Are Protonmail still Jews

Do any of you guys rely on this for email? I'm preparing to move away from Gmail and there don't seem to be any good alternatives other than Outlook.
When I was first going to sign up with them a couple of years ago I remember a lot of people were talking about how they had set up a proxy or listening server in Israel. So what's the current situation?
They only came back on my radar after I saw the faggot in Mr Robot using this.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Jews

Go back to Sup Forums

Fuck off kike, Sup Forums is pro-Israel these days. *You* fuck off back there.

Back to pol you must go.

no, fuck you kike. where are these kike shills flooding in from suddenly? is it the Intel Damage Control department still hoping to divert from Meltdown?

I just want a e-mail that won't go away, won't be spied on and have a decent UI, seriously have you seen the abomination that is the outlook UI?

Gas yourself

It's not perfect, but it's by far one of the best email UIs we have available.

It's time to go back.

>kike thinks we're american
>americans don't even wake up for a few hours

Didnt realise not liking a vermin Jew and not using services they ruined meant I come from a shit board like POL

It doesn't. These are just the remnants of the Meltdown Damage Control Campaign, hoping for a couple more shekels from Soros.
Sup Forums is still mostly kike-free.

i'm an american and i'm awake right now, retard

Outlook is owned by Microsoft, taking a guess based on how they've done shit for years, it's probably got some cucks spying on it and tracking you. If you want an email service that doesn't spy, I'd probably avoid Outlook

Is this still good
>waaaah notice me!
>typical burgerpost
Now fuck off.

Hey did you know that protonmail routes all traffic through Mossad servers?

>a couple of years ago I remember a lot of people were talking about how they had set up a proxy or listening server in Israel
Hey did you ever learn to read?

I never read the OP, I only look at the image

nice ad personam you got there

>naziboos pro-israel
Well, the world is change to fast to me.

Well their logic is that Trump loves Israeli cum, so they must also now love the taste of it otherwise they are not loyal Trumpkins.
This is why you don't become enthralled to politicians, no matter how much they say they are going to make x country great again.
Unless you have someone who is proudly and strongly anti-Israel, you know that person is not worthy of trust.

>Sup Forums is pro-Israel these days

they're the absolute cuck.

I use protonmail and its great. looks great on web and on phone. They are adding more features as we speak.

Kek, is this the best insult Sup Forumstards can come up with


The only people who complain about PM are retarded drug dealers who think encrypted means above the law.

Your email is never private unless you apply your own encryption.
Just use what is convenient and try to use other services for sensitive data.

You're a faggot, but here's an answer

Protonmail is free. Their privacy policy is "tee hee we are located in Switzerland". Are you fucking stupid?

Look at this statist bootlicking fuck and laugh

This. If you need secure communication, send text files encrypted with 7zip and exchange keys in person.

>job related stuff send by email
>banking stuff send by email
>literally every account ever registered with email
>all refuse to use gpg on their mails
Protonmail is all I got, since I don't want to buy a server
