Linuxtards can only dream about UI like that

Linuxtards can only dream about UI like that

Correct, since Linux is just a kernel and doesn't have an UI.

All this wasted space.

I'm two minutes away from experiencing it.

>even shittier gnome3
Woah so this is the power of homosexual designers

>Mt. Jpeg Artifact

My sister got a Mac and I never got used to the abhorrent UI even after years of using it casually, it's all form and zero function.


I'm too much of a linuxfag, i dumped Windows in 94 for slackware then eventually migrated to Mac OS over the last year. I still do everything via cli because I just can't adjust to a ui that tries to hold me back every chance it gets. I love the hardware, i love the build quality, but I'd dump the OS in a fucking heartbeat if i couldn't use the cli. Take away my iterm2, zsh, and homebrew and the whole OS can diaf.

there is gnustep. it's written in obj-c and has some of the same effects that cocoa has. granted it's outdated as fuck but if someone wanted to they could build a osxlike DE with it.


>Implying he's a brainlet for not liking a ui made for brainlets

when will you learn

I use Linux exactly because it has no a UI like that. I use a tiling WM where I can use only terminals and a browser when it's needed without redundant bells and whistles.

>shivam shekhar

Hey, that looks like the non-shit version of GNOME 3. But being better than that unusable garbage called GNOME3 is easy.

Some of them use elementaryOs, but that's none of my business

It looks like macos linux theme and i think it is macos linux theme and op is trolling...

No pajeet. Go away.

Meh, XFeCEs are better

Why don't you go to reddit or another safe space for minorities and POC, this board is a tech support for Sup Forums, pajeets and pakis are not tolerated here.

>i dumped Windows in 94
Are you Literally 45 years old or something?

fuck you murican im from Europe you commies and sjw wont be tolerated here get you mac and linux commie shit out

> jpeg artifact

its a pic from net you brainlet

What is that app?

>all those pajeets with bad taste got assblasted



pls fuck off shivam

Nigga are -you- trolling

is macOS free from the latest intel fuckery


no because it's a hardware flaw, it's already patched though


What application?

>same stock mountain pick on both screens
Cmon man

Espressoapp from Macrabbit

I've never seen a MacOS screen with a different wallpaper. The only person I know who uses a MacBook also has it as their wallpaper.

CLI is a type of UI. And Linux employs some of it, even without other programs.
back in the day people had the Galaxy


The kernel and CPU architecture are the meaningful things which define an OS.

That pic is arch though

aplel cucks can only dream of a UI like this

This is unreadable.

If you have a big low dpi screen then it's not unreadable. But you might as well shoot yourself for using bitmap fonts on anything higher than 1366x768

Failed to respond to

not on my screen*

it's the guy with beautiful gentoo from earlier.

i'm not letting myself to fall for the gentoo meme yet, but i highly admire those who have skill and devote their time to something like that. props!

btw. i've messed with the polybar but it just doesn't work for me... maybe i'm stupid and i can't make it thinner than it is...

>i've messed with the polybar but it just doesn't work for me
polybar is piss easy to configure
just copy the template into your ~/.config/polybar/ and edit it to your preferences
for anything that's not already self explanatory in there, check their github wiki

i've tried many things and i had all the elements i wanted (except numbers for workspaces). i just couldn't find the solution to how to make it a bit thinner...

guess which one of these settings makes it thinner

What do you mean you don't compile programs for a userland?

i was blind but now i see. literally checked just now to... thx. i'll post the result here...

Yup. Linux DEs are all ugly haxor shit.

>he cares about UI
Are you a girl?

Clearly the radius option.

Kernels have no CLI


the only reason i want 10 is for the graphics and i still wont do it, i will tolerate the ugly; sadface

Therefore Linux is not a kernel, Linux is an OS.

Now i only need to deal with the numbers...
