Mfw an iPad Pro 10.5 completely replaced my desktop

>mfw an iPad Pro 10.5 completely replaced my desktop

Saw a thread on here a few months ago about how an user bought an iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard, than proceeded to sell his desktop a month later because he hadn’t touched it. I did the same not long ago, my desktop has been collecting dust.
I’m not a script kiddy.
Fuck off
I’ll buy a fucking PS4 if I want to play a god damned video game, but with a full version of Civ VI I’m good for now.
The Smart Keyboard is near- god-tier, but iOS natively supports external USB keyboards if your so inclined.
IOS also natively supports video AND audio output to monitors.
Shut the fuck up.

So the answer is, yes it is entirely possible for the iPad Pro to replace a desktop for the average Joe. The only thing I’ve missed is a more advanced file system,. But I have the 512GB model and have my plex server running off of my RPi, it works great. Fuck the haters.

>iPad Pro to replace a desktop for the average Joe.
And you can fuck off right on back to where you belong.


i'm sorry desu but if you have replaced your full desktop os with a mobile os you are a normie and do not belong on this website let alone a technology board. Although i will agree this sorta thing will replace desktops for most normies since they like you want a facebbok machine

So if you also have an iPhone can you hook it up to an iPad to transfer music/files using iTunes? I'm betting not

sage, report, hide

sage, report, hide

Good look with your Meltdown Pro 10.5, Fat Legs fucker

>doesnt code
>doesnt use linux
>doesnt play gaymes
what the fuck do you do with yourself except shitpost on Sup Forums then dumb NEET?

Hang out with my fellow applebros at starbucks.

Suck dick I bet

>can’t play webm

a thread died for this
shills and r/pcmasterrace will continue to reply to it
while actual technology threads slide into page 10 because 90% of Sup Forums are morons pretending they're not because they screech at the right brands


>>doesnt code
>saying "code" unironically
Go back to tweeting about your epic web app startup at Starbucks, nu-dev.

Holy shit, I just googled it and there’s actually a full civ VI port for the iPad Pro. Amazing.

It’s even better. They’re automatically hooked up and share music, pictures and videos. Just like that.

So basically all you do is shitpost, watch Youtube vids, listen to music and maybe send emails. Good for you.

kinda useless when you can't download anything that's not on itunes

t. faplel soynigger

Good move user. Enjoy that gorgeous 120hz screen and 12+ hours battery life. The nerds here would rather have mental breakdowns over the jews of Intel slowing down their PCs or some shit.

>USB keyboard
what good is that if there's no mouse support and you have to keep lifting your hands up to touch the screen?

if it's fit for your case,then use it.
never listen to autists/follow memes
not for me though

Enjoy it throttling on you, goy.

Hasn’t replaced my desktop, but I recently purchased one of these to work (schedule appts) when I’m out of the office and I’m absolutely in love.
I am no technology fag, though, much less any sort of ‘coder.’

>can't even download torrents/videos


>mfw OP can't even reply back because he's already b&