Why are women less interested in technology than men on average?

Why are women less interested in technology than men on average?

Other urls found in this thread:

cogsci.ucsd.edu/~mboyle/COGS11/COGS11-website/pdf-files/The extreme male brain and autism-Baron-Cohen-2000-TICS.pdf

Social conditioning and nerds being bitter and toxic in general.

Genetic group differences. Further discussion makes no sense.

It's not a social thing that gets you status or attention. Women are too smart because they only care about these things and do everything to get them.

>cogsci.ucsd.edu/~mboyle/COGS11/COGS11-website/pdf-files/The extreme male brain and autism-Baron-Cohen-2000-TICS.pdf
>The male brain: systemising
>The female brain: empathising

But there are reproducible experiments in which newborns are presented stuff/pictures and they act freely (without adults around). Male newborns are on average more attracted to things (they spend more time looking and playing with them) and female newborns are on average more attracted to people. There is zero social conditioning here but there are sex differences in behavior/interests. Besides, most girls are uninterested in tech from an early age, before they've had the opportunity to interact with supposed bitter misogynistic nerds.


Because it's more complex than funny looking icons and they can't just get a thousand likes out of writing a single line of code sometimes

B-but the patriarchy

They're dumb

Enough of these misogynistic facts! Muh fee-fees!

Women have no interest in anything that doesn't advance their social standing.

because they literally belong in the kitchen. theyre mostly retarded, but theyre nice to look at.


You have to consider what "on average" means. Hint: it does not mean that no women has any interest in technology at all.
A lot of idiots seem to think this is what it means, though. And whenever they see a woman in tech, they immediately discard her as not being actually interested in technology.

>women interested in things that draw attention away from themselves
What are you, 12?

women enjoy social interaction, gossiping, cuddles and having their little pink pussies licked to climax

thats about it

>It's not a social thing that gets you status or attention
nailed it

>And whenever they see a woman in tech, they immediately discard her as not being actually interested in technology.
It's sadly true a lot of the times though. Stereotypes don't just pop up out of nowhere.

If someone thinks that, then they clearly don't understand statistics.

This. Men tend to be active, women tend to be passive

>Stereotypes don't just pop up out of nowhere.
No, they don't.

They are created based on a probability factor over time, and only derided because truth is always going to hurt somebodies fee-fee's.


Because women are parasites.

Sup Forums is all male

prove me wrong

>everyone in the pic looks like a fat mongrel mongoloid

And yet look at the replies in this thread. Denouncing women as a whole.

As expected from America.

I wouldn't take the offensive comments here seriously.

this has to so interesting to older people like in OPs image, the future is literally here. I'd like to imagine that this old man was a pilot in his youth, and used shitty sims for years and years, and now finally has real high quality realistic flight sims.

Good feels.

I would say there's a fair amount of girls (male) here.

i guess you have a point

Unironically this

This is from r*****. The story is that he was a pilot for 15 years and enjoyed the experience. Evidently he was very careful with the simulated plane, treating it like a real one.

because they can play with their tits and clit all the time, no need for consoles

warms my heart.

because they’re driven completely by emotions and social interaction

reference the study then or stfu mansplaning

literally kys

Being a male makes me unqualified to speculate about what women do and why they do things the way they do.


>tfw high-test
>tfw autism
>tfw systems are your only friend