>amd stock crashing and burning
>intel rebounding
hope you bought the dip. dont let stinky pajeets deceive you next time.
>amd stock crashing and burning
>intel rebounding
hope you bought the dip. dont let stinky pajeets deceive you next time.
Other urls found in this thread:
The consensus is; do the opposite of what says.
I bought Intel in the dip (35$), and held on my AMD stock.
10 year plan, my boys. Don't get caught up in the hype.
No source, no (YOU) for you
7820 dipped below $450 this past week, I snatched up 10 and plan to resell them next month for $600; easy $1500 profit
>Intel CEO sells his stock.
>tfw game on my Ryzen but only play at 1080p 60Hz
it just werks
>still remains majority shareholder
Slide thread
Amd down 3% already lmao
>intel has the biggest security flaw in cpu history
>patch that mitigates, doesn't fix, meltdown exploit that intel is affected by reduces performance from 5-70%
>amd unaffected by two of the three exploits with the only exploit amd is affected by is easily fixed with a patch that doesn't reduce performance while intel is affected by all three exploits
>better short amd's stock and increase intels stock value
how in the world does a company who single handily has the worse security exploit in cpu history get its stocks to RISE after it comes out while amd who isn't affected gets shorted?
Normies thought AMD was safe, until spectre surfaced, now they are bailing in favor for the bigger chip maker.
paid the media. Majority of outlets reporting that AMD is also effected, despite them not being.
>contemporary markets are connected to reality in any way, shape or form
I don't know, man. How do you value google and facebook? Because lots of people uses it and they put advertising to people see so people buy products but them a study made by huge companies that paid google and facebook to see if the ads there had a huge impact in their sales and they found out it have little to no effect in sales and are pulling out or reducing their investment in ads on those companies. But did you ever heard about that? That their main source of profit is meaningless? No, they just keep getting richer and richer.
I bought AMD on Dec 12 for $9.95 / share and I'm still up almost 19% even with the little dip today. I'm not worried.
right graph says "intel" on top. those are people who sold pentium 4 and not only lived to tell the tale, but pretty much held their sales percentage like they always did
intel is not to be defeated
He kept the minimum he's required to keep to remain ceo
>majority shareholder
its not a flaw because the cpu is working as intended.
It reeks of insider trading, I hope they throw the book at him and slap Intel with a bunch of class action lawsuits.
few % change per day is normal with stocks.
Most investors are dumb asses and listen to "analysts" who are down playing the severity of the Intel bug. Here's an example marketwatch.com
sorry bby
I sold my stake in INTC yesterday for a ~$500 gain and shorted it today, seems I was a bit early on the short but oh well.
It was intended to have gaping security holes?
what the fuck lmao
why is AMD getting whiped
AMD was up over 20% in the last 3 weeks, and 10% of that was from earlier this week. It was due for a correction.
Micron's been doing great recently too, see
Wait, there's something I don't understand. Apparently last prices of all stock you bought are higher than the one you paid, but somehow total value is lower than total paid?
Trading on some margin and INTC is short not long
My next chip will still be AMD after they both fix these because AMD obviously have their priorities more in order than In-performancejustfellcausewecutcornersfucksafetymeasures-Tel. Traders know dick about butt.
>posting 1-day graphs as if they accurately show a trend
Just wait until the ramifications of this become more publicly known (like when everyone's netflix streams start stuttering and downscaling) and INTC is gonna start dropping.
the class actions are just getting started, have fun catching that knife
>I can't afford better so I justify supporting AMD to avoid feeling belittled.
Rising up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
Where would Sup Forums be without its guardian clown.
>still shilling intel
5 day. intel took a hit then quickly rebounded. when news broke out everywhere about meltdown intel stocks surged up, amd surged down... then intel went down, amd went down... intel is going up... amd going down more.
It's called correction, AMD went up close to 20% and it's obviously gotta stabilize.
Intel went down 10% which is a enormous amount of money, once again correction.
>intel is going up
a 10% drop in a company with a market cap of over 200 billion is WAY more significant than another company with a market cap of under 12 billion
do you even math friend?
Would the class-action lawsuits will have effect in the shares?
>inb4 the guardian
Class action suits take forever to come together and no one even knows the scope of the lawsuit(s) yet. It'll be a while before any class action suit really has an effect on share price.
