post waifus
Post waifus
Ill upgrade your pussy
More like a downgrade
I'd ram her alright damn
god thats hot
Am I suppose to cover my eyes when a traps .img pops on Sup Forums?
Yes, women want Sup Forumsentleman not neo-Sup Forumstards
reminder that these are real women with real names and unique personalities and by referring to them as "waifus" you are objectifying them and denying them dignity
You know what else is unique? Every shit I take
I'd objetify the fuck out of her
>dumb 3dpd whores
kys 3dpdwhoreposter
Women generally like positive attention that isn't creepy and we're giving it to them. I don't see a problem with objectifying a woman if it's not violating the Non-aggression principle, which it isn't here.
is she /ourgirl/ ?
>tfw she knows more about computers than the average Sup Forums user, is prettier and richer
women like being objectified
> thot knows more about consumerism than Sup Forums
color me surprised
>ywn ravage her puccy
why live?
>is she /ourgirl/ ?
no she (pic related) is.
Waifus are not 3D you retard.
does she qualify?
lol as if they gave a shit about that
No that's only your MOM DUDE!
Seriously though, South Americans do I hear.
Good taste.
she's my spirit animal lmao
The women of today shouldn't even touch a computer.
she wants a bicycle rider tho, that's not a man
how's possible nobody posted our QUEEN ?
>wow I don't understand it but the code on the right looks so much more organized!
her body proportions confuses my pee pee
I understand what she was going for there, but goddamn did that drop the ball. Code on the right is incorrect, even
cute husky girl
saki a cute
How the hell is that "true" with extra Es supposed to be pronounced? Trüeey?
Forman Mills and Burlington coat factory still use these PCs with windows NT as their base register computers. Their network and general security is shit and their employees are easily socially engineered because none of them give 2 shits
Wether your gender is male or female, ALWAYS add comment to your code please. No one wants to interpret that shit in their head.
As if "Truuue" makes any more sense lol
i'd overflow her vaginal buffer 7bh famalam
Who is that
The documentation on the right is absolutely ridiculous, though. You don't need to hold the reader's hand and explain what you're doing; you should explain why you're doing it if it's somehow not obvious given the quality names you gave everything, or you have nontrivial implementation details on an interface that go beyond what is implied by the quality documentation you wrote. And the snippet on the left had its comments removed (ddg "!w fast inverse square root" if you please, it's hard to be clear about what you're doing when it's a pure unadulterated magic speed hack)
> an int is a number without a decimal
WTF? Why even explain that to a fucking programmer?
Reverse search is your friend.
That a trap
If she was trying to write in eye dialect then that would have been more correct. As it is, it's both nonstandard spelling and unpronounceable as any recognizable English word.