This fucking legend of the node """community""" responsible for all of the shit here

Is now a core and community member of the rust language.

In to the bin this shitty meme language goes.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rust is a language that is too slow to replace C(++), doesn't have the libraries to replace Java and is too shitty to replace Python and the Lisps.

The fact that it was created by SJW-converged Mozilla says all you need to know about its quality.

>too slow to replace C(++)
Rust is about on par with C++ in performance, and it's rather young, so there are still plenty of optimizations to be had.


>right now on Sup Forums there is probably at least one specimen that unironically believes Rust is not a waste of time

Was she raised by a single mother or something? What's with the vitrol towards men?

envy, she wanted to have a penis

I have this stupid, but persisting idea to build popular opensource product and then publicly shit on every SJW cunts attempt to install CoC.
I know, I know, I'm pathetic.

looks like this language is getting a little...rusty

Forget Rust, just go with Ada.

Go home and make a movie...

It's like since when this board, well respond to fucking redditers?

You should. Codes of conduct are completely unnecessary and are entirely just a way for SJWs to virtue signal while getting internet points for GitHub activity at the same time. Fuck 'em all

Why are you talking politics in this thread? Literal nazis built the technology for space exploration. I don't give a fuck about the political opinion of the behavior of the people that created the technology I'm using.

You people act like you want to be angry. You are wasting your time.

Nazis didn't had a politics of effort being offensive.

I'm in for this.

Said "ggirl" with penis[addiction in denial].

Luckily she is just a "community team" leader.
Meaning she "leads" the team that writes "This week in Rust" articles.

i'd like to think they just want her twitter followers but i know mozilla agrees with all this



>Rust is about on par with C++ in performance
Literally only when you abandon the only thing that makes Rust useful (safety). It's slow as cock otherwise.

Rust's safety actually allows the compiler to do more optimizations.
For example it guarantees that there is no pointer aliasing.

> "remember how you thought that white dudes conflating their opportunity with merit in tech was awful?"
> proceeds to accept positions of power in organizations just for being a woman (?), despite being very unqualified

Reminder that "women in tech" is a nothing but an elaborate scam to get jobs or patreon victimhood money.

Is she an actual woman or a tranny like most of the women in tech?

The nazis who built the space program didn't have a CoC for everyone who wanted to use their work.

>Rust's safety actually allows the compiler to do more optimizations.
No that's not true, only in the case of aliased pointers and nothing else. Fucking C has that as an override.

>it's true for this case but actually it's not true
Ok, here's another one. Because it tracks moved values, it doesn't have to add useless destructor calls like C++ does.

You could call all of its compiletime safety an optimization vs. any other lang that would have to do it at runtime.

What the fuck are you talking about. The coc is for people INSIDE the community. You can do what you want with rust without having to care about the coc.

this thread is so anglo it's funny
this bullshit doesn't exist outside of US/UK/Canada/Australia

t. Swiss that worked in France and Korea

>Inside the community
>You can do whatever you want OUTSIDE the community
>You'll never get support for this compiler we will inject into your development cycle SHITLORD
Trannie autist please leave

>Because it tracks moved values, it doesn't have to add useless destructor calls like C++ does.
C++ doesn't even destruct in these cases the compiler works out to construct the object in the correct place.

Anglos son los diablos de la Terra, ay caramba

Not a fan of Rust, but out of all the weaknesses you chose to mention performance, which is actually one of Rust's strong points.

Fuck off.

Yes, as it turns out, if you are taking away GC, and you are establishing safety, using Rust for non trivial project is rather daunting.

In Rust subreddit and forum, there is a massive backslash too. However, the mods decided to delete any post that mention her breakage of Node.js' CoC.

CoC is a nice thing, iff you yourself actually follow it.


If there any C++20 based language that has a standard package and build management, and now CoC bullshit, it will instantly kill C++ itself and even C.

fuck off kekistani

Why do you

type like



>>In Rust subreddit and forum, there is a massive backslash too

Point to me where I posted line-break within a sentence.

That works only when you are returning a moved value from a function.

