/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Prev: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Why Manjaro over Antergos?

Does anyone else have Firefox 57 and also use ibus (for Japanese input or other language)?
It seems to not be working in ff57 for me. It still works in other applications but not ff.

>Downstream Arch
>Downstream Arch

How about neither

>Mint has finished burning to the USB.
What happens next,user?

Install it

you are now free to boot from the USB stick, you probably have to hammer the F8, F11 or F12 key at boot up to select to boot from the USB stick

wipe it and get a gentoo iso

Anyone here using linux on amd cpu?


Should I switch from Ubuntu 17 to plain Debian?

Do you have any problems with ubuntu that you think will be fixed by switching to another distro?

directed to emacsfags, recommend me some shit to try out.
magit is pretty neat, and starting to get the hang of org-mode

people still use incel cpus?

Nah wait for 18.04. Debian is clunky shit with ass font rendering

Bloat, too much shit running in the background that I'm not familiar with and don't want to worry about.

Install NixOS.


You're the clunky one my friend.
Have had no issues with font rendering on any of my Debian machines

Sure why not, if you have nothing important going on at the moment it could teach you a few things. Honestly the main reason I switched years ago was the philosophical reason, not so much worries about bloat. I don't like Canonical as a company so I saw no reason to continue using their OS. I like the Debian project so I figured I'd use their OS.

I'm actually using it now. The only thing preventing me from falling in love with it is the fact that it uses shitstaind. Until they fix that I can't shill NixOS and I'm thinking of switching to GuixSD.

The thing preventing me from switching to GuixSD is the lack of web browsers.

1. Debian (net iso)
2. uncheck everything when it tells you to install shit
3. update your sources list
4. Apt-get dist upgrade etc etc
5. get xorg
6. get dwm
thats that

Oh and get sudo first before xorg or anything

How is /fglt/ feeling about the Intel scandal?

I've installed debian several times, and I don't like it because it tends to crash, especially when I install xfce/kde on it.

More like you're a retard and your shit doesn't work properly?
>Several times


that's a nice joke user, Debian Stable is rock solid. Even Unstable hasn't given me any issues in years

Yeah, the package managers are phenomenal but the OSes using them currently aren't that great.
I'd either need NixOS to adopt something like OpenRC, or for someone to make 3rd party "nonfree" guix files for things like wifi or proprietary video drivers.
I don't think it's necessary for the OS developers to implement those things officially. It would be cool to have a totally free OS as the core and some nonfree shit that you need added on top of it by 3rd party maintainers.

It doesn't come with sudo?

Make a list of the shit you do and the hw you are running.

A net install comes with only the bare bones essentials for a server. Sudo is not essential, although very nice to have for desktop use.

The first things you should install are sudo and aptitude, tbqh.

Nah boi, it's THAT /MINIMAL/
but has systemd bloat so meh.

if systemD really is a concern to you, install Void or Alpine

Anyone here use screen? I want to write a cron job that starts up a named screen that in turn starts up a web server on reboot, but I can't figure this out.

Been using debian for two years still don't know what aptitude actually is.

When i get a fresh debian install (net iso)
I first update the sources list so i don't have old fucking packages

Then i update the entire system
- apt-get update
- apt-get upgrade
- apt-get dist-upgrade
Reboot after that
Then i get SUDO
edit the sudoers file

After that i install
etc etc

I'm back Lads. Mint booted/works successfully, however It assumes I'm missing ethernet, and doesn't appear to want to accept Wifi...What do I do?

Meant to quote

>I'm back Lads. Mint booted/works successfull

no faggot, we don't call each other "lads" here.
Also fuck mint, use fucking xubuntu you retarded nigger


Go to your network manager, connect to ethernet
Install your wifi drivers

Nah, people are just too retarded to read. Debian comes with sudo as long as you don't set a root account up. Same goes for Fedora.

make an executable bash script with something like
screen -dmS gayname gaycommand_to_start_server

then in your crontab, do
@reboot /path/to/gay_script

should work, but someone will correct me if not. never have used that reboot thing in any of my crontabs

Use tmux

no, if you are comfortable with Ubuntu stay with it. You should try to focus more in how linux works and you can do that with a books about linux management and Virtual box (so you don't fuck up your OS while learning). You DO NOT NEED Arch to learn how linux works. I have to admit though, that the arch community has the most extensive, well documented wiki about linux you can find.

Mint is literally the worst distro.........
Did this guy actually looked at the distro watch rankings and went with it...?

Anyways user, you dun goofed, get xubuntu

Anyone have experience with setting up ZFS fileservers with redundancy?

Suppose I have 6 2TB drives and I want to set up a zfs raid array. Should I use raidz1, raidz2, or raidz3, and why? What is the acceptable level of parity to minimize the chances of encountering a URE during a rebuild?

