I don't want any government spying on me. So What does your average,not so techliterate Sup Forumsack have to do to be secure from this (((vulnerability)))?

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First read the sticky then go yo the wiki
Then comeback an ask ze qvestions ja?

Kill yourself.

consider suicide

buy amd cpu and don't get distracted by the JIDF

Redpill yourself

But phones are affected too...
Nice try CIA

Don't connect to the internet.

I need it to watch Alex Jones

Then embrace the botnet.
There is no other option, user.

Seriously what do I need to do? No more meme answers like "don't connect to the internet"

Neck yourself

1. actually update - lose 30% performance
2. buy amd
3. don't use phones
4. shoot yourself

to at least become a bit more safe install ubuntu LTS with full disk encryption

if you want to get 100% safe you need to go full autist and buy a circa 2007 thinkpad laptop, replace the microcode, and run something like openbsd

>What does your average,not so techliterate Sup Forumsack have to do
you go back

1. Use AMD
2. Use linux

Read this handy list and you'll know everything needed.

>1. actually update - lose 30% performance
I already read that there is an update but only to fix edge and internet explorer from running the virus or whatever this is, problem is nobody (including me) actually uses that. What now?
>2. buy amd
I am not gonna buy another computer
>3. don't use phones
Not realistically possible
>4. shoot yourself
Suck my dick if you want me to

I have actually read about Linux and stuff. No NSA backdoors there, I like that. Guess I will have to switch one day.
What's that? I heard it a few times after all of this. And how do I replace it?


This is corporate fuckups and haxxor faggotry not government surveillance you dumb fucking Sup Forumstard.

If you're actually serious about this, order a Talos II workstation. It will cost you.

You don't know what you are talking about. I have classified infos that is in fact a backdoor for government agencies.

>running the virus
Read more you brainlet

cia niggers spotted in the field, sage goes in all fields.

Yes I'm Agent Smithydicks and they're paying me good money for replying disinfo to neets like you.

Then post it bigboy

Just update.

If you're still afraid use a minimal Linux distro with the latest kernal. Considering the swiftness of the kernel patch any developments will probably also be patched quickly. Just stay on the tip of your toes.

Well okay, maybe not everything, that list is purely hardware. Here's the software counterpart.

Updating won't protect it from Spectre.

Just go to the place where they record Info Wars and ask them for a physical copy of the latest episode

>literal retards with narrow worldviews are tech illiterate
What a surprise

>ive read about linux, no NSA backdoors!
holy shit you are an idiot, open source doesnt mean shit

>I don't want any government spying on me. So What does your average,not so techliterate Sup Forumsack have to do to be secure from this (((vulnerability)))?

Emigrate to Russia

>t. literal genius with panoramic wordviews

Damn. Keep thinking of Meltdown.

On punch cards.

Go back to Sup Forums and do not come back

Stay and learn.

The only correct answer. Sup Forums and Sup Forums should join together to destroy modern government spying.

Go back to /r/the_donald and never return

Why? Sup Forums is good for nothing, we'll manage without.