Who wants to make an operating system with me?

Who wants to make an operating system with me?

I can make the logo

I can use your logo. We need a coder though

maek it a microkernel OS

Okay but it's just gonna be repackaged ubuntu
What desktop manager?

>pic related
where's the kernel?

I'll be the idea guy and take 50% of the money we make. First idea, unix-like microkernel with an emphasis on security and stability.

Someone go make that



Why isn't there a universal FOSS operating system that works on both PCs and smartphones but with different desktop environments or something?

kernels are a security breach

nice, I can spend the profits.

Jewish tricks propably.

Made logo for you

Linux-based, no?

Different cpu architecture, you have to update for all of them, not enough manpower/expensive

Darwin? from OSX

Sure, just has to actually be the same operating system though. Not like Android and GNU. I'd imagine this would also be good for game support and just software support in general. It is probably hard to do though for the reasons mentioned.

Pico kernel, just make it a Javavm! Just make blackberryOS

Because Stallman likes to use Chinese computers but says a cellphone is a spy device. Also because no one can decide on a WM or DE much less a package manager..

Users are a security breach too. You need to remove them.

Port PureDarwin to ARM.

Call it how it is. Lack of cooperation skills. It cost much more mainpower updating routines of different applications.

Java, the fancyword of 2006... KYS
It would be better run in F# than java,
just because we won't get corpses from oversaturated android market.

To maintain full autism an compatibility it would be best to make own langluage that would also be able to run mutliplatform by interpreter, but would compile to binary that would run on our os only! That would be kinda intel style developement.

We should use something, that would procedurally handle the the objects in functional programing...

What about it would have pipes and every process would be handle by different process? i.e. there would be something like diskwritter, database connector, and there would be also shared memory for those processes so you would simple allocate sector by connector and write from it to disk by disk i/o which would run separately for each block device...

It would have funny crashes related to our possible incopetence.