What are its advantages over screen?

guis are a ploy by the demiurge to tempt us to abandon the divine intellect of the command line and corrupt us with the superficial world of appearances
debate me

if wired ethernet is not working either, do ip link and look if it does display any network interfaces at all
Maybe look into System Settings>Driver manager and see if there is a driver for your network card installed

why not write a systemd unit? then you just have to enable it and it will always start on boot

So, how do I make sure I'm safe once the patches come out for the Intel thing? On Debian do I just sudo apt update and sudo apt dist-upgrade or do I have to do something special?

Pretty green bar

Arch Linux or Gentoo, which is well more well supported? It will be my first Linux but I'm looking for distros for advanced users since I need to force myself to learn Linux for my job as well.

sudo aptitude purge intel
sudo aptitude install amd

>debian has bad font rendering
people still dont know how to set hinting to light and subpixel rendering to RGB nowdays?

debian confirmed racist

Upgrade it to Debian Sid once installed, it's the rolling version.

tbqh I never use remove, I always purge.
In real world scenarios I don't find myself wanting to keep config files for software that is not even in my system anymore

Can you browse the internet, entirely, without a gui?

I doubt your job requires you to compile every single package in your system (Gentoo) and configure it for specific hardware, at little to no performance gain.

I also doubt your job requires you to learn how to use AUR specifically

You will be fine on literally any distribution to learn "advanced user" things. There's nothing inherently "advanced" about either of those

can you tell me how i do that i had problems with font rendering as well thank you

Is CAELinux any good? Seems like it's not updated very often. Is it just xubuntu with some neat programs or is there more to it?

Been playing around with some networking services recently to find a comfy CLI tool for connecting to WLANs and APs, and fucked up somewhere. I can ping IPs just fine, but my name lookup is failing. Tried everything I found on the net - anyone have any ideas on what I could do short of a complete reinstall?

first what is this comfy cli tool

Manjaro has its own repos, antergos uses arch repos.
Remove any trace of antergos after install and you're more or less left with arch

I am using Fedora right now but I want to use Debian. It lacks a newer version of mesa tho, what should I do?

install gentoo

What is your favorite lightweight desktop environment?

I remember seeing a way of installing certain packages from the sid repo (the rolling release one) while preserving the rest of your system. BRB, having a search

as far as i am concerned, the *only* reason to use ubuntu is if you have a video card you plan to use proprietary drivers with and dont feel like going through the convoluted process of getting it to work (ubuntu makes this easy with a couple mouse clicks).

I already parted out by Nvidia/Lubuntu build and plan on building a Radeon/Debian machine to replace it

>Debian is clunky

does arch linux have a default login manager, if so what is it?

Follow this guide

Don't do that. Don't make a Frankendebian.

You can use backports for this sort of thing. Or just use Sid. But don't mix releases. Bad bad bad.


>2. uncheck everything when it tells you to install shit

I wouldnt uncheck *everything*. off the top of my head, standard system utilities absolutely should stay checked, and i think its a good idea to have ssh server checked

XFCE is my go to for newbies that still need a desktop environment.

Otherwise, none. Just i3-gaps as window manager

your power supply is dying

what's the best distro for defeating christians in internet debates?

when it asks you if you want to set a root password, say no, and it will set it up to use sudo

how do you not know this?

hannah montana linux

Satanic Ubuntu

no, you login through a tty

why not just install sudo during the install? all you do is not put a root password

aptitude is just an alternative to apt-get and synaptic. my advice is to never use it

So I only use KDE because of kio-gdrive

Is there any good alternative for it on linux? Gnome integration is absolute garbage that takes a year to open a fucking folder.

>standard system utilities absolutely should stay checked, and i think its a good idea to have ssh server checked
Why? I have never used ssh in my life. No reason to have it when i don't need it. I don't even have a server lmao


learn something new everyday I guess, never not made a root account

just wait for a kernel patch update/backport

i dunno about debian, but on fedora the 4.14.11 that came out today contains the fix.

if it *has* to be a DE, I go with the lightest one that I am aware of; LXDE

My laptop uses icewm-lite for its GUI

I like being able to switch to a screen and view the web server's log in real time

HERBSTLUFTWM its the superior wm for superior people

Youre saying no to standard system utilities too? I find that hard to believe

If youve never used ssh, then basically you are a noob

There's no easily available backports, but backporting it myself should be safe, right?

Manjaro over Artegos? Are you crazy? Manjaro suck balls. Ugly as fuck.

Hey guys, I'm trying to install lubuntu 17.10 on a old PC I have and I can't get the WiFi working. The adapter I have is a TP-Link TL-WN725N. It can detect my wireless network but it can't actually connect to it. Any help is much appreciated.

>The adapter I have is a TP-Link TL-WN725N
doesn't help for linux kernel drivers.
Use lspci to determine which chip your wlan hardware has.

Alternatively dmesg|grep wlan for errors.

>It can detect my wireless network but it can't actually connect to it.
did you put the password in?


Which is your favorite distro with KDE?

are you connected through ethernet? if so try disconnecting it

Nope, not connecting through ethernet

Does the email client mutt really send the password in plaintext? Is it secure?