Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
>ahahhahahahahahahahhaha this is GNOME in 2018 lol
Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate desktop icons and I even I think this is retarded.
>taking choices away from the user
Gniggers will defend this.
why in the fuck?
I mean I think desktop icons generally look retarded, but... WHY?
why dont they just remove all icons from the entire OS? would look a lot cleaner
Don't joke about that. They might actually do it.
>Remember that fuck yesterday that said systemd and Gnome 3 weren't forced and FOSS is fully free what to use?
Good but not minimalistic enough. I don’t want to be able to customize the taskbar either.
You don't have to use gnome 3 or systemd though. I don't use either of them.
>Even Linus was FORCED to use Gnome 3 eventually
But they aren't, and it is.
Install Gentoo/Void/Parabola/GuixSD/Devuan/etc
Install KDE/XFCE/LXDE/LXQT/MATE/Cinnamon/*insert tiling window manager here*
No, he uses it by choice.
>Linus LOATHES Gnome 3
>Linus ALWAYS hated Gnome with a passion
>They finally cucked him over to the dark side
>By choice
Holy shit gnome has done more harm to the linux desktop than any other project. Totally sucked the wind out of Ubuntu's sails just when it was taking off, now trying to finish the job when Ubuntu is literally a couple of months away from totally committing to gnome3.
Desktop icons is for nasty people, the same who has a desk like pic ralated, and stupid because there is a menu for the icons.
I do wonder why he CHOSE to do that, as there are plenty of systemdless, gnome3less options out there. See:
No he just installed some extensions and that was that. He's got a wife and family so it's not like he can just run tiling window managers everywhere. I'm sure he probably hates gnome devs anyway.
>not everyone uses Linux for ricing!
Remove mouse pointer. It gets in the way and it obscures the desktop.
fucking fagnomes
Why? It's like they want to fuck their distro.
Same, I like my desktop clean but there's no fucking reason to remove a popular option like that
>reading the article
Nautilus is outdated, they don't want to maintain it. They suggest alternatives in the article:
I thought they removed this option already.
How literally autistic do you have to be to remove a cosmetic config option on a Linux distro
>they don't want to maintain it
So basically exactly what the headline says. Yes, you can hack icons in with nemo, but that's not the point.
I use Gnome on my laptop, but they do seem to hate their users.
what taskbar you faggot?
Right, it is still a stupid decision.
Why just WHY, its utterly retarded
>mfw just realized i haven't seen my desktop in weeks
Win + D, user.
>not having Super+D open dmenu
Another feature removed by the glorious Gnome team.
They know better than you, accept their superior wisdom.
>all the whys
Why is your desktop not clean? Why not use super + ? It's much faster and accessible everywhere.
Why even have a desktop? It's a waste of space
It seems really stupid to just take choices from the user like this. I don't even use desktop icons but I would never write software like that.
And that still is the case, don't use gnome if it lacks features or systemd if it has too many features for you.
I personally give a fuck about GNOME and I switched from OpenRC to systemd when it still took some effort to do 'cause it is good.
Isn't this open sores?
Why can't people just re-add this feature?
Why are gnome developers so fucking retarded? Do they all have down syndrome or something?
>still no file picker with thumbnails on the image
Previews that require me to highlight the image do not count motherfucker.
B-b-but there's a patch.
New Englander spotted.
The next update is going to remove the file picker
Patrician taste
I think it needs to be more minimalist
I don't want my screen to turn on
android sucks lol
That's Win + X, user.
KDE is the best thing pajeets have ever touched. Let us hope they don't fuck it up.
Out of all of the DEs I've tried, Gnome 3 seems to be the only one that can sufficiently work with my dual monitor setup.
I'm seriously wondering why there isn't a fork from gnome 2 directly that was just security upkeep. The amount of changes they did between 2 and 3 were bullshit.
XDDDDDDD that's so relevant to the thread! Thanks for the ebiv comment
It's time to switch to i3 user (or better yet, Sway).
>tfw no desktop icons since 6 years ago
>tfw one color wallpaper since 6 years ago
It only took them so much.
What KDE is run by pajeets?
wait are you seriously still using GNOME 2, or are you at least somewhat sane and using MATE, which is the continuation of that?
You're looking for MATE
Gnome shot themselves in the foot
>pic related
>Current release: KDE/knotes/blame/ v17.12.0/noteshared/src/ job/createnewnotejob.cpp#L144
>File at specific commit that added this gibberish: KDE/knotes/blame/ e5a17d20c8c22819ace 278031883c49255dd575c /noteshared/src/job/ createnewnotejob.cpp#L144
>The commit itself (takes a while to load): KDE/knotes/commit/ 7a013a76368159a2ba 10001bc4e37b2fddcddd21 #diff-62707337191a4d35 45e88259b8e94a8aR143
>The user who committed the changes:
Check Montel's followers; pajeets, everywhere.
Why is still Gnomalus the most used DE on Linux?
So what purpose does a desktop have if there's no icons on it?
Get fucked footfags
GNOME is a shitshow, first they want to get rid of tray icons and now they want to remove desktop icons. Just use XFCE.
anime wallpapers
I've been doing that on Windows since at least 2k.
I don't think it has a purpose for a lot of people outside of displaying a pretty image, I think most people spend their time in programs not the environment that houses them.
People should have the option to turn it on or off, but I too have made the move from having desktop icons. I switched them off in plasma and its helped me keep my hoarding more organized and everything just looks cleaner.
>freedom OS
>fuck the closed source that imposes things on us
>users don't have the liberty of choice about simple things like desktop icons
GNU/Linux has been getting too popular for my tastes. I don't want normies puluting my OS with shit.
This is not a fault of the "OS"
See >inb4 he got trips and posted le funny gif so he's correct
>posting K-plastic shit
Dead DE walking.
They sealed their fate when they went with GTK3. GNOMEshits are deprecating everything they use left and right. It's not long for this world, sadly. Rapid release GTK4 will finish if off for good.
>Dead DE
in your dreams faggot, the DE is still updating like nothing
No Wayland though.
its planned and will be done when wayland gets more mature
Not sure. It just works the same for me so I can get actual work done rather that fucking with configuration settings or an ugly/nonfunctional desktop environment. This is Ubuntu 16.04 so it's probably a continuation of it
Agreed. There's no reason to remove such heavily used functionality.
doesn't affect me, I use xfce.
Do gnome devs actually hate gnome?
>using a DE with a foot as an icon
Footfags cuck you again! Next feature out is the sidebar, because it's blocking us from adding features of no benefit to end users but we spent 5 yrs making so tough shit
Quads of truth.
when will gnome be officially incorporated into systemd and all deviants be shot?
What if, on the down-low, they have been monitoring the use of desktop icons; hence leading them to remove them because the lack of people that actually use the feature.
>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Powershot S3IS
>half-used stacks of blank CDs stacked on top of each other through the spindle
Holy shit, I found my doppelganger from ten years ago.
I barely use my desktop icons to be honest. I usually use the my dash or just search for the app.
I'm honestly convinced that the GNOME team just looks for things they can remove just because. They attempt to deliver an apple-like experience without understanding why apple made the design choices that they did.
macOS doesn’t have this problem.
>all these freetard tears
like fork it brah
Even Apple aren't dumb enough to remove desktop icons though.
Like 90% of apple desktops I see are cluttered with an insane amount of icons for some reason.
Maybe it's because these people use the mouse and not the keyboard.
The Desktop is the normies temporary folder.
just your loonix "freedom" working as usual
maybe next year will be the year of the giant footprint, huh systemd-orks?