Name a better pair of Headphones

Pro tip: You can’t.

>closed back




Damn, how can Sony Compete?

Beyerdynamics dt 990 pro

Far as noise canceling goes they're pretty good.

These should be an improvement.

I just got some, the NC is amazing. Love the touch controls.

The sound quality on the 1000mx2s are excellent. Can't wait until they start making bt 5.0 versions, even better quality then.

Any studio headphone over $50


>The headphone charges via standard Micro-USB, not the newer USB-C.
God fucking damn it.

Fuck off poorfag

>calls someone a poor fag



>Can't see shit

Beats by Dr. Dre®


sony > all

Literally the ThinkPad of headphones

>closed back


This, I've owned two pairs over the last 15 years and I'm very happy with them. Probably BTFO the Bluetooth headphones posted by OP.

>Exposes autism
>Ends thread in the same post
Not sure if newfag or retard

I've used monitor style headphones, and they are good for mixing, but playing drums I really like Audio Technica M30 and M50 with aftermarket ear cushions. Clear enough to play along with and reduce the volume of the amp and drums so that my ears aren't ringing.

My buddy used to shit on them until I got him the same setup.

Bluetooth headphones over ear are to expensive at the moment.

beats; meme brand
sony; overpriced cheap plastic
bose; fine i guess
senheiser; to expensive
marshall; not really over ear
Skullcandy; who?

What about these?

but you can already feel 1 kilo of weight on your head

All wrong

glad i got mine without the shill hifi sticker plastered on the front

because 8$ pannys are same quality sound and i can wear them 24/7 without pain.....and you're a good dumb goy.
>muh placebo sound
good brainwashed goy, buy my shit.

Yep, tried them on not long ago when i was looking for my next purchase.. Heavy as fuck and made my head sweat after 10min of listening. Shame as they sound amazing, epic bass and midrange

Any >$50 IEM.

Don't you like being reminded your cans can deliver hi fidelity audio?

Tell me why I should ever stop using MDR-7506's with übercomfy chink velvet cushions.


why is this slut half naked?

Bitches love Sennheiser

literally radioactive

To go with the headphones' comfort levels of feeling like wearing nothing at all.

Some of us leave the house user and don’t want to bother those around us with open back bullshit


Asked in the general but looking for some opinions; I have $200 (at the time) headphones that sound good but are uncomfortable, even painful after a while. Despite them still being functional I've been considering biting the bullet and getting a pair HD600.

Can anyone weigh in on this?

Fucking normalfag LEAVE.

>soyboy Snapheiser
>good at anything

Probably the T1. I'm using the T70, wonderful headphones.

This you cocky idiot

these desu
absolutely lovely

>not koss porta pro
Introduced in 1984, affordable and come with life long guaranty.
I am still satisfied with mine, bought them about 6 years ago, no problems ever since. I only changed the ear cushions a few years ago.

