Fucking fuck Netflix and it sucking up all the fucking bandwidth in my house. My no life 26 year old brother just works and comes home to watch netflix all day and I can't fucking do shit when he's watching it, can't play games without lagging up the ass, can't watch videos or streams without it buffering. How the fuck can a stupid video streaming service suck up so much bandwidth, seriously. I have verizon fios and one of their stupid ass routers, do I have to fork money over to get their "greatest" one now? I know you can't use your own bought routers with fios as that'll render out HD tv box useless since it can only work with a fios router. I hope netflix goes out of business soon.
Fucking fuck Netflix and it sucking up all the fucking bandwidth in my house...
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Make him pay the bills
Why are is he living at your place?
idk why he won't move out, he makes more than enough to live with a roommate in an apartment.
Learn what is QoS and set up your router so you split the connection you have.
Half for you half for him.
>not throttling brother's connection
>inb4 OP doesn't have router access
He's probably fucking your mom while watching netflix.
Mexico here, stop being a third worlder. There is no reason Netflix should eat all bandwidth.
So netflix is to blame for you having a slow internet connection?
That's a pretty big stretch.
now slow internet, low bandwidth. It's known like every where it sucks up bandwidth as much as it can, shitty fucking design.
make him use 720p only
>Current year
>Not having fiber
Oh no, your autistic gaymen has to stop for the whole evening?! That's no way to live!
Why not just throttle his connection? You should be able to do it through the settings assuming hes using wifi.
Get better internet. I live in a third world country and fiber is a thing since years ago. You have no excuse
what is router side qos?
because fiber is available everywhere easily, hang yourself.
That’s what net Neutrality is. Netflix users get priority over you.
It’s about 200.00 total to install it in the rural Midwest if you aren’t a bitch and just borrow a friend’s tractor.
Unless your local business controlled government made it cost thousamds of times more than that because your main ISP doesn’t want competition, of course.
I install fiber in the rural Midwest.
Actually being a girl would make this easier.
yeah and everyone lives in the midwest, guess it doesn't take brains to lay down fiber I suppose.
Wow it's so hard OP
Buy a new router or learn the options that yours has and prioritize your traffic when gaymen.
Yes, some people are trapped in communism, it’s depressing.
Shouldn’t it be more expensive in the Midwest? The only reason it’s Not is because metro areas are more regulated.
Laying fiber IS NOT expensive unless your government makes it so by law
ITT: OP tricks Sup Forums into teaching him how to use a router
learn how to MITM faggot
How about you just configure your network correctly instead of complaining you massive fucking faggot.
qos retard
>Fucking fuck Netflix and it sucking up all the fucking bandwidth in my house.
Watching a single Netflix stream of anything, even 4K, barely uses 4Mbps of bandwidth so if your Internet connection is that much or less then fuck you and your shitty ISP.
>Laying fiber IS NOT expensive unless your government makes it so by law
Tell me more about it. I mean we got the fiber to our building for free so no problem here. It's nice that the operator is willing to pay the excavation and laying costs and also offer cheap price. Makes miracles when there's couple of other companies in the game. And theres like less than 40 apartments in the building thats in the european suburbs.
But I can imagine gettibg fiber in some shit hole could be relatively expensive
just restrict him to 5mbps
>4k at 4mbps
was about to point out how that would be utterly pointless
but you're absolutely correct, wtf
My internet plan is download speed of 10 MBps, not sure of upload. It usually tests at 2.5-5 MBps though on those speed tests. I can't watch videos above 360p without lagging while everyone uses internet. (1wifi-netflix/console online gaming, 2wifi-basic web browsing,3wifi-basic web browsing). I'm connected through ethernet
I don't go here that often. Plus I'm sure they would catch on.
he will literally not notice as long as you throttle for JUST enough he needs to watch without hiccups. 5Mbps is needed for 720p on Netflix, he won't notice a difference as long as he isn't watching it on a giant-ass TV (like 50-70 inches).
how many Mbps is your connection? run a speedtest.
>Plus I'm sure they would catch on.
So they realize their connection is slower, you play dumb, then they get a faster connection
Everyone wins!
>but you're absolutely correct, wtf
it's bitstarved as shit, they took the hevc meme too far to save up on bandwidth
Fucking fuck Netflix and it sucking up all the fucking bandwidth in my house. My no life 26 year old brother just works and comes home to watch netflix all day and I can't fucking do shit when he's watching it, can't play games without lagging up the ass, can't watch videos or streams without it buffering. How the fuck can a stupid video streaming service suck up so much bandwidth, seriously. I have verizon fios and one of their stupid ass routers, do I have to fork money over to get their "greatest" one now? I know you can't use your own bought routers with fios as that'll render out HD tv box useless since it can only work with a fios router. I hope netflix goes out of business soon.
You are a fucking retard bandwith is your internet speed. If you have a bandwith of say 25 mb\s and your brother is watching Netflix while you are trying to download gay horse porn of course it is going to slow. Not everyone in your house gets a simultaneous 25 mb\s. Maybe consider your brother doesn't want to have a random roommate and likes living with you. Set restrictions on video quality or talk to him about it you fucking pussy.
/thread, sort of
>poor people
For someone like me with gigabit, these posts are like reading about dial-up modem problems.
what kind of shit quality is that
that's yifi tier
How about you stop living with your parents like a faggot.
>literally in bumfuck nowhere it’s cheap
>I imagine somewhere it is expensive!
Fuck off statist.
>if I give digging a hole and running a wire through it extra names it’ll sound more difficult!
Fuck off.
What's the counter argument for netflix deciding to sue the FCC? As in, why are they right to sue them despite their service taking up so much bandwidth?
Netflix is wrong to sue the FCC unless they are blocking their content. Easy answer.
Does this actually happen or is this just more FUD by net neutrality advocates? Give an actual example of this happening.
I’m ANTI net Neutrality. This does happen but it’s outside NN’s scope. Net Neutrality has no affect on it either way.
Net Neutrality legislation has ZERO to do with who owns the pips. If it did it’d scare the people that support it, retard.
I guess that kind of answers my question? But it doesn't really address the bandwidth argument. It can be said that them being blocked is justified if they're a significant burden or cost to provide for compared to other types of websites.