much user, seriously thanks


This is exactly what I mean when I say:
>... outside of the shitty filterless aggregators.
Thank you for trying though.

Give myself a birthday present?

Hax0r him and then post it on Sup Forums.

No. Use IceCat or Waterfox or something.

>leaving evidence on a site that archives our threads.

Maybe not.

Hax0r 4tan and belet, then l33t hax0r him.


If you can't do that then you should get off Sup Forums. This is babby tier hax0ring.


Sup Forumspunk started off as affiliated with an earlier incarnation of these threads years ago. It has since decayed into a leftist hugbox. Two of the chanops are boning.

Sup Forumspunk started off as affiliated with an earlier incarnation of these threads years ago. It has since decayed into a leftist hugbox. Two of the chanops are boning.

Inception posting.

No, more like "clover spazzed when switching networks" posting.

>/larp/ general

It also happens if you go to post and then just before it posts, you abort, get it still posts and allows you to double post with the same CAPTCHA confirmation.

hello seeker

Check if you can run VM on your machine in which case you can run all these OS in parallel. Redox-OS is not yet self hosting but that will change soon.

And that reminds me to check for news and indeed

>This Week in Redox 34
>Welcome to the last TWiRx of the year!
>Big news! We were surprised this week by @jackpot51 and his news about the plans to create a foundation to support and foster Redox OS and it’s ecosystem. This is really good news! More on it on the upcoming issues.

Now that suggests it is heading for something more than just a game.

Go home boards.Sup Forums.org/v/ictim.

The lead dev has cloned a repo on github in preparation of porting Mesa and getting 3D acceleration.

I try and find the newest and the most aesthetic (to my eye) from DeviantArt before posting.

Why not? That is more about recruiting than, say, looking for vulnerabilities. In any case you need a clearance to join up in those places.

Because I live in one of 'those' countries.

Look at this capitalist no cyb baby. I bet you can't even hack into the gibson only using wireshark and metaploit you stupid faggot. Do you even http post or SSI injection you cum guzzling ass buzzard? I'll have you know I was top in my class at NSA contractor school and I would butt rape all the labs and leave no witnesses. I can boot2root your mom in 3.5 seconds using only 3 syscalls to the kernel. Base64, ROT13 thats nothing to me. I use crunch and hashcat like your mom uses the crackpipe. I bet you even reuse passwords and run Windows XP vista on an x86 from 20 years ago you homosex. DONT YOU DARE TALK TO ME OR MY SON AGAIN, GOT IT

god that just looks so impractical

close but no cigar.
been meaning to make one of these, with maybe a hhkb. but living a low life so can't blow 200+ on a keyboard. soon though

nice speak and spell

We covered those in one of the much earlier versions of this general.

I just installed a Windows 10 version I found on the web. It's fine, but I want to check everything, because I don't trust... maybe there is some background process that logs input...keylogger or whatever.
How can I take a DEEP look into the system?

It's going to be neat when VR capable GPUs end up being small enough to fit in an Amiga 500 or MSX style case and we get proper cyberdecks.

Soon, my friend, soon.
Also, here's the thread in question:

And a smartphone that isn't good at any of the jobs it is 'possible' to use it for isn't?

but why use something so bulky, a laptop is not only more portable, but almost definitely has more uses and better performance

cuz larping

I agree, all that I'm saying is this is almost as 'practical' as smartphones, and yet they caught on.

It's not even close to as practical as a smartphone purely because of the size

It's about the size of a laptop in a laptop bag.

okay yeah I completely misjudged the scale of the thing

So it is a similar practicality to a smartphone, which're only good at being phones and shit at everything else.

what would you say smartphones are shit at?

Being cameras, being music devices; being computers, lasting more than a year...


What does it mean?

is it all burning down?