Sup Forums have a thread reminiscing the time when blogs were static html pages

>Sup Forums have a thread reminiscing the time when blogs were static html pages
>>web design then was better than today

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are you laughing? It's mostly true.
Unless you prefer sites that require a million inches of screen real estate wasted in whitespace as well as them being full of Javascript botneg.

>expecting something from m/a/nchilds
>be on Sup Forums
>wub desen is bater niu
>jo a niub he tañ abut paghjes tad r jus htmilk
Its not your fault, i've take a poltard seriously.

>static html pages

>eyesore webpages designed for mobilefags

a thread died for this

They're right you shitstain.

Modern web design is much better. Take Sup Forums with 4chanX installed as an example:
>thread auto updates that use a fraction of the server costs and notify within seconds of someone posting
>cross site loading of links so you can open tweets, videos, and images within the post
>searching and filtering threads done client side so the results load instantly

There's a shit ton more features but these are the most used, and a result of modern web design ideas.

>but those sites that take forever to load and lag my phone!

So? They're shitty sites. Do you think modern medicine is bad because of meth heads?

late 90s to early 00s web design was fucking awful with obnoxiously bright backgrounds with low contrasting font colours not to mention frames everywhere for everything, but I'd trade anything from the modern web to go back to the days where the majority of websites didn't force javascript for basic functionality like menus buttons or links
if I need to whitelist anything in umatrix for non-interactive browsing I'll consider anything written on the site worthless and close the tab

link thread


They're right y'know, static webpages were x10 better than the bloated trackware we're using today

If everyone unanimously agree that frontend frameworks we use now is bad, who's keeping it from being used?

Like? Share? Related Shitposting.

>who's keeping it from being used?

People still do use static html, but it died with the age of personal sites and blogs. Normies need a centralized site to whine about their life.

>my dumpster dived X60 shits itself trying to load a captcha so everything should look like one of those cool “geocities” things I saw on the web archive once it was so cool XD
The static web was ass. Professionally-designed websites were practically just a giant fucking 600 pixel wide image map full of applets with low-resolution raster elements that didn’t scale for shit and far more “white space” than even the hippest mainstream shit today. Amateur sites were even worse, because the internet was mostly tasteless nerds like the dipshits I’m quoting that don’t understand basic concepts of designing a web page and just spammed whatever distracting/cool looking shit they could find usually with eye-raping and poorly contrasting color schemes.

There’s nothing wrong with dynamic web content, the only people who think it’s shit are the same kinds of idiots who are making it shit because they only know how to string thousands of libraries together until something coherent comes out.

They're right

>blog pages at 3 MB default

>10 years ago
>blog pages are 100 kb

>20 years ago
>blog pages are 5 kb

Oh look its the ANTI-NOSTALGIC contrarian faggot who shits up every thread with his nu-isms.

Go back to your adtracking mobile infinite scrolling tech site you fucking faggot.

>600 pixel wide image map full of applets
I'm having a panic attack right now. One of the thing I hated the most about web 1.0 was its overreliance of "write once, debug anywhere" Java shits.

Javascript might be a horrendous bloat and Knuth's worst nightmare, but at least it has very smol debug cycle.

you were saying?

Oh look its the BUTTBLASTED hipster dipshit with no argument.

Go jack off to some LGR and cry yourself to sleep as you contemplate why nobody respects your delusional opinions.
Man, just fucking end it.

>stop being nostalgiaphobic and get out of my safe space shitlord!!!
>actually using the term “anti-nostalgic” like it’s a good thing to be stuck in the past and blinded by selective memory

Nostalgiaing to shitty website designs of the old is stupid.
Thinking what we have today is good is dumb too.
Decency is what is needed.
Sites like cat-v are really good for static content.
Sup Forums before hiro fucked everything up, was good for dynamic content.
Newer webstandards aren't bad for websites, especially those that have primarily dynamic content. The problem comes when its overdone.

it's a pretty good design imo still peak web design

Yeah, now imagine downloading 4chanX everytime you visit this site. Imagine how long that would take to serve. And guess what? You couldn't modify it. The irony of your argument is that you're actually making a case for spartan sites like Sup Forums, because they're easier to augment.

Stop shilling your site, Nikita.

Most of these people creating modern sites just push 10MB pngs for the background only.
Please fuck the right off

>Man, just fucking end it.
do you enjoy staring into light bulbs or something?

Just dim the brightness on you computer screen. Jesus.

