Use dvorak keyboard

>use dvorak keyboard
>go to hit ctrl+v
>hit ctrl+w

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I tried to use dvorak for about 3 days, then I quit and just went back to qwerty because every key combination on the planet relies on using that. Dvorak comes with the consequence of every non-language key combination becoming incredibly obtuse.

I might be retarded but I'm pretty sure on Windows at least you can use SharpKeys to rebind shortcut commands like that, not sure about Linux though. I never tried just because it seemed like I'd confuse myself even more by rebinding all the shortcut keys to Qwerty.

>>literally can't learn to type
does it hurt to be this retarded?

not our problem you didn't choose colemak

not him but why would I bother going through all that trouble of relearning? I can type comfortably at 100wpm, 140 if Im going stupidly fast, I dont think dvorak is going to help me much. I might as well learn how to use a stonotype machine at that point, at least with that I'd see real gains in my wpm.

why the fuck did you not choose colemak

>all the important keybinds stay in the same place

have fun fucking up all your muscle memory for no gainzzz

Imagine actually being this retarded. Too stupid to actually pick a proper layout, so he has to go with a halfway-house layout that's basically Qwerty but with some of the keys in the wrong place.

colemak's one of the most optimized layouts for finger travel

weak trolling attempt anyway

>use dvorak keyboard

It really isn't, there was a site a few years ago that let you paste in shit you'd typed and it'd figure out how far your fingers had moved, Colemak was only slightly better than Qwerty, and Dvorak was quite a ways better than both.

It's a matter of preference, in my opinion. I can touch type about as fast in both QWERTY and Dvorak. I often switch between them since I use coworkers' computers frequently. I find Dvorak to be much more comfortable - a lot more relaxed. And maybe I'm autistic or something, but I actually find typing in that layout more enjoyable.

>it really isn't optimized for finger travel
>becoz pasting
meanwhile you continue to hit ctrl-w
>special kind of stupid

ur dumb

lol no u

>im not the one using dWorak

so you're saying you went full autismo and picked a completely new layout (just to feel like a special snowflake) which does not work for your use
>calls me retarded

Works great on my keyboard.

I wansn't talking to you.

Works great on my keyboard.

Not using brain computer interface.

I wasn't talking to you either.

Works great on my keyboard.
t. poster you were talking to

>Having to rebind everything
No thanks

It's not that, that was easy. It was having to use all the now-obtuse shortcut keys.

then why did you make this thread to complain?

dvorak is great. use it errrrday and don't take me long to switch across.

Would never go back to QWERTY. Dvorak way too comfy.

I could not touch type with qwerty and learned myself Dvorak. It's p nice to able to touch type and apparently it's better for your hands and stuff.

why would you switch to a different key layout after already learning one? i already know where all the keys are on qwerty and i have no reason at all to switch to a different layout.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make posts like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

To be a special snowflake

im not from plebbit you fag.
but anyways what actual point is there to get used to a different keyboard layout? you will waste alot of time having to type alot slower just to get used to a different keyboard layout that wont have any benefits. and when you go somewhere that uses the standard qwerty layout then you will end up having to type slower on that if you dont know qwerty before you started learning your dumb shit.
if anything wanting to use a special layout is more of a reddit thing because you are trying to be some special snowflake faggot who wants to be "different".

Fucking this.

>want to press Ctrl-F
>slide off by one key and press Ctrl-W
That one isn't even that bad, but:
>want to press Ctrl-W
>slide off by one key and press Ctrl-Q
>all fucking opera windows close
The problem is that I have to shift my fingers to the left so I can press Ctrl. Gotta get some ergonomic keyboard with Ctrl under thumb.

not the one you were replying to, but
>reading comprehension

Key travel isn't everything, but you can show me that comparison anyway.

That's pasta you retard

I feel the same about Colemak. I don't think I'm typing much faster than I could on QWERTY (if I practiced typing on it like with Colemak), but it just feels much comfier.


he just said that you can paste your shit (you wrote) into that site and it'll tell you some shit about finger travel (in that text you pasted)
come on, english is not that hard

>>slide off
either you, your fingers or your keyboard
literary never happened for me tho i have too pressed q instead of w once or twice

It happened to me like twice when I wanted to press the shortcut quickly and I didn't have hands on the keyboard before I started the stroke. Anyway, Ctrl positioning is very uncomfy.

big deal i was thinking of op then and it was probably him anyway
either way he's wrong, how do i know?
because i switch colemak and qwerty all the time and i know far my finger travel
i don't need some random script to show me that colemak is barely unlike qwerty

>i don't need some random script to show me that colemak is barely unlike qwerty
i don't need some random script to show me colemak is barely unlike qwerty

I guess you both don't need to discuss anything with anyone to know that you're right.

