Cracked Adobe suite on linux

Cracked Adobe suite on linux

Hey guys, I'm switching to Linux (probably Mint) from Windows, but I need some of the Adobe suite's softwares for work (mostly Photoshop and muse), can someone tell me if it's possible to install a working cracked version of them on linux? Thanks you all.

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You can use them through Wine
If you don't know what Wine is or how to use it, look it up

Install Gentoo


Yeah, you just have to right click the .exe, mark it as executable, then rename it to .sh. It changes the header of the file to run on Linux.

>cracked for work
You do know that's highly illegal right? Like, even more than just cracking it for personal use. If you get monetary gain from cracked software your company can go bankrupt. Or you can get fined in the ten thousands of dollars. The price for the suite shouldn't even be that much for a business cost.


>cracked software for work
Don't do that.

I meant to write homework, but my phone corrected it. I'm still a web development student and I need those for my courses. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

maybe, i wouldn't know i don't steal but my guess would be, you'd better make a user account for wine (for kinda like sandboxing purposes) and run wine photoshop.exe or just click the desktop icon if you have a DE but i've never done it i pay for all my softwares
using gallium nine may help

different versions of PS wine and OSes may give different results

If you need it for homework, your school should provide the necessary licenses.

use GIMP

Good thing there aren't software gestapo, then.

>probably Mint
Of all the distributions you have to choose from, don't pick that one.

Ah, Americans. So naive. So innocent.

OP, do not listen to this dumb opinion.

they do provide the necessary licenses, but for mac osx and the actual license is embedded into the fucking software.

>free education
>free licenses
>free licenses of software we don't need

>cracked software
stop being a cybernigger
>for work
sure thing pedro

My slavshit university worjs with microsoft imagine to give me keys for random shitty MS products like Azure.
Too bad all the cd keys run out in 4 years aka my bachelor.
What a joke.

Mint is a horrible and user-unfriendly distribution. Don't use it.

if you depend on adobe software, then stick to windows.
it's really, really buggy and shitty in wine.

Use amtemu, it should work in Wine too.

this info is outdated and wrong

mint is fine, dont listen to this retard op

CC 14 works under wine
otherwise no, try gimp and krita as alternatives