Your main OS and web browser

What are you using and why?

Devuan/Pale moon

Devuan is Debian without systemd. Enough said.
Pale moon is a bloat free browser that works.

Windows 7 Ultimate
Because I know how to use it and it does everything I want it to
>web browser
Because it's still faster than any Firefox fork, and I have no need for extra features

>botnet os
>botnet browser

Windows - gaymen and acestream
Firefox - I just switched back to it like a month ago when Quantum came out and it crashes A LOT on Android, so I might go back to Chrome

>Windows 8.1
Cause I'm ignorant
>Iridium and Chrome
Iridium cause gud and private but planning to come back to chrome cuz's better

It came with my laptop
used it since forever

W10 with AHK because it's stabile.
Vivaldi because I love functions.

>arch linux
muh rolling release, muh AUR, also shit never broke for me
no better alternatives, waterfox's a meme

windows 8.1 (games) and linux mint 18.3 (videos/browsing)
firefox beta (no better alternative)

macOS Sierra

They just work.

Home: Windows 10 and Vivaldi because I can't find a decent TTS on Linux.
Work: Arch and Vivaldi because why not.

Arch because of it's flexibility and drivers
Firefox because currently it's the stablest modern browser

the only reasonable choice

Windows Server 2016


Windows 7

I use two operating systems pretty much equally at this point. I have Windows 10 LTSB on my laptop because it gets great battery life and I can run the Windows programs I need for work. On my desktop I use Fedora which works great for all my work stuff since I'm using hardware that's beefy enough to run multiple Windows and OS X and Linux VMs at once, but I still primarily use the host OS for all of my day to day word processing and web browsing needs.

Chrome eats RAM like a starving African child at an all you can eat buffet, so I've been using Firefox for as long as I can remember. In recent years I've upgraded my laptop to 10GB of RAM and my desktop to 32GB of RAM so it's not an issue anymore but I like Firefox still and I don't plan on switching. A lot of people were pretty butt blasted over the quantum update breaking extensions but they warned of this for years, and it's like twice as fast now. Also all of my extensions work the same except one which somebody forked and improved, so it's been great on that end as well.

osx 10.11.4
waterfox 52

everything just works fine

Debian stable and Firefox ESR, because I am poor and I need more security than Microsoft can offer.

win10 + ff 57
it just works

Void Linux.

debian & firefox

Windows 10 Home

>Operating System
Debian cause reliable and has my favourite package manager

>Web Browser
Firefox because want to escape the Google botnet (considering switching to Waterfox tho)



Windows 10
Firefox Nightly. Switched to it to try it out and I've enjoyed it since.

This, on both laptop and desktop

Windows 10 enterprise because I need the software from Autodesk and Adobe and some other tools, I really hate it and try use Linux as much as possible.

I don't have a main one. Unless a hypervisor counts as an OS.

web browser: nightly because it's fast and supports every normal Firefox plugin.

Because I like both and no better options are available for everyday use. Windows 7 is on the second drive for most games where I also use Firefox. Reason I have windows is because Linux performs 10 times worse with my GPU.

>Windows 10 Enterprise
I like having some control over my OS
It werks and for the most part botnet free

Thinking of going to win 10 enterprise N

Debian because it's a nice balance in the middle of more advanced distros like Gentoo and beginner ones like Ubuntu. Firefox because I'm waiting until Icecat gets a high enough version to support Tree Style Tabs

just werks. gets out of the way. not overly bloated.
stockholm syndrome.

i like it, i find it fun to use, and i'm good enough with gnu/linux to avoid wasting time on it
>elinks / chromium
Chromium when I need to view media or use JS and similar, elinks for everything else. I use chromium because it's (unfortunately) still the best browser with a GUI.

Windows 8.1
Waterfox 56

Because daddy never loved me.

windows 10 because games
firefox because it's what I used for the last 10 years or so.

Win10/chrome on muh gaymen desktop

Kali/ff on subnotebook for shady shit

because it's the fastest

Firefox because I haven't found a decent replacement yet.

>DATA mining bred

>uses Windows as main OS
>still bothers with alleged non-botnet browsers
Why are you even trying? No point in that. Just install chrome

Chrome OS
one stone two birds

What kind of shady things? Please be specific.

Things that are not exactly illegal by the laws of my country but may be considered bad or raise suspicion in the future like certain sources of information about shit that the government or the people that pull its strings may be up to