Only four more months until the UK starts blocking all porn websites.
Other urls found in this thread:
Will rape increase?
What are they planning to do about all the locally stored porn?
The solution is simple. Do not live in a third world shit hole like Britain
Every house will be checked by the British Morality and Thought Police.
Isn't that the same as most Muslim nations?
Fake taxi will be true.
And only 4 more months before I get a vpn so they go suck it
Porn license like tv license
You mean tunnels of hate speech? Will be banned soon enough.
They can only try.
Germany banned hate speech and pol got on their german vpns to post hate speech on german facebook groups. Its only a matter of time before the reich bans them
Oh look, that shit that never happens again, just like that ISPs forcing users to "opt in" to watch porn.
>uk government run by mary whitehouse wannabes being bankrolled by irish religious traditionalist prudists who want to see the back of porn
>"block" porn behind a filter
>Want to see porn? Tell your isp you like fapping to blacked,
>name on a special watchlist
>Ever say something politically incorrect or visit a site that exposes the government's dirty laundry and it's off to the big house, branded a pervert because you looked at tranny or furry porn.
And this is how a 1984 and V for vendetta mixed into an unholy fresh hell vision of the future is born
Good thing I'm living on the right side of the Channel. No way to find a good looking 3D waifu in Britbong Land.
wait i thought this was an age verification thing only?
>implying they won't block sites that verify simply because they can
Greentexts yet again predicted the future
thats stupid
ISPs will be the ones doing the block, if ISPs block too much shit that people want they lose their customers to other ISPs
i.e. they wont block shit unless forced by court
That's weird. I just thought virgin media had told ofcom to go fuck themselves over dumb it sounded. I mean those dateless virgins need something to fap to.
Literally I remember how sky was advertising that Captain America "Shield" filter and then I never heard of it again. Was never even asked by my isp if I wanted to opt out or in or whatever
>ISPs will be the ones doing the block
No, no they won't. It'll be the British Board of Film Censors.
They'll most likely add sites to that child porn blocklist.
All they have to say is "think of the children" and everyone gives them a pass. How do you think stuff like this even got off the ground? By career politicians saying "hurr if we block the pronos then the peados will go away and bebes will be sayfe"
Yes. Access to porn is inversely proportional to the rape rate
Hopefully that includes Sup Forums so we can rid the boards of the incessant bong cancer that infests this place.
britons will look like this in 20 years after mandatory race mixing initiatives
>not the aussies
easy to say to people without the money to leave. I would if I could. Go to America. They might be in a shit hole right now but at least porn is protected under amendments there
what is a proxy
People have been saying this every year since 2005. Nice source, fucking handicap.
>implying they don't look like that now
Not really. This was posted in a thread when this was announced you newfag
No. There are many types of porn that will be outright prohibited.
Anything that contains female ejaculation for one, also things like bondage.
>thread is about bongs cucking the net, not the failians'.
The failians' will probably follow suit as well, so it'll be a win-win.
>Implying this is a bad thing
OY VEYYYYYY! There is nothing wrong with (((pornography))) goy! It's perfectly natural and healthy! Yes, you keep watching BLACKED 5 times a day! It's totally not a weapon no no no! Who would do such a thing? Us, Israel? Well yes we did LITERALLY use pornography as a weapon when we occupied a state before but forget about all of that, it's good for you, remember? And you can't stop doing it because it's jacked in to one of the primal passions of humanity... sex! Why, yes, you keep watching thousands of videos a day goyim!
I don't get either of those. How does peeing or sitting in a bondage harness hurt anyone? Also I take it that would apply to drawn stuff too
>Someone drew Roger from American Dad in a gimp suit being whipped by Hayley
Wow, so very danger. Much ban.
>I don't get either of those. How does peeing or sitting in a bondage harness hurt anyone? Also I take it that would apply to drawn stuff too
Brits are so retarded from their inbreeding that they can't think properly anymore.
Honestly, British people are subhuman trash who need to be expunged from the gene pool like the fucking vermin that they are.
Conservatives want to send Britain back in time.
>20 years
20 seconds?
well of course they do. Tories practicall drench their bedsheets over victorian era "good old fashioned morals" and miss the point completely that the victorians were even big slut whores than today
Bit of a jump pal
Besides, i've got a big 'un
>posted in 2013
>was announced in 2017
How am I the newfag here?
>Instead of black guys in hoodies waiting in parks selling weed it will be neckbeards in trenchcoats selling burned dvd's of porn
>"I got the good shit user, Marise Hase quality uncensored jav only 25 quid"
Back to the old days of hiding videos under your bed so you mummy can't find them.
i thought that they were already blocked
please post that pasta of the young britanon running to the phone booth with a stiffy begging the operator to enable porn for his house
that probably means that Sup Forums will be blocked there too. its categorized as a porn site by some filters.
