If you had the opportunity to go back in time and tell something useful or any advice to yourself of the past about the process of learning to program; What would you tell yourself?
If you had the opportunity to go back in time and tell something useful or any advice to yourself of the past about the...
start with C
Explain to yourself why
start working on a project already
simple booking projects with a sql db are great for beginners
because my skin isn't the color of shit
You have to tell yourself of the past that you have to not be afraid of brown people if you become good
Just give up and do a trade.
only write code that is platform independent and platform dialect free
install gentoo
Don't. Go do something else. Get as far away as possible from anything IT related.
this, my cousin got HVAC cert and makes 40k/year and owns a 400K+ home after a decade of working for a company but is now self emplyed
yeah I'm mad jelly of him
High workloads,burnout,need learn shiny thing again, mananger want a lot thing but want everything now, you career end at 35 y.o, a lot H1B or remote workers will make you job by a lot less.
Actuary,marketing,stadistics,recluter had better opportunities and life.
pick a different degree
get a book on c++ that doesn't suck
>start with C
>use gcc and gedit if you're on linux
>use mingw and notepad++ if you're on windows
>constantly work on something
this applies for "quick we need to make a blockchain enhanced node.js framework framework framework for a framework with a framework to enhance stockholder productivity btw we need you in for 70 hours this week and no you don't get stock options this year, make do with $40,000 and btw you might not get stock options next year :( look at my new ferrari!" workplaces, not good ones. if you're one of 100 people in the country with the skills to do something you will always have a nice, solitary work environment.
>if you're one of 100 people in the country with the skills to do something you will always have a nice, solitary work environment.
for example?
thats a very shitty company.. or ALL the companies are like that?
>you career end at 35 y.o
Wait what? What does this mean? Why 35?
Buy Bitcoins.
>for example?
it's hard to give examples, since there are so many of them. simply pick something niche or complicated and work on it until you start getting job offers.
35 is about when you start "settling down" and "encountering that stage of life where the demands of the family outstrip the demands of the workplace" (aka maybe kiddo needs some help with his homework now) so the big carnivorous tech multinational managers start screaming for fresh blood that they can order around for $12 an hour. if your boss isn't a cunt you'll be fine provided you keep your skills up to date.
>simply pick something niche or complicated and work on it until you start getting job offers.
for example?, give an acutal one or a past one please
Are they really that cruel? Fuck now I know why people suicide.
bbbbbut you are going to be at the same exact position in the company at 35???
People suicide? Which people?
Depressed people.
Of course in every field not only this one
I just meant in general.
Never stop practicing. For months or even years I did nothing and I'm way behind.
Define practicing
oh I see user, no problem.
Tell mom to buy stock in Amazon/Google/E-Bay in 1996 for pennies (compared to now). Fast forward to now to be living the good life man.
Working on projects, getting good at certain languages, and learning new languages or technologies.
about programming please, not investements
Not him but is it okay if I barely made any projects on my own before graduating but school projects were challenging and also fun for me?
whatever you do, just keep coding. ideas for programs will come later and you will be more experienced which is always a good thing.