ITT we praise meltdown, that will cuck Jewtel.
Praise Meltdown
Intel-aviv is funnier OP. And the CIA and Mossad won't let their pet go down. Either that or AMD gets full on dicks inside the ass.
For precisely this reason their stock will eventually rebound. Wait for it to hit rock bottom if you want to buy.
Imagine if meltdown was intentional "bug" from intel because NSA asked them to.
Imagine that all these years NSA had access to every server and datacenter using intel CPUs.
Is this too much of a tinfoil?
Wait... Wasn't there a news about one of intel owners selling his shares few days ago?
Probably not enough tin foil
Yes, the CEO
Just a day or two before the "bug". And nobody connects these two facts? No articles on that, no shilling on Sup Forums, nobody mentions that.
>one of intel owners
the CEO of intel sold shares worth 24mio dollars yea
>nobody mentions that
But you're wrong. Sup Forums was full of threads about it, intel even had to make a statement that these two things not connected.
>No articles on that, no shilling on Sup Forums, nobody mentions
He sold the shares on November 29th, so not a few days ago, but still after Intel learned about this bug. Note that he sold all the shares he could & still be CEO; he now only has the contractual minimum left.
A totally jewish move, no investor will trust him now.
>will cuck Jewtel
Not really, fake news have already been distributed.
Here is an article about the stock sales.
Now, to be fair to Krzanich, most versions of the new tax bill that were kicking around at this time (including the final version) sharply limited how much in state taxes you can write off on your federal taxes. (only $10k in the final version) Since Oregon has an up to 9.9% capital gain tax, selling last year versus this year would save him over $2 million.
Or at least, that will be the story he will tell the SEC.
>t-that's OK g-guys, d-datacenters and s-servers doesn't count
jew cant resist to make money
Nothing will happen. At this point you can introduce mandatory castration and chip implants and nobody will complain.
You do realize that people signing contracts on hardware supply are not engineers?
I could bet my ass that normies will be deceived by intel shilled reports.
You think google, amazon and other big names will let some tech illiterate pajeet order hardware?
kiketel already gave the NSA the wide open backdoor called management engine. what would they need this for?
correct me if I'm wrong but ME isn't that old as meltdown?
So ME is just a backup plan if someone will find out about meltdown. More elegant, professional solution for backdoor. Also no one can say it's a flaw or a bug, because you know it's to make CPUs more secure. kek
fucking burger companies...
we're doing it, amd bros, we're now worth almost 1/4 of what intel is, up from 1/6 from 2 days ago!
just wait until [next processor] launches, it will succeed this time, it HAS to!
>pls ignore bulldozer, ryzen, vega, polaris, etc
OP here.
no bully
>y axis doesn't start at 0
fuck off cuck
Ryzen is doing exceedingly well. AMD is selling more Epycs than they're making.
Guys this is our chance to destroy jews once and for all.
We all need to go out and buy AMD cpus once the news cycle is concentrated on jewntels meltdown.
Do it for the white race guys. Believe me the last thing kikes want you to do is to go out and buy a new AMD CPU.
This is unironically the beginning.
Just wait for this hack to be exploited and shame brought upon Intel.
>Meltdown and Spectre work on personal computers, mobile devices, and in the cloud. Depending on the cloud provider's infrastructure, it might be possible to steal data from other customers.
So when do we get new celebrity nudes?
Why did I have to buy Intel?
Don't worry brother, we all make mistakes. Now it's important to support a non-jew run company, so go out and buy an AMD CPU while the media is focused on it.
Asking the important questions.
so should I buy some intel shares now?
Meltdown dates back 20 years, ME is much fresher.
are you retarded? intel is about to free fall all the way back to 1995 where they belong.
if you think they are shipping useful products and have a promising future you buy intel and go long.
If you think they will fall over the next few days/weeks you go short.
Oy vey, are you trying to imply it wasn't 100% coincidence? y-you antisemite!
it goes back to 1995 so I doubt it was intentional, however the NSA probably new about it long ago and just didn't tell anyone about it.