Bill Gates edition
What are you working on Sup Forums?
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Bill Gates edition
What are you working on Sup Forums?
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Someone please love me
I will if you are a grill.
What are some tips/books on software architecture and project planning/management?
I'm a girl (boy)
female (male)
shame then,you will remain unloved.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::vector vec = {1, 2, 3};
for (auto &&x : vec)
for (auto &&x : vec)
nothing but thanks for asking
appreciate it
Fuck, cheers, I was thinking of &/const& maybe? Also my bad
If you want to make sure you want to avoid mutating something in the source of your iterator, you do use const.
for (auto const &x : collection)
who here
/using autism as escapism from real life issues ism/
and what's your best choice?
AoC did the job for me last month.
Always remember to include a diverse cast of philosophers and use their proper pronouns.
Damn you, Western European philosophers.
>(but please not too much bike-shedding)
If it wasn't Rust, I'd think this whole post is satire. The obliviousness of these people is amazing.
>fictional female philosophers
I thought this was /dpt/ and not /lgbt/ disguised as /dpt/
jnc 0x24dd099bb870
but the whole rust is a joke
I wish, i really do.
>signed int
I've never noticed his puffy eye lids before
oh wow I thought it was a 40+ female admin of some sorts, based on the thumbnail
looking at this, it's one of those "looks like a butch lesbian" things of mysterious chromosome makeup, no wonder it's toeing the "it" line
I don't get it, what do philosophers have to do with rust ?
Also, just use a french quote ffs
> use male pronoun
> it's always grammatically correct
> ???
> Profit
>what do philosophers have to do with rust ?
Read the picrel.
>butch lesbian
Those people don't care about productivity. Their mindset is to find anything they deem a problem, make a post about it, then pat themselves on the bat as they imagine how much better the world is now because of their fearless contribution to society.
>> use male pronoun
>> it's always grammatically correct
>it's always politically incorrect
>>??? = always be professionally offended
>> Profit
I need to prepare a little 5-10 min presentation about some basic/intermediate topic in software development/informatics.
Any suggestions?
>basic/intermediate topic
The cons of linear types.
You can explain the different between web server and application server, see
using monads to make the academic wankery equivalent of EnterpriseFizzBuzz
Durga baba is based
jesus fucking christ why are there so many pajeets on youtube talking about technology
I've been doing r/dailyprogramming challenges autistically for the last year trying to move into the software industry. Can anyone suggest other means of developing my skills?
I guess just adding to opensource projects on git right?
>constexpr static int const volatile
the poo ain't gonna take itself to the loo
>the guy's
High time for some rape allegations desu
> contribute to existing projects
> start your own projects
> read a book
> acquire programming socks
> watch interesting talks and lectures such as
>programming socks
>4th place on your list
how to spot the dumb NEET
Thank you. It was a stupid question. Thank you for indulging my idiocy.
wish i had a gf
UKfag here, I'm applying to go on this course to learn programming:
Is this any good? I want to be able to move on to advanced programming at university after this.
wish i was a gf
or you know just pick up few beginners and example books from libgen,study them for 36 weeks and save your money?
>Duration: 36 weeks
>Timetable:Two days a week
>Course fees: £3928
jesus fuck you guys are really following the US in every regard, tuition scams included, aintcha?
The course content looks like webdev-bootcamp-level crap, the sales slimebags were allowed to push shit like this on the website:
>Why the MET?
>We have the most up-to-date computing facilities including;
>Latest generation 6 Intel i7 CPU with 16 GB RAM and 2TB hard disk
>22" widescreen monitors
>Unlimited Google Drive storage
oh wow
Thing it, not everything britbong is that bad, just take a look at the OCamlLabs lads, and whatever Extremely British Haskal Guy's collaborating with.
In short, go for a real-boy education center, not these bootcamp-grade scams
Need someone who is able to teach me. If I didn't need one I'd already be ahead of you on that.
I now see the reason to push for gender-neutral pronouns
Who /lua/ here?
function rogue.makePlayer(x, y, name)
local scale = 2.5;
local l = rogue.tile_size / scale;
local player = spawn(Entity:new(0, 0), name);
AddComponent(player, Polygon);
AddComponent(player, TileActor);
AddComponent(player, Player);
player:setVerts(0,-l/3, l,-l, 0,l, -l,-l);
player:initGridPos(x, y);
return player;
Get a life
>If I didn't need one I'd already be ahead of you on that.
if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle
>>Course fees: £3928
Holy shit
You want mentoring which you wont get in that course.
Why wont you drop whatever you are doing and write some collision boxes for genesis games.
I could use one for Aladdin.
What did you mean by that?
if you can't get into uni right after college, just find an apprenticeship in some technical field, some companies will pay your tuition even
learn programming on your own in the meantime
>some companies will pay your tuition even
meant "if you want to continue after the apprenticeship with university"
Take this example.
