Any other examples of 5+ year old software being better than current alternatives?

Any other examples of 5+ year old software being better than current alternatives?

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Tixati IS better OP.

Transmission > *

Hello Sup Forums


qBitTorrent is much better than that adware crap

I prefer qbittorent, but transmission is still >uTorrent


>Any other examples of 5+ year old software being better than current alternatives?
Does Windows 7 count?

everything is literally turning to shit. the pajeets are ruining everything. just look at windows 10 and OSX. they literally get worse with each release. nothing but useless feature creep and asinine UI design changes. i'm waiting for the next release to just be a big square metro button that says "internet" on it.

Void Linux is the future, brother.


everything open source and up to date is better tahn this trash.
Even intel processors are less infested by CVE than this shit.

foobar is really good

qbittorrent for wintards, transmission/rtorrent for GNU/Linux


Yeah I agree, I use winamp because I already have all the plugins I need and I'm lazy to find them for foobar,

That's not even an example faget, there's 2018 software better than fuckwitted uTorrent.

but there's transmission/rtorrent for Windows AND nongnu/Linux.

transmission is not as good on windows and winpajeets cannot into cli anything

>Using outdated software to connect to random servers and download illegal material from shady sources
What the FUCK could possibly go wrong?

2 is better though


Rise of Nations plus expansion pack is better than either.

>bitches don't know about my trinary rig

Enjoy your in-built hardware bugs, binarycucks.

Deluge or qbitorrent

>not using deluge


user, no.

t. winpajeet that cannot into anything but WYSIWYG editors.

The epitome of Operating Systems.

Now, look at this retard.

Windows 7


No, I had a "pleasure" of using the pile of shit in question. It's a pile of shit, user. You can be retarded all you want, but it's a pile of shit and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

But it will, Jamal.

>LaTeX is a pile of shit
here's your reply faggot

Did I hurt your feelings, Rizvan? It's okay, the truth hurts.

t. failed out of undergrad
>writing anything important in PoojeetOffice

>literally "no you"
Nice, arguments, pajeet.
Come back when you've learned how to wash your ass after shitting like a proper white man would do.

there was never an argument to begin with, Suresh. if you think LaTeX is a pile of shit you clearly did not even finish undergrad and are probably a brainlet. if you think libreoffice and msoffice are significantly difference you are just a moron and probably a windows user as well.

>if you think libreoffice and msoffice are significantly difference
Jokes aside, user, you have no idea what you are talking about. I'll concede on having never using LaTeX in my whole life, but if you really think Libre and MS Office "aren't that different" you're:
a) a retard
b) had never made a proper document in either
Because it's like saying "GIMP and Photoshop aren't that different", so choose your poison.


>I'll concede on having never using LaTeX in my whole life
are you actually underage

>I'll concede on having never using LaTeX in my whole life
sasuga Arnav Suminda
>had never made a proper document in either
define proper document my brown friend

Now I wonder who's an underage here

A proper document, is, as implied a "proper" document.

Meaning it isn't a fucking txt file with left indentation.

>projecting this hard
Relax, Damir.

xchat and IRC in general being alot better than gay-ass Discord


>Meaning it isn't a fucking txt file with left indentation.
so very basic text processing and spreadsheet capabilities? yes, libreoffice and msoffice are nearly identical in functionality. just like gimp and photoshop are both capable of using a pen tool lmao.

>the pajeets are ruining everything
It's the companies who outsource to pajeets and the customers who swallow it who ruin everything, pajeets are just trying to feed their families. They didn't pay themselves in order to cut costs.

>just like gimp and photoshop are both capable of using a pen tool lmao
I'm not sure are you being heavily ironic or genuinely retarded, to be honest.

>connect to random servers and download illegal material from shady sources
t. guy who doesn't know what p2p is

too many to count
the currently most massively used one whos followed "updates" have continuely been making it worse, would have to be android.
4.0 was good, 4.2 was good, but then they broke bluetooth and it all went to shit.

worked great on my office computer at J&J until we got Office365 cancer

post an example of a "proper document" done in MSOffice that cannot be done in LibreOffice. you won't, but even if you did you would still be a pajeet because
>writing anything complex, long, and/or structured in anything but LaTeX
wew laddy

2.0.4 is the last good version, 2.2.1 is garbage

what's stopping somebody from seeding something really rare/popular/targeted
with a modified torrent client
that sends malformed chunks that pwn a vuln in your outdated client


>post an example of a "proper document"
Why would I do anything "complex" for your sorry pajeet ass? You do it, if you want. It was your fucking claim to begin with.

Show me a fucking example of Libre doing the same job as MS Office as efficiently - especially regarding Excel.
While you're at it, Magnu, you might present me GIMP working as good as Photoshop, as that was quite a statement for a de/g/enerate who never used either.

>what's stopping somebody from seeding something really rare/popular/targeted
with a modified torrent client
t. guy who doesn't know how p2p works

>sending a malformed chunk
why do people try to talk about things they clearly don't understand

>Fucking DESTROYED by dubs
Feel the power of kek, you nibber.