You'd have to have a special case of autism if you actually think for a second that Netflix streams are going to be stuttering because of this
investor here
institutional investor sentiment wont be very good for a company thats facing the largest hardware flaw this century in nearly all of its core products. they'll be looking to hedge their bets by at the very least buying AMD, if not outright decreasing their position in Intel until some of the dust clears
consumer loyalty to the brand was undoubtedly damaged with the poor PR statements which failed to take accountability. this in turn will affect future sales
its not a stock you want to buy into right now. anyone telling you to buy the dip or hold is a shill or a fool.
if you're holding, sell. if you want to buy the dip, wait. remember: buy the rumor, sell the news
So you don't think a 30% reduction in their server's processing capabilities are going to cause any issues?
>Being a retard
>Thinking the stock market is rational
Everyone has a bug, so no matter how fucked Intel was it no longer matters. Intel is Intel
No, because I'm not retarded.
Atari also was Atari.
Explain your reasoning to a retard like me then.
Netflix buys CPU time.
It won't affect their performance only what they pay.
>it no longer matters
>pajeet-tier damage control
apparently it does matter considering its front page news and Intel has lost 20 billion in market cap (almost 2 times the value of AMD as a whole) in a week
remember when netflix whent down because of the amazon cloud outage
implying normalfags even know what AMD is.
They have literally only been shilled Intel their entire lives, amd was always that shit option to them, the best buy guy that sold them a laptop would tell them that.
Now that everyone has it suddenly intel does not look so bad to normalfag. This is what years of illegal deals and shillings has created
did you miss the part about front page news? normies make decisions based on this. the headlines aren't good
investing wise longer term (3-5 years), you may be right, but short term, Intel stock is going to get slaughtered. today is a slight correction before another huge 5-10% drop. remember you read this when it happens
The normalfag consumer market is pennies on the dollar compared to the datacenter / server market. If Intel starts losing marketshare there then the stock will get destroyed once the next quarterly report comes out.
It not like the server market is fast and adapting you faggot. By the time the hit happens intel will already shill it new and improved none bugged cpu, and continue the shilling against amd.
It'll take at least a year for Intel to develop and manufacture a new "non bugged" chip in any meaningful amount.
Not for the ((marketing)) department
They've got to make major changes to their chip architecture, an architecture that they've been building on for decades. Not to mention that silicon foundries take months to gear up for new die production. This shit just doesn't happen overnight.
Meanwhile, datacenters must not only expand to meet their projected growth in demand but now their servers processing capabilities are going to take a 20%-30% hit so they're going to have to QUICKLY make that up as well.
>buy more racks
in space-optimized layouts
>buy more denser racks if possible
All in all you're gonna get a increase in cooling cost and power cost.
This is no joke.
>It not like the server market is fast and adapting you faggot
it is when poorly planned networks, and there's a lot of them, see a sudden performance hit of 30% on machines running near capacity. more capacity will have to be added immediately to cover the difference
they're not going to fill the void with more bugged Intel processors, the same company that just screwed them. thats just basic psychology, forget market forces
>They've got to make major changes to their chip architecture,
Or they can start improving Itanium again, since it's not affected :DDDDDDD
Massive Xeon sellout on ebay
Buy high
sell low
thats what they said on the intel site.
Investors with no knowledge of the topic fell for Intel's damage control.
So everyone
> Soared above 10% in this week alone, corrects back 1.98% today. Still 12% plus in one week.
> It's crashing reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Retard, look at the weekly graph and you'll see Intel is down this week while AMD have risen 10%+
Fucking shilltel
He is our only good namefag
nice one, shill.
When billionaires are about to lose their shirt buying Intel. They will manipulate the market.
The sell off was predicting a high risk of media blowing this up and ensuing backlash to Intel, with the possibility of class action lawsuits and refunded units.
The media didn't really blow this up at all and fell for Intel's bullshit bait and switch on face value because the bottom line is they have no clue about what's really going on and don't care to look any further into it. Likewise, average people don't seem to really know or care even though it affects pretty much every significantly expensive device they own.
Intel dodged the bullet by virtue of most people not giving a single shit -- which isn't far off base because the performance hit for the average person due to the "fix" is imperceptible to them.
The media quickly found out that they get more views / clicks just running more anti-trump stories vs covering this Intel debacle. Most investors, even institutional investors, aren't very tech savvy so it'll take a while longer for them to figure out what this will actually mean for Intel's bottom line. Intel's Q4 report comes out Jan 25, I bet that the forward looking guidance and expectations will be pretty grim during the investor's conference.
>they still try to put them at these kike prices