IPhone 8+

iPhone 8+
>find a flaw

Just bought this phone and it's coming in early next week. Tell me why I made a mistake what is better (excluding the X).

Other urls found in this thread:


>good camera, performance, etc
>also socially acceptable communications device
>not social bottleneck android tier

you did well

The X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+


Someone's gonna complain about you getting an iPhone. Also what made you get this over an X user?

It's cheaper overall and I'd rather wait a generation or two for them to perfect Face ID and whatnot. basically the same specs without some of the usability problems some people have been having. iOS 11 wasn't really made for the X.

Okay and? I can always get AirPods, or use the dongle that comes with it

>Expensive as fuck
>Not energy efficient
>Dongles galore
>Walled garden

Called it

iPhone 8+ costs $799...
Is this a copy pasta chart?

>Buying an obsolete model
You sure did well there poorfag

Closed source proprietary mobile botnet OS which no custom ROMS will never ever fucking exist for iOS

>research and development costs
>advertisement costs

android runs on everything but that comes with a performance sacrifice

I mean, c'mon man. everyone knows android needs some extra horsepower to get it to preform acceptably.


Nah, this board in particular likes to shit all over apple for some reason

>unironically wanting to install paneer roms
How? it's the same hardware outside of a minor camera difference, Face ID, and the screen.
Exactly. Android needs all that extra to even begin to compete with the iPhone.

Which is odd because Apple creates technology. You'd think they would be a fan.


You won't get all of the updates that the X gets, and the 8 doesn't even have the new notch feature.

>you won't get all of the updates that the X gets
Apple's updating history proves you to be quite wrong.

>notch feature.

This place is full of contrarians, disregard any and all opinions

what about opinions I agree with?

They're fine as long as you aren't an asshole

fair enough.

>Tell me why I made a mistake
You bought a piece of shit that's slower than a Snapdragon 835 from last year.

iirc that has nothing to do with cpu performance, but with how much ram the phones have.

>paying $800 for a pile of shit that only has 1GB ram and can't even hold a measly 15 apps in RAM
RAMlets, when will they learn?
No wonder Apple makes so much profit, they literally take a shit into a tin can and slap an Apple logo on it.

Apple also does gayshit like not giving the 8 animojis even though it doesn't use any of the iPhone X exclusive facial hardware. Just the front facing camera.


3GB actually, and iOS handles RAM better than Android.
I thought it actively scanned the face to get more precise facial animations..

>I thought it actively scanned the face to get more precise facial animations..
It does. Apple still should have provided a less precise version for everyone else

True. Maybe it'll come with a future update or something. But the camera would drain the battery a lot more than the Face ID too, would it not?

Huge bezels. Low ppi. Shitty outdated screen. Shitty battery life. Gets throtled after hardly an year.

MKBHD or whatever covered the iPhone X facial recognition hardware except for the camera and animoji still worked.

I mean it would probably take more battery, but people are taking selfies all the time. This is no different

It is pretty slow.
Watching videos is also annoying because I can’t see subtitles when I zoom in.

Go to 11:30

he said dongle



>huge bezels
>low ppi
Couldn't see the pixels at all when I tested it in the store. I'm coming from an LG G4 (second one boot looped)
>shit battery life
I've heard quite the opposite about the plus models
>shitty outdated screen
I've heard the opposite, it's basically top of the line LCD panel in there. Also it being 1080p doesn't make it outdated.
Interesting, got a link?
Good point.
What's slow?
Okay thanks
And I don't find anything wrong with the dongle. It's just a compromise to move technology to the future.

You did well. The iPhone 8 has all the power of the iPhone X (ie way more than pajeet android phones) with the same form factor of the older iPhones.

That's what I was thinking, as well as it being a bit cheaper, and I am waiting for technology like Face ID to mature more, as well as software more user friendly to that type of usage and form factor.

LCD is already outdated and has been for 2 years. OLED is the new standard.

Please explain to me how it's outdated? I'm not trying to troll with this question, just curious how you came to that conclusion and am willing to listen to the reasons why.

Because OLED has surpassed it in every way besides cost. Why would Apple use OLED in the iPhone X if it wasn't better?

