Daily reminder that if you believe freeware is a good thing for society you are either a cuck who doesn't understand...

>Daily reminder that if you believe freeware is a good thing for society you are either a cuck who doesn't understand altruism, or a leech who wants everything without having to do anything for it.

>Daily reminder that it is morally superior to sell things rather than give them away, since this will encourage others to contribute to society instead of being basement dwelling NEETs who play video games all day.

>Daily reminder that, unless you're a big company looking for a PR boost, there is no reason to give things away for free to strangers you'll never meet.

But can you handle the red pill, Sup Forums?

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Not Korean gross

I couldn't give a shit about free software or it's benefits, or lack thereof. I just want to fap in peace. Fuck off.

I’m aware, it’s exactly why I say the BSD license is superior to the GPT license.
BSD = capitalism
GPT = communism

Please don't use the term “freeware” as a synonym for “free software.” The term “freeware” was used often in the 1980s for programs released only as executables, with source code not available. Today it has no particular agreed-on definition.

When using languages other than English, please avoid borrowing English terms such as “free software” or “freeware.” It is better to translate the term “free software” into your language.

By using a word in your own language, you show that you are really referring to freedom and not just parroting some mysterious foreign marketing concept. The reference to freedom may at first seem strange or disturbing to your compatriots, but once they see that it means exactly what it says, they will really understand what the issue is.

>you literally can’t do what you want with the software because of a laundry list of rules and license compatibilities
Freedom is for people, not software

*GPL*** = communism
Got mixed up

2/10 you can do better

Your rebuttal?

Both are intellectual property licenses and hence both are Capitalism
>but there is no copyright in free market economics!
Sure there is, if you violate the purchasing agreement you violate the NAP and they can come and shoot you.

Screw free software, who's that semen demon?

Are people not free to use the software they own as they please?

get out

They are free to use the software as per the contract they accepted when purchasing it.

>he rents software

smelly dumb, normie cuck

I'm not saying I rent software, I'm saying that there's a lot of software that has a lot of restrictions which people buy anyway and then proceed to complain about.

You've barely even made an argument, but sure I'll bite

>...you are either a cuck who doesn't....
not an argument, ad hominem

>... this will encourage others to contribute to society instead of being basement dwelling NEETs...
no facts to back this up, not to mention it's a straw man anyway since freeware existing does not imply that nothing will ever need to be paid for, nor does it take into account that proprietary software can simply be pirated anyway. And as we know from plenty of piracy research those downloads won't convert to sales if you decide to start charging money.

> ...there is no reason to give things away for free to strangers you'll never meet...
Again you haven't really made an argument here. Also, there are plenty of reasons to give things away for free with varying levels of altruistic or self-serving benefits, not that a reason would be needed anyway.

None of this matters because your "arguments" against freeware ultimately have no effect on anyone's day to day life and it's clear you're either suffering from some sort of mental illness or trolling. I sincerely hope it's the latter for your sake but I have a feeling it's the former.

Qué? Your insults are as inconsistent as your views.

>or a leech who wants everything without having to do anything for it.

What's wrong with that? I'm going to die one day man, why should I work hard for everything I want all the time? That sucks. There are other people who are more passionate about this sort of thing than I am, why should I spend more time doing a shittier job than them when they'll do it anyway?

>people who don't understand shit fuck up
>somehow the rest of us should pay for the sins of the minimum common denominator

Get out


>Also, there are plenty of reasons to give things away for free with varying levels of altruistic or self-serving benefits
Name 1 (one).

>not that a reason would be needed anyway.

Here's 1 (one)
here's another

>posts two PR boost related things.


Love, build a curriculum. The first you'll never achieve, the second you'll never need being a basement dweller