>that sends malformed chunks that pwn a vuln in your outdated client
Just keep shitposting about things you don't understand in the slightest, this argument is going great for you

>ad hominem
enlighten me, really. I'm listening.

>replying to urself
>goalpost shifting from document to spreadsheet after admitting you've never used LaTeX
what do you want me to do? compare the function libraries?
how's your English, Krishna?

Gnome 2
Not that there aren't better environments, but it has only gone downhill since 3; hence maté

Cryptographic hash in the torrent descriptor is a part of the actual protocol
Even the shittiest bittorrent client is doing hash-checking and will block a peer after a couple of bad data has been sent from him
You're a retard. I hope no one gives you more (you) to your baits

>collisions don't exist
>hash checking algos can't possibly be poorly implemented
>other packet data can't possibly be exploited either
stay deluded

>wasting time on hash collision when it would be easier to just grab IPs and port poke until you find a dumbass that's DMZd
sometimes you should just admit you're wrong

bro fucking leave now mong seriously ur a dick

>"we can export shit to an irrelevant format"
>"they have a major feature working"
You aren't really making a strong point here, 2bh f4m.
>how's your English, Krishna?
You've just literally called me a God, user. Want to suck my dick? I won't let you.

That's fine it probably tastes like shit anyway

Duh, it's fresh out of your asshole - of course it'll taste like shit, Anonymous.

Starting to wonder if I'll ever stop using this damn thing its perfect.
one hand operation, no PWM flicker even if I can't see it on new, has survived dozens of slips onto hard tiles and concrete for fucks sake its still on its original battery and gets 4-5 hours screen on time drops 40% every day on standby should try and find a "new" battery for it
the day they turn off 3G I'm fucked since it doesn't do 4G

another thing, god bless newpipe it just werks on it while stock youtube doesn't anymore

i don't know what you want me to do or post at this point, lad. at one point in time libreoffice was significantly shittier than MSOffice, but not anymore. anything that can be done in excel can be done calc. the only difference is that Excel and Excel specific macros are (((industry standard))).

>Duh, it's fresh out of your asshole
I doubt that seeing I'm not a flaming homosexual like you, or any type of homosexual to be exact.

My Sup Forumsent...

Gonna have to start this up on steam right now.


Why is the shilling so intense? I loaded up mpv once and it was extremely cheap and featureless.

here's your (You)
don't spend it all in one place!

I tried it a year ago. What did they add since then?

>Any other examples of 5+ year old software being better than current alternatives?
Pretty much every single thing I can think of, not limited to software, was better 5 years ago.

what did it lack when you used it?
could you not figure out how to use the keybinds?
don't know how to copy and paste settings into a text file?

I just got the new version now. Why can't I right click on the screen to open a menu? Where are the menus? Why isn't ctrl+o working?

>Why can't I right click on the screen to open a menu?
because that's not how it works
>Where are the menus?
there are none
>Why isn't ctrl+o working?
because that is not the keybind in your operating system to open mpv.conf in a text editor

what is it you want to do in the options menu?

I can even stream on that little mug

2.2.1 is good but has one major flaw that will become a problem in the future: it doesn't support torrents with parts bigger than 32MB and while 65536 such parts equal 2TB torrents and this is a shitload of data nowdays, it will soon will become not enough

I want to customize the player options with a menu interface. What advantages are there to removing menus?

>I want to customize the player options with a menu interface.

>want to customize the player options
yes, i understand that, but WHAT do you want to customize?
i will literally spoonfeed you the settings you want if you can simply articulate what you are trying to do!

Because it's more efficient, faster, and organized. It also heavily reduces the possibility of bugs and errors. I also don't need to research about configuration nearly as much, I just open the settings menu in whatever program I'm using and I can set it all there.

I see there's a 207 page manual that comes with mpv.

No media player I used before this required me to read a manual. I just opened the settings menu when something bothered me.

There is literally no advantage to this.

>JewTorrent NSA botnet spyware

>it's more efficient, faster, and organized.
it ISN'T more efficient, faster, or organized to fuck around in 100 menus.
>I see there's a 207 page manual that comes with mpv.
yes and it describes every single possible thing you could want to do with mpv. you have yet to tell me what you wanted to do in the "options menu," so i really don't know how to help you here.
did you want to change the subtitle track? press j or click the square with the letters on the buttom. did you want to change the audio track? press shift+3 or press the speech bubble.


I want to make ctrl+o open media files.
I want to look at all the default keybindings and see if they conflict with other stuff, like the mouse buttons.
I want to view my playlist.
I want to make alt+enter go full screen.
I want to set it as the default media player for video files
I want to only allow one instance of mpv
I want to be able to see a history of the recently played media files

I'm still using Office 2007

winamp if you forget foobar

hold on. i got the shits. i'll type a real reply in a bit.