Cloud providers are also trying to limit the damage of the Meltdown bug. ITT we discuss the actual facts.

Here's what you need to know:

- Most chips with speculative execution are effected by Spectre, there is no real fix for it, but work arounds do not have a significant slow down. The biggest concern are browsers where javascript can steal stored passwords. Solution for now is not to store your passwords in browser.
- Predicted 30% slow down for Intel chips due to meltdown. Kernel-level fix is required, clearing out large table with EVERY SYSCALL. AMD is not effected by this bug.
- For uncompiled code, a work-around without a huge performance drop is possible. This work-around does not work for compiled code, i.e. the moment someone has access to a cloud instance and runs some hostile hand-written assembler code, they can invoke Meltdown. It's necessary to take the 30% hit in this case.
- For any I/O heavy task, Meltdown might be even worse than 30%.
- Games should not be effected by this kind of attack FOR NOW, but as more research into this kind of attack is conducted, it's possible that slow downs will occur in the future.

AMD Ryzen is probably the best "solution" for now, as well as some software fixes for browsers. If you have not purchased a CPU yet, wait for Zen+ which may be delayed to fix the Spectre problem. Intel should be avoided at all costs and likely won't have a fix until 2019.

>30% slowdown
>Still 10% faster than Poozen

Did you guys read that first article that came out and literally nothing else?

You know that all those synthetic “benchmarking” test that reviews use, are using ICC to complie and test CPU performance which favors Intel CPU’s and other CPU’s like AMD are forced to use GCC and C++ which gives intel an unfair advantage.

>Still shilling after these numbers

The benchmark is complied with intel’s ICC complier which optimizes complied code for intel processors and leaves out certain optimization’s for non-intel processors. By editing the vender ID on an AMD chip to an genuine intel it gives it a much higher synthetic score then the Default authentic AMD vender ID. This also causes some bugs (of course). Intel fan boy Reviewers (brainlets) don’t know nor care to understand the bias in the benchmarking programs and spew out how amazing intel is. The benchmarking program uses ICC for intel and for all others using GCC and C++ which is of course why Intel CPU's are "blowing" other CPU's in terms of performance and people don't understand how using ICC math complier library gives Intel a greatly unfair advantage

There IS a REAL fix, sweaty.

Is this thing real? Holy fucking shit.

why do you retards keep mcking israel
it's an ethnostate backed by trump, non-israeli jews are the problem. and israel stick it to mudslimes.


Yes, I did the test.

javascript your password. nothing personal kid

Wow I really need one of those new Intel Ryzen 7 chips


fucking disgusting


wait a sec, so Samsung just rebrands ARM processors and doesn't make any own? What about Huawei's Kirin?

>that glorified microcontroller
If only there were some other company besides Intel that produced more a advanced micro device...

Alpha, RISC-V, Power Arch, MIPS, SPARC hell, even Itanic

Here every tv news channel is generically reporting that "every CPU is affected by the bug, both Intel and ams", making absolutely no distinction between amd and intel.

Intel is already getting away with it

I keep the icc patch program on the desktop of my old phenom II system and run it everytime I install a new program. It usually finds something new. My newest desktop and laptop are both Intel because of this shit.


Ryzen 7 reporting in.

>Intel is already getting away with it
It doesn't matter to the average consumer. Most people savy enough build their PC and thus have a choice between AMD and intel will know about it.

What hurts Intel the most is the companies who buy serve en masse. They definitely know about it, and any company looking to buy servers in the coming years will avoid Intel like the plague.

Note: Zen+ is way too far down the pipeline to delay for fixes.
Zen2 probably will be delayed a bit for fixes though.

I would let Jeff Bezos cum in my ass if he boycotts Intel after this and exclosively goes with AMD Epyc instead


Depends on how hard AWS are hit in the performance. Intel will probably have to pay Amazon a hefty sum when it is said and done.

I just ordered $7 million worth of Intel fucking servers for my company last fucking month. It's going to be hell now that they're fucking worthless.

See if you can void the order with an clauses in the contract that has such things in mind.