Look at the source code at

What about actually representing white or bright vivid colors? Just accept that the idea of white background is some retarded concept carried over from writing on paper.

Negative space should be black, the absence of something. Graphics libraries render colors additively, not subtractively like water-based paints or lead/colored pencils on paper.

This is pretty much how I feel about it. The static web was shit, what we have now is shit in its own way. There’s nothing wrong with some subtle animations and bits of extra polish on a site to make it look professional, but a lot of idiots and developers constrained by idiots make stupid decisions that aren’t inherent to dynamic pages. You can help mitigate that by avoiding or correcting stupid decisions instead of making more stupid fucking decisions like advocating we turn everything back into geocities pages.

t. ANTI-NOSTALGIC contrarian faggot

>because the internet was mostly tasteless nerds
You talk about it like it's a bad thing...
>There’s nothing wrong with dynamic web content
yes there is, javascript.
>the only people who think it’s shit are the same kinds of idiots who are making it shit because they only know how to string thousands of libraries together until something coherent comes out.
Wrong. Open any news website, any banking website, any electronic commerce and vomit.
Well designed websites ARE a minority nowadays, atleast for the big names.

What's the point of vivid colors if you're going to scorn anyone for making a bright site that contradicts your dork as my soul colorscheme?

We are going full circle, and you cannot deny it.

What happens when you use a shitty C program full of memory leaks?
Do you get on a soapbox and start crying about how shit C is and start shilling Rust or Swift like a mewling faggot?
Or do you get on Kumar’s GitHub page and tell him to stop being a fucking idiot and run his garbage through valgrind every once and a while?

It’s not due to the capabilities of modern web technologies that their users have down syndrome. Whining about shit you don’t understand because you’re obsessed with your shitty childhood internet experience isn’t going to make retards into functioning members of society.
Do you know what this thing called a “backlight” is and how to adjust it? Or are you just a fragile sissy faggot looking for things to complain about for the sake of it?

>You talk about it like it's a bad thing...
Yeah, because something meant to be stared at with human eyes should look nice, not “comfy” or “nostalgic” or half-assed. Taking pride in shit work for fear of appealing to normalfags and/or people with eyes != good, functional design.
>hurr but muh javascript
Nigger, I doubt you’ve written more than a few lines of it in your life, if any.

Animations are mostly unnecessary too.
There is not much of a reason to have them.
I mean subtle animations aren't horrible, but the fact that animations exist will lead to people abusing them for their shitty website ideas.

Computers are mostly unnecessary too.
There is not much of a reason to have them.
I mean the modern standard of living isn’t horrible, but the fact that computers exist will lead to people abusing them for masturbating and buying bath salts on the dark web.

You are mostly unnecessary too.
There is not much of a reason to have You.
I mean You aren't horrible, but the fact that You exist will lead to people replying to (You)

Look at some of these sites and tell my they aren't perfect:

My x60s runs modern webpages fine and this is with a bottom of the barrel core duo.

The site can't be perfect, when the first thing I see is that faggots face.

>t. millennial
the fact that your browser has to be nearly a full fledge operating system should be enough to tell you how bad the state of "web design" is.

>nothing that existed before can be better than how it is now
>everything improves over time to say differently is heresy
ahh I see the cult of progressivism has arrived

Got I fucking hate artists. All of these websites are pretentious as shit.

>Yeah, now imagine downloading 4chanX everytime you visit this site.

Are you retarded? Have you ever designed a website? The 4chanX file would be cached on your PC. You would download it once per day, or once per week even.

It's far safer than downloading programs (that can easy just be web applications).

I prefer it. Why do you not value security, user?

this is one of my favorite sites, spent a lot of time reading it a few years ago. My recommendation is that everyone ignores the dick measuring contest in this thread and views this site instead. You'll be happier.

Back then real non-normies shitposted how text was better than graphics.

vocalized what that vague twinging disgust I had when scrolling was

i really like for some reason. Its a perfect middle ground

"write once, run away"

>teleports behind you

Just install NoScript. Most sites just require a few extra steps to make them useable. If they don't, they're not worth visiting.
'''Modern''' web-'''development''' is the biggest cancer in technology currently. Don't give such ad- and javascript-riddled sites any money from their linked botnet scripts.

>last updated: February 19th, 2001
>tfw to young too young to have been a netizen back then
H-how was it?

Modern UI like bootstrap and material is designed by artist, they properly went through art school and learned design. Hate them too.