I work at a web dev "shop" and everyone there looks like pic related and talks about fantasy football all day long. What field do I need to go in to to avoid these people? I was thinking something that requires knowledge of C.
Avoiding working with bugmen
Yeah the biggest thing is getting the fuck out of webdev entirely
don't be so shallow you dumbass
Why would you want to be surrounded by people like this?
>What field do I need to go in to to avoid these people?
not STEM
There's going to be bonding activities that take place during down time. That's how teams work. Either sack up and participate a little so you can get along better, or ask at your next interview what the shop culture is like. Be aware, if it's not fantasy sports, it's going to be bowling or something else equally lame as long as you stay in the same social class.
Guns are the next step up after fantasy sports. And then racket sports. Then running. Then golf. Then shit you won't be able to afford at all like collecting classic cars.
Figure out where you want to be, then pick your activity and schmooze.
I'm a network administrator for a WISP. The office is in a small country town and my coworkers are Christian conservatives. They are much more pleasant to work with than the self-absorbed ever-agitated liberals in the city were.
>lifting weights that high on income
/litfit/ is real
Just don't tell them you're not that into Jesus. There's a decent chance nobody in town will ever talk to you again.
id prefer them to Sup Forums
TFW too rich to relax and think
user, it sounds like you're the one who's not that into Jesus.
Science and math a re fine, its literally just computers and (actual) engineering that have this problem.
I didn't specify who may or may not be into Jesus. I said not to tell them you're not.
Try security. Guys there tend to be pretty genuine and potentially redpilled.
I actually don't really get how places turn out like this. I have a small dev shop of 10 and we have one of these people.
cry more soyboy
The guy who hires people mostly hires people like himself. Then people who spend a lot of time together tend to converge on their similar interests.
That's the part I don't really get. I have never seen a nu-male in a hiring position at anything but a shitty meme startup.
The few men in HR are usually nu-males, and there are plenty of nu-males in artsy professions.
>tfw you take a picture in a mirror so your backward swastika is reversed
>implying penis
>how do I avoid working with bugmen, soymen, and nu-cucks?
Really showed us
damn those nazis are uggo lol
guess how i know youre one of them?
>muuuuh Sup Forums boogeyman
How does feel being more retarded than them so bad that you lose an entire election?
>tfw talk about hacker news and black mirror all fucking day
Wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe go try construction, fuck boy
actually, the correct name is numales
>How does feel being more retarded than them so bad that you lose an entire election?
In English, doc.
is this the power of communism?
notice how OP immediately starting spouting Sup Forumseddit insults and memes when he was told to go back? it's because "bugmen" is exclusively used by the Sup Forumsedditors. not really a boogieman when the retard revealed himself immediately afterwards.
>How does feel being more retarded than them; so bad that you lose an entire election?
>avoiding the question this obvious
do you know that you are a cancer and not the future? all diseases have a end anyway
youre both a bunch of fags getting worked up over bullshit
Peak communism, sucking a real circumcised jewish dick
/the_donald/ users need to be banned from posting on any other board. the ONLY reason they are still around is because Hiro makes shit tons of money from them being tech illiterates and not blocking his ads.
>black mirror
what if there was a hitler only it wasn't a hitler it was a app
I worked with one. He had that jimmy nutron beard. He was a dick.
Why would that be the only concern regarding your job? Just ignore them. You're there to work, not to socialize, you vapid faggot.
>just do your job while ignoring coworkers
t. low level wagecuck
I get what you mean, but there is literally no workplace in america where people won't talk about fantasy football during the nfl season
Isn't that what you're complaining about? You sound mentally deficient and unemployed.
im in stem (real stem engineer not computer janitor). There is none of that here.
Probably have one 15+ minute social session with coworkers like once a quarter. Other than that it's just basic civility and getting work done.
OP probably has a blue haired HR idiot in the office who is monitoring 'culture' and 'fit'.
OP is worried that looking like an autbot will get him demerits.
>qa posting
go back to your faggot ass loli board
>redditor is FURIOUS that he's nothing but a cashcow for a slant
never gets old
Reminder for every magapede there is a 1000 bugmen, the looks argument is something leftists will never win