Is there any actual reason to bother with Arch over Antergos, or is it just for epic hacker points?

Is there any actual reason to bother with Arch over Antergos, or is it just for epic hacker points?

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I suppose if you want to do some super special partitioning scheme then you're gonna want to go do manually with Arch. If you just bought a new laptop and just want regular install to get up and running, there is no reason to not use Antergos.

Antergos has an ugly neofetch logo

Trivially easy to change.

This. I've just set my alias to screnfetch -D 'Arch'

This was my reason as well

Complete linux noob, how do I do this?

NOO now all the brainlet linux users can pretend to be hax0rs

Fuckin tards just use Anarchy it's an actual Arch installer with no Antergos branding

Woah suddenly I've installed gentoo

just use manjaro if you want ubuntu tier arch

>install any non ubuntu based distro
>no wifi
>bluetoth doesnt work
>everthing is glitching

>ubuntu based
>he doesn't know about debian

>install antergos
>WiFi works
*Activate it*

>ubuntu based
>he doesn't know ubuntu is debian based, not vice versa

>no wifi
Should be pretty easy to fix dude

>install debian
>no wifi drivers
>no drivers at all
>try to manually scrape drivers whole day

>he doesn't know ubuntu is debian based, not vice versa
>mfw that's my point

yikes this thread

If you plan on knowing how your system works you should install Arch at least once. Subsequently, when you want automatic install, use Antergos.

If you want other people to deal with system issues, just use ubuntu.

Antergos is bloaty if you don’t want one of the included/recommended desktop environments. If you’re going to start with a base install you should do it manually.

Turns out most Linux DEs are trash, so I just use polybar + i3. Antergos doesn’t provide any advantage for me.

>arch (effectively)
>fucking sway
"i only have the brain capacity to do a Sup Forumstard arch install but i want extra hacker points"

install gentoo

>extra hacker points
Wayland is the default in Ubuntu now, isn't it?

>"i only have the brain capacity to do a Sup Forumstard arch install

>If you’re going to start with a base install you should do it manually.
There is literally no reason to (if you're an intermediate Linux user) seeing as you can do a base install with Antergos and receive no bloat.

Is there any reason to namedrop your hipster distro you just found, or are you just starved for attention? This isn't distrowatch, dicklips.
If we made threads for every single distro nobody uses we would never stop.
Stop distro hopping like a dumbass and just stick to and use whatever works well.

There is literally no reason to waste time with the normal Arch installation

Quit fucking around and install NixOS.

Unless you appreciate privacy and want an encrypted boot and root.

>quit fucking around

>encrypted boot
incredible post

two [2] same numbers

>he doesn't know that you can keep /boot encrypted (either stay on root or it's own partition) with grub cryptodisk being enabled.
lmaoing at your life senpai

the Anarchy installer allows you to do that, I assume Antergos does aswell.

>installer does luks with encrypted boot
I don't believe you.

> you need to install arch to learn about linux

I'm tired of this meme.

>he doesn't know encrypted boot is useless

Not with Secure Boot. (soon, someday)

Why not ArchBang?


>Full drive automatic partitioning full luks on LVM encryption for root and tmp partition with optional enctypted SWAP partition

Thats the whole point of an installer though.

>only root
>no boot
>not btrfs
lmao dropped kid

Hopefully they will include btrfs as an option in the near future

>being 14 and encrypting your bootloader

>being a luddite
>not being as secure as possible
kill yourself

>hehe this loser doesn't quadrouple his boot times so that people can't see that he uses grub

What is the best Arch installer anyway?

>i'm a giant faggot who's never heard of a evil maid attack
kill yourself

>he's never heard of the nice ogre defense

>literally making something up
You're amazing.

>not realizing you'll activate my kindly chicken counter measure
Pssh, nothing personnel kiddo

that was my plan all along, the evil maid secretly has a wicked kitten attack encrypted inside her OWN bootloader!

Fuck, I always forget the evil kitten attack

yeah i've falled for it a few times, even though my computer is encrypted inside a png file inside another encrypted drive (bootloader encrypted too, since that's the single most commonly attacked and vulnerable part of a system)

self checke dubse

Evil Maid Attack:

>Google debian non-free firmware

hey whatever forces you to learn bash

Arch should take you all of 10 minutes to install, with a slow connection.
Partition, mount, pacstrap chroot.

Not the first time. Especially not if you're new to linux.


You actually have to pay attention to what you're doing to install it. With Antergos, I can install it while watching anime.

Yeah but why is arch so good?

Cutting edge rolling release + huge number of packages.

Okay makes sense, and what about general usability, if i for instance install arch am i gonna have to spend ages looking for drivers for my laptop?

>needing to fix something that shouldn't be broken in the first place
what a shitty os

void is truly minimal and easier to install.

dubs of truth
also runit euthanizes any other init system

Even with secureboot. You only need physical access to your drive to read all of your porn. Stop pretending boot encryption matters at all for your system

Boot encryption with secure boot prevents planting or injecting an already existing initrd with malicious code, or something along the same lines.
It keeps the fucker from being able to figure out the key for the drive they're trying to decrypt.

>b-but muh nothing to h-hide!
Do you also live in a glass house with no locked doors?

>y-you're a pedo!
you're a faggot

dunno, i use manjaro

why? when gparted exists

nothing wrong with ubuntu flavours

he also doesn't know abou S&M

>because this is an arch bred
makes no sense - arch includes everything for the shit to work


personal favourite linux flavor?


sorry not a distro hopper, only vaguely familiar with debian and ubuntu (always test with their live cds btw) if you mean ubuntu flavour, i fancy lubuntu because openbox, slim and just werks (sorta/ymmv)

no thats fine im mainly wondering due to my itch for linux which has been arising lately, and want to know what to install on my laptop

kde neon probably
get anything you want but test with live cd before install

The only time I had issues with wifi on Linux was with Broadcom hardware but that's because of their closed drivers. Everything else was plug and play.

Zen installer is a thing. Automated arch installation made easy.

you can even make custom ascii "art"

Antergos devs are lazy af.

I used it for two months when I didn't have time to tinker with Arch. Their own repositories have broken for no reason.