Tor icon visible

>Tor icon visible

Other urls found in this thread:

Always fires up the neurons.

we had this thread 2 days ago

Gee I wonder what kind of quality technology discussion will be in this thread.

Anyone here fixes computers? What do you do when you spot it? You start snooping?


Yes usual leads to CP with most people, other times they are just paranoid

who is this semen demon?

>confusing tor and tor browser bundle
Stop this shit right now.

>It's not Firefox! It's the Quantum project version 57.0.4 Mozilla Firefox browser!

gib details

Fuck it, let's just crash this plane already. With no survivors.

>literally any mainstream browser icon visible

generic whore #498

>if you are ever concerned about your privacy, you must be a nutjob
Please kill yourself OP

>Be me
>Working at geeksquad for a few months
>Go into work one day some guy brings in a Dell Insperion desktop
>Says it only displays a black screen when turned on
>He installed some nvidia card that had a propritery adapter for dual monitors
>Didn't bring that adapter with
>Call him up tell him to bring it cause we wont buy one
>Brings it in turns out card is dead but dont tell him that right away because I am phishing for money here extra services
>Eventually call him back and tell him his card died because of a virus and I can remove it for him for a "fee" and install a new one
>Install card and log into his computer
>Notice Tor and uTorrent on his desktop
>Open uTorrent and see a bunch of torrents with random jibberish as names
>Curiosly I opened one of them that was 10gb
>Literally 150k images of CP
>move to the next largest torrent 5.3gb
>hundreds of videos of HD CP
>Turn off PC
>Call cops
>Bleach Eyeballs
>Go to home and right to bed.

yeah, it's just to enjoy freedom, maaaaan

This was the card had to do some googling for this, couldn't remember what it was

>mom found the Tails liveCD

>Go into work one day some guy brings in a Dell Insperion desktop
What did he look like? Did he seem anxious?
>Curiosly I opened one of them that was 10gb
He was seeding?
>Literally 150k images of CP
You saw the files?

Do you know what happened next?

Always a good idea to queue your data through 3 NSA servers

>What did he look like? Did he seem anxious?
He looked like a normal dude, I talked to him for a little bit and his wife was pregnant I would have never guessed if I didn't snoop on his computer
>He was seeding?
I can't recall if he was seeding but my guess is yes
>You saw the files?
Yes I saw a lot of them, I just scrolled through and clicked on some folders.

I would hope he is in jail and his wife divorced him on the spot, I was questioned about what I saw and had to login to the computer to show them the evidence. Gave them the password and let them take the computer, my manager was pissed off at me because he had to talk to corporate or some shit but I didn't care the guy was a pedophile.

What a dick

Based on that last sentence, just curious, would you have called the cops if he just had lots of non-pornographic (literally no sexual acts, no vaginas visible and no lewd positions) images of little girls?

I would have probably consulted with my coworkers about how to proceed with it.

t. Totallynotapedo

What would you say? What if it were just up to you? And, bonus: what if there were no hardcore porn (sex) of women at all either too (though lots of solo images)? What would you be thinking?


gj, unironically.
the perfect blend of decency without being a mary sue

That looks like angel batista

Please answer:

What do you use?

>>Bleach Eyeballs

I've never understood why people run tor inside windows
what's the point?
I literally only ever use to to get on 8ch on public wifi because it's usually blocked


>I've never understood why people run tor inside windows
That's most people, user.

just filter every country thats not Switzerland or Luxemburg. if thats too much just omit all the NATO countries

>being visible to others

What a fucking hypocrite. Kill yourself.

What did you mean by this?

You didn't make this post using Tor though, huh?

I meant physicly visible


You don't get out of the house? You wear a mask when the food delivery lad comes?


Out of curiosity, is total ass cancer still alive?



It may not be as bad but you broke numerous laws. So he's right. You are a hypocrite.

I could have sworn it was generic whore #496

I'm not him, what laws did he break?

Invasion of privacy?
Not defending the pedo here but up until the point that he checked his drive, all he knew was that he was a family man with a baby on the way and his first instinct was to literally defraud him.
Despicable cunt.



I have one of those cards! Annoying as fuck when you can't find the breakout cable, they are fairly rare

You forgot druggies trying to get oxy and DMT

Here it is again!

as stupid as these pictures, i click them, i get them right, then they fuck them up


Shut up, nerd.

of course he is, the whole cancer scare thing was fabricated to get more shekels from his cuck squad of fans

Thats a big job


The retards made childporn illegal trought practicing it during war on drugs.

>trought practicing it during war on drugs

I used to upload home videos I'd find on people's computers to various porn sites under unrelated names. Never found CP though.

>I used to upload home videos I'd find on people's computers to various porn sites
I hope you regret doing that.

Who is this milf?

Look, they say they hunt childporn all they do is confiscate drugs and record child porn. And I mean record videos, not traffic logs.

Not really. There were some pretty hot chicks, but mostly hilarious shit.


We all agree that the woman in that stock picture is stacked af, right ?

Look at that waist, those tits and that jaw line.