Non-Commercial License

Hello fellow white people,

Help me choose a software license for my future projects.

The license ideally fulfills the following:

1) Free for non-commercial use.
2) The source-code of the original and all forks must always be available to public.
3) You can sue fuckers if they use your code and make money off of it, especially if they mask it by rebranding it as their own product.
4) You can issue special commercial licenses when requested.

I'm thinking AGPL but I don't know shit about licensing.


Other urls found in this thread:

> another amerimutt thread
Go back to Sup Forums subhuman.

>1) Free for non-commercial use.
Many licenses do this.

>2) The source-code of the original and all forks must always be available to public.
You want a copy-left license for this.

>3) You can sue fuckers if they use your code and make money off of it, especially if they mask it by rebranding it as their own product.
This requirement is actually two-part:
>sue for commercial use
You need a non-free open source license for this.

>sue for rebranding
This is not necessary in a licence, as that will only affect the code. Your brand is already protected by copyright laws, so they can not simply rebrand it no matter what software license you end up choosing.

>4) You can issue special commercial licenses when requested.
Many open source (but non-free) licenses support this.

>I'm thinking AGPL but I don't know shit about licensing.
You can not prevent people using your AGPL'd code in their own product for commercial purposes, that's not how free as in freedom licenses work.

BTW, non-commercial sofware is nonfree software.

Why be so protective? Just use MIT.

> cuck license

this. GPL/AGPL is a cancer

>permissive licenses

you code will be completely obsolete in like 5 years, might as well allow people to use it while it's still one of the best solutions

>you code will be completely obsolete in like 5 years
Implying I wont continue to maintain it.

>might as well allow people to use it while it's still one of the best solutions
They are allowed to use it for whatever purpose they want with GPL, I don't understand what your point is.

OP here.

The thing that makes me want this sort of licensing is that I saw a company using Apache2 licensed software, changing the front-end (putting their own logo / branding etc.) and advertising it as their own "revolutionary invention"... As I understand this is commonplace.

I don't want to allow that ever.

LMAO you should be doing this OP. Repo ripping is a cash cow, but you'll need a Pajeet to maintain as support is an expectation for paid licenses

>The thing that makes me want this sort of licensing is that I saw a company using Apache2 licensed software, changing the front-end (putting their own logo / branding etc.) and advertising it as their own "revolutionary invention"... As I understand this is commonplace.
You need to be more specific than this, I'm afraid. Rebranding someone else's software as your own isn't legal, but using someone else's software component in your own branded software is fully legal.

How jewish do you have to be if you want to prevent people from branding their own work? Even a known Communist like Stallman thinks this is too much.

>How jewish do you have to be

Go back home.

One example was a Single-Sign On component, just like Facebook Login or Google's SSO.

There was an entire marketing campaign around how unique and spectacular it was and no mentions of the underlying software used were made. This is just one example of what I want to protect against.

It's a backstabbing financial/banking company so of course I'm going to be Jewish as fuck with those kind of people.

>"fuck others for wanting to make a profit, that's jewish as hell"
>"it's okay for me to be jewish sometimes, because others are"
Sup Forums in a nutshell, everyone.

Nazis see Jews as their role models, Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher said as much.

Except their image of jews was entirely fictional, so in effect, nazis are the only true jews as they are the only one who acted jewishly.
now fuck off
