>Laptop fan break down >Core temperature: 55°C This is fine >kickass.cd >Core temperature rise to 90°C, 95°C, 96°C ,97°C >close kickass.cd >Core temperature: 55°C
And some people here, say that bitcoin mining is a decent alternative to ads. Just *kys* my men, all of you. Just imagine if all the websites using javascript (the pooinloo technology) included a memecoin miner (the jooinyoo technology). CPU getting rapped 100% of the time always: damaged to the hardware, damage to the electricity bill, damages to the ecosystem.
Dude no... Fans are noisy, no fan is comfy. Under normal circumstances cores's temperature never rise above 70°C. If it does that means someone or something is doing something fishy. I just set a trigger, when temperature rise above 75°C a deamon push my volume to maximum and IN THE END start playing. It happened once so far when I went to kickass.cd, I though the end of the world was upon us... It's pretty rad
Wyatt Smith
>Fans are noisy clean them?
Ryan Young
>cleaning the fan >being slav to the fan I've never cleaned a fan in my life. Americans do that?
Ethan Cooper
someone's gotta pay for the DMCA takedown :^)
Angel Powell
it can shit on your computer's performance besides the noise like even the psu
Alexander Richardson
>no nudes 0/10
Camden Howard
Gavin Thomas
>Sup Forums tells me to block javascript >literally every website I visit doesn't work
Hudson Young
Don't blame Sup Forums for that. Blame marketing dep. And coding bootcamps.
Liam Hernandez
visit non shit website
oh yeah one user said he had a website >you think it's by accident? >you have the right to block ads >i have the right to block you or something along those lines