There is a class action lawsuit against intel

As I said before, this could have been bad for Intel for their consumer market too. Think about normies about to get a new laptop hearing on tv "every fucking Intel CPU in the world is bugged". Some could have opted for an amd. This instead won't happen

If normies are too stupid to do their own research they deserve it. Besides the point of news is to be brief and diluted for the masses, differentiating between Meltdown and Spectre and then explaining the difference to the average TV viewer seems too much.

What's an intel?

There's a difference between being concise and being liars. They could have said as for now every Intel CPU is affected and will be slowed down to a certain degree with the patch, while amd products still havent been proved to be affected to the same degree as Intel in the slightest

>it's an ethnostate backed by trump, non-israeli jews are the problem. and israel stick it to mudslimes.
Nice story Shapiro, we're not falling for your foolish dialectic.

you're just another traitor like bannon. i follow trump.

99% of all tech sites are saying these. None tech sites don't care because normies cannot into tech. Normies probably think Pentium is a the company name.

>intel shill trying to distract us.

Lawsuits are incoming. Intel is utterly fucked.

That was my impression. I checked the timestamp and was shocked this was such a recent thread. This is the info we had before it was made public but they just added the exploit names. You'd think they'd add and correct the rest of the stuff we found out as well.

painfully obvious shill

get a real job, loser

>bought a Ryzen 1600 during my last upgrade, just to tell Intel to shove it up their horse cock
>Performance was better than I expected, one game I play actually uses all 12 threads and encoding FLAC to mp3 for my phone is literally a quarter the time
>Now I'm being told I dodged a security bullet
>Now I'm being told I'll be able to get an R5 2600 that's twice as fast for the same cost less than a year later, and is socket compatible
>All because of pretty much a pure spite purchase

I believe you replied to the wrong person friend.

Amada is comfy and watching intel burn.


makers of the itanium processor.
it should have won desu.
it was supposed to be it's turn

>about to upgrade my sandy vagina system
>decide to wait
>this shit happens
>would have upgraded and ended up with sandy vagina performance after patch
What a fucking timeline. Waiting for Zen+ then.

Dodged a fucking bullet m8

wangblows already pushed the update last december

>be intel
>know about flaw for years and years
>procrastinate because everyone buys your shit anyways
>this happens
>oh well, the goyim will just have to upgrade again :^)
What a bunch of fucking kikes

>There's no real fix for it
v1 is OS level patchable and v2 requires eBPF on AMD to even have a chance of working
Intel is fucked all the way to Ice Lake unless they re-tapeout

More like
>Be intel
>NSA gives you truckloads of dollar bills
>Install backdoor for them
>This happens
>Oh well, it has an honest mistake :^)

do we have a list of which processors are affected by the security flaw? will the processors that don't have the security flaw still have their performance impacted by the work around?

>If you have not purchased a CPU yet, wait for Zen+
No just buy one whenever you need. If need one now, buy one now.

>Just wait for herpaderp
>Herpaderp comes out delayed
>Herpaderp comes out with mixed results
>Wait for specific contrarian to post benchmark
>Wait for new gpus because herpaderp may have been bottlenecked
>Wait for specific game for specific bencmark
>Herpaderp is good but everyone says a dissapointment because hype men 4 months earlier were overhyping
>New herpaderp will only be 6months away at that point so people cry wait

Getting fed up with you herpader is just round the corner

But Ryzen Herpaderp Edition is literally only 2 months away

>use Intel compiler
>Intel wins in Intel made tests

And herpaderpening edition is only 14months away!
Just wait bro!

>Just buy it now
>It has a bug
>You're fucked, zero resale value
>Could have waited 2 month for bug free CPU
neck it.

>2 month for bug free CPU
Says who hypeman.
Wait a bit longer you will have a bug free 3rd generation version and at the rate of inflation it will be cheaper

If you run full disk encryption via your operating system on old Intel processors such as a Core 2 Duo, the performance reduction will be disastrous won't it?

>If you run full disk encryption via your operating system on old Intel processors such as a Core 2 Duo, the performance reduction will be disastrous won't it?

Do you know if there would be a less affected way of doing it from here on out?

what a fucking retard

>Games should not be effected by this kind of attack FOR NOW
This is irrelevant to me since I refuse to buy new games. There's not heart and soul in them any more and it's all business. It's always been all business but at least they didn't harass you with micro transactions and day one downloadable content.

how fucking new are you?

I'm fairly new to posting but not new to lurking.