The fucking ads started to appear again even with ublock updated with the string pasted here back then

The fucking ads started to appear again even with ublock updated with the string pasted here back then
What are the addresses to block this garbage in the host file plz?

Clear your browser cache, "Purge all cache" in uBO and update filter lists.

did hiro ever replied about this trojan he injected here or he simply went silent?

I don't think so.

yes he made a post on the Sup Forums twitter


Is there Alex Jones audio on Sup Forums on the catalog view?


For what purpose?

why are you visiting Sup Forums in the first place?

It's gone now. What are they dong?

Some user with a inject audio script

>why are you visiting Sup Forums in the first place?

It's the only board that allows bestiality. I'm a big fan of dog videos that Stray X and Vixen did.

Aw fug. What a waste.

Does it really? They don't like gay alligator videos apparently.

Link to gay dog fucking threads?

I did and still get this shit, now what

Did the ads really contained malware? Did Hiro actually replied? I cant stand posting on phone anymore but until everything will be clear and ads will be just ads - annoyance to be blocked but nothing more - Im too afraid to open Sup Forums on PC.

Please, Sup Forums is the only place where I can talk to other people ;_;

I noticed yesterday the site broke a bunch of times like it used to before the ublock filter list update. It's probably related to this quite infrequent firefox bug where the site sometimes loads faster than the ublock script can execute to block those urls from loading and yesterday was a FF update that might have made this bug happen more frequently.

By the way, when I check my cookies, usually Sup Forums only has one cookie folder called Sup for the site options etc. Does anyone else have a "boards.Sup Forums" cookie now? It seems to appear every time the site breaks when the malicious urls try to load and weirdly enough it isn't deleted when I click on clear today's history unlike all the other cookies.

>yes he made a post on the Sup Forums twitter
what do you mean by this, last post is dec 4, nothing about all this shit. post link.

why does hiro hate his people?

just use element picker?
ublock medium mode?
update filters?

Please respond ;_;

install ublock origin
go to wiki and learn how to use ublock medium mode
block all non essential stuff
install noscript
only allow essential stuff

also don't be a nigger and use dashchan or at the very least clover for phoneposting

not sure what all you spergs are freaking out about

just use opera 12 with adblock plus, works on my gizmo

>Sexy Girlfriends For Mature Japanese Men

what are you using to VNC?

Im using Windows phone, everything runs in sandbox here anyway.

im already using Ublock since year or something, never saw ads since then, didnt even notice anything until Sup Forums saud that something is wrong. But Im still scared.

windows built in rdp and the remote desktop app by microsoft on android