>he fell for the ECS meme
Tell them to always use condoms^W DVCS, integration tests, and continuous integration.
Tell them also, that there are exceptions to this rule, but they are not experienced yet to know when there is one.
It's not ECS, it's mixins/traits. AddComponent literally just copies the functions and primitives into the entity from the "component" module.
function AddComponent(obj, comp)
for name, entry in pairs(comp) do
obj[name] = entry;
Also how is ECS bad? I did multiple inheritance OOP with C++ 4 years ago (no diamonds or virtual inheritance, though) and I hated it. This new approach makes a lot more sense to me.
>AddComponent literally just copies the functions and primitives into the entity from the "component" module.
That's arguably even worse...
>Also how is ECS bad?
ECS is the closest you can get to race conditions in a single-threaded application. Also, the idea that every piece of data belongs to one component is stupid on its face.
>I did multiple inheritance OOP with C++
Let me get my barf bag before you continue that story...
Cniles and Cniles++ will defend this...
You can only criticize, but not create. Come up with a better programing model for vidja gaymes then. I dare you, nodev.
>ECS is the closest you can get to race conditions in a single-threaded application.
That makes zero sense as long as you keep implicit dependencies and composition order in mind. I may evolve this into a trait system where the order no longer matters.
Maths and written languages are not even in the same fucking category, you queer.
There's only one programming language without this problem. Lisp.
>modern C++
I don't care as long as sepplefags are triggered
That's true, but enjoy your unpopular parenlang, sperg.
written language
>left to right
>left to right
sane programming languages
>left to right
>spiral rule
c-family fanbois really are retarded
mate even the standards wankers added trailing return types in c++14, because the c/++ status quo is that shit
now let's see how long it takes them to fix the ptr/array notation retardation, so you can finally join the rest of us in non-retard land and have sane type annotations
Learning the Unix Sockets API. So far I've gained an understanding of all the system calls used to set up a socket pair and connect a client socket to a server socket.
>(*(*p)())[i] is an int
>somehow this confuses brainlets
>left to right
Are you in fucking elementary school?
you probably meant Forth
any language with trailing return types (and bonus: sane ref/pointer/array type syntax) doesn't have this problem, making it infinitely more readable
now try figuring out what p is
I'm not a brainlet by any means, but I still don't feel like wading through a sea of parentheses and pointer dereferences to figure out what data type that expression will return.
No, really, it is. Counter example pls?
Pic rel: the cross correlation of f and g at n is defined as the sum with m going from -inf to +inf of the complex conjugate of f at m times g at m plus n.
Where's the spiraling in that?
weak b8
typedef int aFunction (int foo, double bar, void* someShit);
aFunction* muh_array[100]
using FunctionFunc = std::function;
>using typedefs
>putting the * on the type specifier
You disgust me.
can someone explain what is going on here?
wat_t1 = char ( & ( foo_t::* [1] ) (foo_t( * )[2]) & )[3];
Yeah the using declarations are quite fine but the roots of Cshit are rotten.
that is not even close
>Counter example pls?
foo_t::* = pointer to member of foo_t. rather obscure. the rest has to be unraveled by spiraling, it's not that hard. maybe can help
Yeah, this goes form left to right modulo the line breaks. what's the problem? it does read like text. it's just a sum of a lot of terms.
>That makes zero sense
>as long as you keep implicit dependencies and composition order in mind
>keep implicit dependencies and composition order in mind
>implicit dependencies and composition order
Try it in a complex project with multiple programmers involved, user. Then you can come back and tell me all about how my analogy with race conditions makes no sense.
>You can only criticize, but not create.
It's trivially easy to do better: just use POD tables for entities, and flags to mark them as needing to be processed by particular subsystems. Moreover, not all properties that are associated with an entity need to be stored within its table at all; sometimes it's better to store them in a contiguous array that the relevant subsystems can efficiently process, and only store an index into that in the entity itself. Since you're using Lua, it's highly convenient to use meta-tables to do this transparently, so that looking up a property through the table looks up the relevant property somewhere else.
* is part of the type name. You
int *ohNoImPointerNotAnInt
people should be skinned alive and left rotting on the sun with 24/7 video and audio coverage.
The thing is if you already have a reference (lvalue or rvalue), &&&/&&&& won't necessarily get deduced to what you think. Scott Meyers has a chapter in his book about universal references.
Also, since you're using Lua and have the metatable feature available to you, you can employ prototypal inheritance; this is very convenient for creating one-off variations of more general entities for different circumstances throughout the game.
>* is part of the type name
But not part of the type specifier, go learn C syntax.
>using FunctionFunc = std::function;
type FunctionFunc = (Int, String) => Unit
look Javafag
int[] array; is not valid C. This is how C syntax works and that's it.