This will call the string destructor twice.
std::string s;
std::vector v;

Rust would be a nice language if it wasn't for the safety meme.
First class product and sum types, traits and bounded generics, sensible arrays and slices make for fundamentals which are much more pleasant, readable and efficient than C++.

The compiler will inline and elide the destructor after it's moved-from.

>Not a fan of Rust, but
>In Rust subreddit and forum,
>CoC is a nice thing
Just fuck right of back to reddshiit you retarded rust-shill.
Or rather just outright kill yourself.
Everyone here hates you, and wishes people like you would have _never_ visited this site.

Imagine being this buttblasted.

>Faggots in this thread just realize that the free software movement is full comie

buttblasted about what exactly?
Don't you realize that you are fucking cancer?
Nobody ever wanted you here.
When people talk about how the site sucks nowadays, they especially mean it sucks that people like you are coming here.
And the worst thing is that you don't even realize it.
What I find funny is, that it's probably the same in your real life.
Everyone hates you, but because of social structures preventing it, they just don't tell you about it.
They just kind of try to go out of your way,
You should seriously consider killing yourself to end your pathetic life.

>Anyone I don't like is a rust shill
The horror fantasy of a typical 4gag monkey.


A single post sent you into a wild fit of rage.
Stop projecting and calm down. I'm not You say that this site sucks because of people like that user but you entered a Rust thread just to tell someone to kill themselves.
user's post was actually relevant to the topic. Your post is useless garbage.

>not a fan of Rust but
>continues to shill Rust
>knows what actually happens on that retarded subreddit
>all while not being a "fan of Rust"
Posters have duck-typing.
If the poster acts like a faggot, he is a faggot.
If he acts like a shill, he is a shill.
And especially of Rust-shills you hear the same shit again and again: "I don't like Rust, but let me present you why Rust is so good"
All of this coupled with redditspacing.
End your life, or at least end your visiting of this website.

Just because I write more than a one-liner I am enraged?
Why do you think so?

The fuck are you on about, stupid ass-flustered monkey? Where exactly did you see me shilling Rust?

>lose argument, have no argument
>cry for safe space

You mentioned that Rust doesn't have performance issues, clearly you are a Rust shill.

It's the content, not the number of lines.

>>knows what actually happens on that retarded subreddit
>checking the response of other communities is a crime

Stop ruining this site man.

neither of yalls are arguing you're just jerking off to outrage and retardation.

he was only pretending

Rust's performance is adequate. The compile time is fuckhueg but it's doing a lot of shit in that compilation. Compiletime is approximately never an issue. Also filesizes are bloated to shit but thats just a design decision.

>You mentioned that Rust doesn't have performance issues
Which is, in fact true. All of the "micro-benchmark"s suggests so.

Is crossing your threshold of "rust shilling"? If so, that's sad.

He wasn't, he's genuinely mad because I am not convenient for his echo chamber.

It seems like they have removed all of the negative comments

Yeah, that's what I said. The mods (which are of course under pay-roll) deleted the "inconvenient" posts.

Sorry, I forgot to end that line with /s
Didn't think it was neessary.

what does /s mean?

It's reddit for "sarcasm ends here".

Where is the sarcasm, I don't see any.

Probly where the /s goes

Fucking underage I swear I'll get my mallet.

"clearly you are a Rust shill" was sarcasm.
Some of you are unironically autistic.

>posting rigged benhmark

It's a good approximation.

How is it rigged?

Just spam all day and be done with it.

They apply some arbitary restrictions to some languages

On both of them? And how would that help Rust and Rust only?

Rustfaggots are absolutely insufferable. Their constant need to obnoxiously interject themselves into almost every discussion on this board to proselytize their "be all and end all" language is extremely off putting to say the least.

The reason as to why Sup Forums hates rust so much: people are time constrained and would rather not waste their time learning something with shaky foundations and when superior alternatives already exist (Ada, C), as well as interact with a community that consists mostly of mentally ill trannies and militant sjws, trying to infect projects with their cancerous ideologies by extension of the language.

they apply arbitrary restrictions to all languages because they're different languages that do different things.

wow i hate rust now!

>The reason as to why Sup Forums hates rust so much
It's only 3-4 people, actually. Majority of /dpt/ fags don't care what language you use.

