This fucker deserves to burn. He sold $39 million in stock using a 10b5-1. 10b5-1 plans must be established when the individual is unaware of any material non-public information that may influence the stock price. He set up his 10b5-1 in October. He knew about the major security breach in June. This shit is insider trading.
This fucker deserves to burn. He sold $39 million in stock using a 10b5-1...
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Intel Inside(r)
Don't worry. He'll be investigated just like the Equifax people and then let off after everyone forgot about it. It's only illegal if you're poor!
Only the poor are prosecuted. He'll get off scott free.
Top Ramen lel
Intelaviv Inside(r)
>krzanich goes bear
>his wife goes bull
go cry about it on /biz/ commie
Intel fears the bogdanov twins
The call that saved I ntel
It is happening!!!!
don't worry I'm sure the finest legal system money can buy will totally nail his millionaire ass to the wall by making him pay a small fine
Why should he be punished for this? He made a smart business decision based on knowledge that he had to dump stock before price fell. This is why he is a millionaire
It's literally illegal.
>knowing things is illegal
>republicancer admin
>any chance of this guy being prosecuted
Nothing will happen.
>hurr durr, gommies. dat mane so smartz he fucked us all over. tahts why he a rich boi nad one dai I'm gonna be liek him
>insider trading isn't illegal
If a Cooking Lady was sent to Federal Pen..
The US Govt better take this fucker down.
>implying silicon valley didn't buy out the democrats.
You people need to stop listening to these old liberal arts professors who are forever trapped in the 60s.
Go to bed, Martha.
t. Bernie!
i didnt own their stock and even if i did, i'd cry about it on /biz/ instead
i dont begrudge anyone making money, stop being a hating poorfag and go make some of your own
this has 0 to do with technology anyway
True, but republicans historically have a higher propensity for turning a blind eye to corporate corruption. They almost downright fetishise the practice.
*Citation needed.
>citation need
It should be easy to get proof to this, if you say it can be backed historically.
Every time I see a picture of Brian Krzanich I immediately think of Michael Scott.