Thats when it was first suggested moron
>try to access porn site
>have to get on webRTC with some indian and show him my passport to prove I'm 18+
You laugh now but that's literally what you have to do to get a prepaid SIM card here in the reich
What about Sup Forums? There are porn boards on there.. Surely they'll block it.. And reddit too, there is a lot of porn on there.
They'd have to block the whole thing or mitm it and block certain pages. The UK is ultracucked.
it also puts your name on a list the government can store and arrest people off if they don't follow the status quo
>watching porn
You must be 18 to post in this site.
already posted
Please read the rest of the thread before posting.
Incorrect, it was David Cameron who said there will be regulations, but there was nothing about entering card details for every porn site. Please refrain from calling others morons without fact checking.
oh sorry I was looking for a big block of text, posting an image is kinda lazy tbf
Do not damage control.
Good. I wish someone had the balls to do that here. Pornography is used to pacify, enslave and demoralize you.
Listen to this in its entirety if you want to understand why.
what's going on in this thread?
>We're leaving the internet to get our sovereignty back
>We will create our own red, white and blue intranet that will truly represent Great British values
>Countries like North Korea and China have had an intranet and a heavily censored internet for years and they have complete control over that. That is what we want for Britain. Control.
You cannot filter regulatory bodies, the world does not work like that.
In my experience only the porn boards were blocked, blue boards worked fine.
Does anyone have the Us vs UK whiteness comparison?
So invest in public spank booths in the UK and then sell all holdings to invest in biochemical labs to profit on the profligation of public smut resulting in a "super gonorrhea" resistant to anti-biotics from Islamic state actors acting out their sexual repression on homoerotic violence.
Like pottery.
mummy is pretty hot desu
Sup Forums is a bully free zone
>public spank booths in the UK
>in other news, another spank booth was set on fire with an occupant inside as the Shariah police keeps enacting their law all over Birmingham
Porn theaters in Piccadilly circus are the future as the government can observe who enters and leaves dens of soddomy.
Theres plenty of places you can go depending on your orientation, from all male ""health clubs"" to sex shops with screening rooms.
You're a newfag if you didn't suck moot's dick back in 2003
You're still in the EU.
Just move to Spain like the rest of your ilk and live in the sunshine.
>tfw self blocking porn sites in hosts file and dns level
Am I redpilled Sup Forums?
Do not bully people on blue boards, and refer to global rule #3
they should only show halal porn where Fathima shows a bit of ankle at the end as all visitors nut furiously
porn patrols in addition to dangerous weapons patrols
why is the Brit so subservient to his government? And don't say the rebels all left because the USA is only 10% less of a police state
that would imply me having money, a still valid EU passport, a visa worked out with an employer to sponsor it, and understanding a whole new language (because ex pats who never learn the language just give foreigners a bad reputation). Otherwise yeah, I'm all set to live in spain and pork me a hot spanish wife, Wouldn't be a bad idea actually
porn jews aren't gonna like this
because we've never had soviet like vans that disappear people for saying something out of line. When that happens people will start questioning everything
Huh, I didn't know racism was a bannable offense outside of Sup Forums (and presumable any NSFW board).
Sup Forums's mods really need to pull their fingers out.
you have the vans part down, they just need a paint job
More like suggestions. These days the Bill of Rights only applies when it's convenient. Anyone's rights can now be infringed upon if the SJW's reee loud enough
That is why I am here; to regulate the unregulated. Anyone can join the 4EPC, but each must have a unique tripcode for identification purposes.
>12. Impersonating a Sup Forums administrator, moderator, or janitor is strictly forbidden.
Yes they will; this is the gateway to ending porn piracy. You WILL pay for it soon.
Mate, there is a whole English speaking community in Spain...
It's like Florida for old English couples...
>disappeared for looking at hentai
>now work in the gulags convincing yourself 2+2=5
I am the Sup Forums Post Etiquette Committee's leader, not a moderator. I don't know where you got the idea of me impersonating moderators from. 4PEC is just here to point out the rules.
tfw tried to use moot's tripcode and get Error: Upload failed
>Daily re-education classes
>Reminded although life is tough, it would have been worse with that communist Corbyn at the helm and that you should be thankful that you live such a comfy and carefree life.
Do not impersonate moderators, that also applies to ex-moderators.
The party is always right
Seriously though how is there not more controversy over this?
except when they're not.
If the government in power told you to sit in a bath and drop your toaster in the water to "protect the children" would you do it?
We need to setup a support network for britbongs.
Any ideas Sup Forums?
That was basically Brexit though wasn't it?
I think you misinterpreted my post user. Fuck authoritarians in general is my view.
In a way, I envy them. If porn didn't exist I would probably have a gf.