I think a lot of people who like rust also hate the mozilla carebear bullshit but literally nobody likes an anti-rust poster.

>constant need to obnoxiously interject themselves into almost every discussion on this board to proselytize their "be all and end all" language
This is textbook projection. Read the first reply to this thread. Read your own post. That's what you get every time Rust is mentioned in any shape or form.
You literally can not mention Rust here without someone else screaming "SJW CANCER, C++ IS BETTER, HAHAHA HOW THE FUCK ARE MEMORY LEAKS REAL HAHA NIGGA JUST CALL free() NIGGA LIKE FREE THE MEMORY NIGGA HAHA" back at you.

There are more instances of unsolicited attacks on Rust than there are instances of rustfaggots interjecting themselves into discussions.

Fpbp on a reddit thread no less fucking wow.

Node and Rust.. name a programming community with more SJW nutters, you can't.

BULLSHIT. I've seen it a thousand times: write code in C and in Rust. The C function is fast as fuck, no hints like restrict or const needed. Meanwhile the Rust compiler spits out some crap that's 10x slower for whatever reason.

You're not writing the same code in C and Rust though.

>Majority of /dpt/ fags don't care what language you use.
I want you to read what you wrote again, and really think about if this is true or not.

Code doesn't matter.
Getting things done matters.

Yeah, but only like 5 people are actually active on /dpt/ at anyone time.

What if the thing you need to get done is code? Then code matters.

>ohhh doo isaa not da same code
What kind of retard are you? Back to /r/rust where you get karma for parroting your Rust myths.

Nobody denies you can write stronger-than-none memory safety into C or anything else but in raw unsafest possible C it's doing something completely different. You can do that in Rust, too, it's just more work.

I agree with you OP.
I tried it, and I can now say that this is trully a meme language created by jobless neet.
Shit is so verbose and complicated, ofc the performances are excellent, but what is the true cost seriously ?

>>>To the /trash/ it goes

Back to a real productive language which will get me a job, like Python or C++.

>10x slower
Come on now, this is pretty damn good.
It's faster than C in some cases and in the cases where it's slower it's because C is manually optimized with SSE instructions.

Rust actually isn't faster than C(++) though because Rust adds extra crap in for safety, such as checking bounds of arrays for access. Also, Rust's backend is llvm, which means that its optimizations have mostly been explored.

Perfect image to illustrate this meme.

on a scale from 1/10. how far up your own asshole are you ??

The thing you need to get done is never code.
Stop thinking this is a thing.
That is one of the most retarded things people in CS think.

I'm saying that you are explicitly measuring different things. You can't say that one algorithm is slower than another algorithm if the end result is not the same. If your goal is to have that sort of safety then code written in C++ is slower than Rust.

If you want to compare UNSAFE Rust to UNSAFE C++, that's a reasonable comparison. Otherwise it's meaningless. I don't actually know the measurements on unsafe rust myself.

>Rust adds extra crap in for safety, such as checking bounds of arrays for access
They are removed if the compiler can statically prove that the index is in bounds. As long as you're using iterators or accessing an array inside an if block that checks the index you aren't going to get bounds checks.

Wrong, it works even for non-"moved" rvalues. You Rust faggots don't understand C++ and want to come here and lecture us, at least do a little bit of research.

Shit like this works without a destruction phase:

auto v = blah();

where blah returns a std::vector. Much more elaborate chains of calls/sets also work.

The performance of unsafe Rust is the same as safe Rust, because the main thing unsafe Rust does is allow foreign function calling, all of Rusts ownership and borrowing rules still apply.

This is a pretty good summary. Copied.

>CoC is a nice thing, iff you yourself actually follow it.
In practice they're just a tool used by snowflakes to push some agenda. Beyond that it has no use. Open source has thrived without that bullshit for years.

Don't like the community? Maintain your own fork, don't upstream.
Are you too small for your fork to be relevant? Then maybe upstream works better than you.

You can bypass all that though

I thought of an idea to piss of the Rust and node and npm SJW: create a protect that intentionally provocative to them, kind of like how stormfront went into Tor and pissed off the Tor project.