>b-but iPhone doesn't have a file browser
IPhone > Android
you can’t do anything actually useful with it tho
I don't give a shit bro
I don't store files on my phone wich would force me to use any file browser
Even more half-assed and basic than your web browser.
>ios gets one feature that android had literally twelve years ago
>still doesn't come within 1% of android's functionality
>appltards act smug
yeah that's about right
And you need to be jailbroken to use it.
not familiar with ios but can you install apps from the file browser yet?
not trying to defend either side here, but please give me some insight in this:
why aren't more of Sup Forums-fags worried about the huge Google-botnet behind Android?
>needing to exploit unpatched security holes just to have access to the filesystem
Most of us run gapless so that's not a problem.
because aosp/lineage exists
theres no reason to have google in your android distro
>that's what iToddlers consider "file manager"
what's with the at&t logo?
Looks jailbroken, so you can customize the icons. Pay no attention to this man, he's a coward
Complaint 1/9999999 but ok
There's a lot going on there wow. I much prefer solid explorer
>this is what lagdroids consider design
>Having a phone affected by the Intel bug shitstorm
>>this is what iToddlers consider design
>"durrr watts a kampyutor"
As far as I know, no celebrities have had nude pics leaked that were stored on their Google Drive. iCloud on the other hand...
I won't use a service that I can't trust with my junk
Looks like it has zero features and i bet you are still confused.
This is the same thing ifags say.
Like when I asked if you could search in call log. Which you can't. Or couldn't a few years ago. The response from ifags was "we don't need it"
>Implying those didn't all come from a physical device that some producer that was fucking then lost
I'll say it again, you like OSX, buy an iPhone, you like android, buy an Android. It's that simple. The phones are practically identical at this point in terms of features and hardware.
Not true at all. Take the Oneplus 5T vs iPhone X. Oneplus 5T not only costs half as much as the iPhone X but has better hardware and more features.
Objectively you can't make any argument why you would buy the iPhone X over a Oneplus 5T. All that is left are subjective things like brand loyalty and feelings.
If you don’t know how the celebrity leaks happened then you don’t belong on g
Social engineering was only one attack vector used, apple PR obviously won't admit to more than that.
See vault 7
> During the investigation, it was found that Collins phished by sending e-mails to the victims that looked like they came from Apple or Google, warning the victims that their accounts might be compromised and asking for their account details. The victims would enter their passwords, and Collins gained access to their accounts, downloading e-mails and iCloud backups
are you actually retarded or do facts just scare you
Again, apple PR won't admit to anything more than that which is all the source news agencies really have. Because collins did not cause the late 2017 iCloud nude leaks and the ones to come.
Again, that’s not from Apple PR, that’s from the FBI investigation that happened after it. Is English your first language?
Irrelevant, all info on what was really happening belongs to apple. Apple can't be trusted and therefore the FBIs scope of knowledge is limited so they can't be trusted.
same thing applies to apple being court ordered to pay billions because of tax evasion.
like anyone actually uses a file browser any time
Reddit spacing, all credibility lost—hello pajeet
I do, it's how I organize everything in my phone. I can merge folders, zip files/folders, cut/paste anything, see detailed info on files/folders, ect.
I used to carry multiple flash drives but now I just used drivedroid too.
not an argument
Apple is just like literally every other American company. I’m sorry things aren’t the same in India but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong.
No, it comes built in now.
I never denied that
iOS user that switched to the pixel 2.
>using screen rotation
you don't need google apps or backend in your android, user. google it
Don't tell me you watch videos in portrait mode
Honestly I think it looks better than landscape mode because of the 420 blaze it faggot chroma sub sampling on videos. 1080p video is actually 540p video and 720p video is essentially dogshit.
Anyway in portrait mode "1080p" video looks better, sharper, ect. However I will use landscape mode when I play my 4K movies on my phone since 4k video is actually 1080p video.
hope pic related can explain it a little better
>That AT&T Logo.
What the fuck?
sure thing itoddler sure thing
I like compact phones , that’s an argument
Do iPhone users really need to stare at their carrier logo all day lmao. cucked
Built in one is trash
I'm answering a question, dipshit, not claiming the app is any good.
Does my setup trigger Sup Forums?
Es pro is still the king when it comes to features. Such a shame the free version became absolute botnet. Pro MIGHT have something, but I haven't caught ANY network activity from it yet, let alone any suspicious activity.
Im thinking about buying some iphone or samsung galaxy a3 2017/2018
Or do you know some other small and fine phones?
>Reddit on the very last page
Too obvious.
might be true. I'm on Android though.
I still don't need it because I don't use my cell that often anyway. Usually some light browsing, scanning networks, chatting.
No music, no nothing.
check out Mixplorer from XDA
I've tried it, it's shit. Only one file manager was close enough to es - fx file explorer, but I still found it less convenient.
SE isn't worth it. Apple won't be continuing the SE lineup methinks anyway. For small and compact I'd suggest a Redmi A1 or a 5 series
>being so butthurt you lose control over your fingers and begin randomly smacking your fat man titties across your keyboard in an attempt to protect the reputation of a shitty company who'd take a $100 profit over saving your life if such a situation ever came arise
>I like dick
>that's an argument for legalizing same-sex marriage
>checkmate logic
Whoa there user, slow down.
is that even a setup let alone a computer
you could get the same specs maybe even better in a thinkpad
there is literally nothing wrong with reddit if you use it for very specific topics or hobbies that aren't populated by vocal retards of the website
it's like basing your opinion on Sup Forums as a whole by looking at /s4s/
the comment hierarchy and point system is retarded. don't even get me started about the gold
lmao EA got about 200 gold for their dumbass response to the microtransaction state
X-plore by far the best file manager android has