>Having to rebind everything
oh noes all those bazillion key combinations you use daily!

that was never my point
i just wanted to point that you didn't read what the other faggot said

>a website script knows more than my actual usage

You can just create a dvorak layout using their keyboard layout creator software and don't bind anything to the Ctrl layer, it'll default to qwerty.

>im not from plebbit you fag.
That's exactly what one would say.
And you are this new...

>I dont think dvorak is going to help me much.
it won't, the people that say dvorak/colemak helped them type faster almost universally typed at 40wpm or worst in qwerty before learning to type properly on dvorak/colemak, there's almost no experiences or anecdotes of people that were able to touchtype qwerty properly relearning in dvorak/colemak and the handful of people that have done this AND see an improvement don't see a huge improvement at all, maybe 110wpm qwerty to 120wpm dvorak/colemak if they're lucky, most people type around the same speed before and after
at the end of the day if you type properly/fast in qwerty an alternative layout isn't going to improve your speed

I've tried dvorak briefly and colemak for about 3 weeks and it's not just you, they are both FAR nicer to type on than qwerty in almost every respect from hand alteration being better to sticking to the home row far more to having to use the bottom row less, I never made the switch permanently but if I did it would be for the better typing experience

here's a site that builds a stupidly complicated and statistic heavy model of keyboard typing effort
it's not a perfect model by any stretch of the imagination but it's far better at comparing layouts because you're not just looking at one metric like 'key travel'
the site doesn't say this explicitly, but to speculate for a moment, the extra key travel in colemak probably comes from 'the' requiring you to move your index finger one key to the right, 'the' is one of the most common english words and 'th' is the most common bigram with 'he' is the second most common bigram - the most common criticism of colemak users is that typing 'the' is awkward because you need to move your index finger out of the home row
when dvorak created his layout he placed emphasis on hand alteration as well as the most frequent letters/bigrams appearing on the home row and it shows, compare typing the/th/he on dvorak versus colemak and the difference is huge, they're still both far better than qwerty but dvorak requires far less effort for the/th/he

>dvorak requires far less effort for the/th/he
One handed dvorak is fucking godlike for those three combinations.

Hope you are trolling, you can't be this new

Isn't there like zero advantage in going from QWERTY to any other layout if you're already used to the layout itself?
I believe I've read multiple articles from both typist and researchers with the consensus going along the lines of "QWERTY is pretty fucked up to learn and there are much better options for starting out there, but if you already know QWERTY there's no point for you to switch - you had already dealt with the thing that makes it worse than alternatives".

There's differences in comfyness, but that's about it I think.

It's not like learning another layout is a significant undertaking. I learned Dvorak in maybe a month, the first week was terribly slow, like five words per minute slow, but after that it was okay. Getting up to your usual 100WPM+ speed takes a bit more time though, a couple of months maybe.

Also, if you ever have to use Qwerty again and it's been a while, you kind of look like a retard while doing it. Plus, if you ever hand your laptop to someone or someone else uses your PC, you look like a supreme autist when they realise you use a different keyboard layout.

what the hell is the point of using this meme layout? i just switched my keys to try this shit and it litterally took me 2 minutes to type this shit out.

>changing muscle memory is hard

Did programming jobs 20+ years ago require people to suck it up anf get used to Dvorak?

but my question was what is the point of learning the layout? is there any benefit at all to learning it?

Colemak is better anyways.

It's lazier, you don't need to put in as much effort to attain the same speed. In theory you'd also be faster but in practice likely not.

I just tried Qwerty again like five minutes ago, it put into perspective how fucked I am. I can't type more than a couple of words without confusing myself and switching back to Dvorak in my head. I guess it's because the only Qwerty I use these days is thumbing shit on a phone.

Actually I take it back, for whatever reason if I just look away from the keyboard while typing it's fine. Like 60WPM, but fine.

Interesting, I actually have to look at QWERTY keyboard to type on it at all (just seeing a few reference points so that my brain knows it's not Colemak is enough).

how long would it take to learn to type in dvorak without looking if you already know how to type in qwerty without looking?

It took me like a month to be semi-good, it was like a decade ago so I don't remember how many words per minute. It's not like learning to type again, you already know how to type so it's not like you'll be back to hunt-and-peck, it's just relearning where the keys are.

Probably the biggest change in Dvorak that takes getting used to is how a lot of the punctuation moves from the the bottom row of your right hand to the top row of your left hand. It works out faster though as hyphens, question marks and slashes are dedicated to your right hand still, which I guess is the whole point of Dvorak, key strokes are meant to juggle between your right and left hands as frequently as possible.

That's a nice layout you got there