How will iToddlers ever recover?

iOS is objectively superior to android. Android is filled with pajeetware, bloat and botnet. You probably didn’t know this but android phones stop receiving support after 2 years from release (so for the S8 for example, a year and 4 months from now). iPhones are supported for 5 years or more

This. You literally have to be brain dead to buy Apple trash.

same thing I did. Though I did not get the plus because I am a manlet


Have you heard of Project Treble?

iOS is objectively infeior to android. iOS is filled with pajeetware, bloat and botnet. You probably didn’t know this but iphones stop receiving support after 1 year from release and bricked to force you to buy another iPhone (so for the iPhone X for example, a year from now). Android phones are supported forever

iPhone SE is the best. Still works for days.

Android phones are supported forever
> t.sundar pichai please neck yourself

>30 minute battery life

>Android phones are supported forever

Why do iToddler subhumans who can't even figure out how to do a 5 minute ROM flash get the impression their gay fruit shit belongs on a tech board?


>parents use ip8+
>I use p2xl

dunno man some people get too personally invested in brand identity.


Mine worked for ~ 3 days, so... But I stopped updating iOS some months (maybe a year, don't remember) ago. Maybe that is the reason.

and still works of course.

You need to know where to shop better.

You can get all of those Phones at a cheaper price. I got a 129 Dollar Iphone SE if it's contact phone.


>financing your phone

Poorfag detected.

Is there a smart phone on which I can install my own OS?

You're right the only mistake you made was not ordering the iPhone X which is a 21st Century Masterpiece, but of course shills on Sup Forums will tell you a $100 Android is better.

Did you get another battery for $ 29.99.

>making fun of people for being poor

You find it to be in poor taste?

Yeah I mean idk the guy really could be out of his control or some bad period for him. Doesn't help me either, rather not make him feel worse about it- just the way I see it

>giving up all your sheckels at once
A fool and his money have been parted.

Literally, chink shits are beating it.

Looks exactly the same as the iPhone 6+

I got my gf an iPhone 8 for Xmas to replace her three year old iPhone 6, and she started crying saying nobody would know she'd upgraded because it looked the same. FML


how much is the difference between 8 and plus? I got a 6+ and want to switch in some years to a smaller model.

Does the camera really look that much shittier? Also I hope iphone 9 etc all have that nice glass like the 4

I was so pissed off. Spent a shut ton of money on it too. She says she can't tell the difference in daily use. Just uses it as a Facebook and Instagram machine so the faster processor etc doesn't really make much actual impact on day to day usage

Found your problem.

Found your problem.


The ABSOLUTE state of appletard brainlets.

You should probably break up with the dumb brainlet whore, and then kill yourself as well.

Like fucking clockwork. How does it feel to have no life?

Like fucking clockwork. How does it feel to have no life?

> no u
Babby can't come up with a comeback. The absolute state of Sup Forums.

I bought one last year in the beginning of decembre.

13 days after I found out that the storage chip is faulty.

I sent it in to repair..... still haven't heard anything back yet


spectre also affects androids.

iphone SE is the minimum acceptable specs

say the same thing about her

>what is better
iPhone 7+ or 6S+

™monthly payments on a phone

I'm aware, but OP asked for flaws in the iPhone 8+, not any other phone.

>find a flaw

Great choice OP.

then maybe he shouldn't buy an $800 phone hur dur

It's not a notch you droidtards, the iPhone X has 3 displays. Same with the Essential Phone created by the one who create the Android OS.

>3 displays

>insane battery
that's pretty much the only good thing about the iPhone 8 Plus.

eh, this doesn't matter to me. dongle is fine; it'll just stay on the end of my headphones anyway

>numbers numbers numbers
android is terrible at managing power usage. this is why iOS doesn't need a 50,000 mAh battery while your Samsung Universe Super Deluxe Edition does, Raj.

Someone post that "Android optimization" ladders image. I don't have it.

Kek yeah but they don't listen

Can anyone with iPhone X comment on the front facing camera? With mine the regular camera is great but photos fromthe front, even though they look ok at first glance, become very grainy/noisy when enhanced even just a little bit :/ And Im not talking about portrait mode, just reguler pictures.

Anyone else having issues with that?

why are on on this tech board ?