Since Windows 10 will be the last one, will it stay ugly forever ?
Since Windows 10 will be the last one, will it stay ugly forever ?
Yeah, surrender to its ugliness.
Don't be naive, the whole "last one" is just a marketing trick so people don't skip it and wait for Windows 11 the same way they skipped Vista or 8.
Is there (still?) a way for Win 10 Pro users to completely and permanently disable windows update/ automatic updates?
If I'm getting Windows 10, I better be in control of the updates (as I am on Win 7)!
What is the reason why noone has gone and implemented a custom theme thing like windows 7 had?
Stop the Windows Update service.
Yeah I hope they bring back aero. The transparency really complemented my rainmeter setup!
They are pushing for as-a-service more each passing month. If there is a Win 11, it will be in the cloud for 11.99/mo. and everyone will stay on 10 regardless.
Windows turns it on after some time... people are reporting.
Disable it
This is what I meant. I'm just retarded.
yes, current windows 'designers' have no clue and work in powerpoint
I think I've heard people saying it still turns itself on after ~35 days, even on Pro.
Find its support files and delete them.
With Update off and it being unable to turn itself back on, you'll be without them forever.
I did the same with their telemetry system.. it's still there technically, but gutted sufficiently enough that it's no longer a resource hog as it doesn't fire up anymore.
Well if it is then I think the ideas for implementing shit like paint3d will finally stop and they will fix the inconsistency sooner or later.
Damn right! Had it happen to 3 windows 10 machines with services disabled and telemetry off AND hardware updates disabled. Win 10 sometimes restarts the service after just a regular reboot. M$ is basically just using your computer as an in home billboard. Have to say that after rebuilding a windows 10 laptop and using edge to grab a new browser I'm done with anything windows 10 related.
Edge popped up a gigantic fucking ad touting how much more awesome edge is compared to all the other browsers.
I mean, shit, they even had gauges proving edge was faster! Guess they are just taking a page from the presidential playbook.
It does turn on itself if you're using the newest creators fall update. Older builds are fine.
In 1709 build you just have to disable it and rename qmgr.dll and wuaueng.dll files in system32. This will ensure windows update is for sure disabled.
If you want to upgrade windows just rename these files back and start services again.
disable auto update in gpedit.msc
Windows 10 is not a healthy choice of OS for people expecting control over their computer/ operating system, like they've enjoyed on previous windows versions.
Windows 7 is comparatively fantastic, I think I'm sticking with it.
And where exactly does that allow you to completely disable it?
set your connection as metered?
It's the same damn thing you jackass. Slightly different coat of paint, same nagging bs, same telemetry. Stop pretending being a holdout contrarian makes you smart lol.
it only allows you to deactivate the automatic download and installation of windows updates. However, maybe you could try removing the windows update service completly with: sc delete wuauserv
Yeah did that 4 times and after reboot and letting the machine sit whilst connected to the net it over rode all my settings including disabled services. I don't see the point in wasting time circumventing something that could be easily fixed with a do not update radio button. I am not using LTSB so I can't speak to how well those settings are retained7 but the retail and OEM copies don't keep my settings.
Debated weather I should spend the time dicking with the registry but I'm still hung up over how fucking stupid this mess is.
Only works for wireless connections wired it assumes is free data and thusly goes hog wild.
Hmmmm never thought of that but I kinda like that idea
It's not the same thing. Win 7 does not automatically update and restart. Stop being mean, it's probably not good for you.
The reason why w10 is like half-baked OS is because they didn't want something like Vista and 8 happen again.
They want people to get used to the new features and one by one they delete the old features.
Not quite sure we are talking about the same thing here. When I turn off updates in 7 it stays off. I don't get ads popping up or that bitch ass cortana nagging me to use her search which includes contacting M$ servers rather than ya know just searching my local device.
You can set ethernet as metered now...
// Why can't someone just make a surefire guide on how to permanently disable automatic updates for Win 10? //
I've been using win10 for like two years now, I spent five minutes changing my settings when I installed it and I've never seen a single ad or nagging cortana thing ever. You can turn off everything but updates which you need anyway unless it's an airgapped PC
>these people who have turned off updates since XP because "it's too complicated" actually think skipping years worth of updates is a GOOD idea.
They aren't the same thing, Pradeep. Windows 10 is an ugly mess with 2 control panels, atrocious inconsistent flat design, built-in spyware, with less control over updates. I don't see any good reasons whatsoever to prefer 10 over 7.
>localized language
lol spaghetti loaf of frog bred
what do you find ugly the metro ui? there are tonnes of themes on deviantart which can be installed after patching your ystem with uxpatcher desu
tested the sc del method on a win7 vm i had. It did nothing. I went to regedit and deleted the whole wuauserv key in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\
that did the trick
Welcome to the future. Disabling Ivan’s backdoor with patches ISN’T a bad thing. The NSA doesn’t care if you look at CP, and Google knows you fap to it, Win 10 user or not.
Good work, now you can't even manually install downloaded critical updates.
should've done this:
I find that very hard to believe. I also had this turd from day one because I was servicing machines that decided to update from 7 to 10 (not mine, other poor sods) who had nothing but issues when they had perfectly working machines before the update. I've lost all settings after major and minor updates across multiple OEMs and custom built setups. You must be very lucky or lying because even at my my office the IT folks have had nothing but issues even with group policy. 10 is a dumpster fire plain and simple.
tinywall and peerblock 1.2
ami right or what?
i was just curious if it could be done. it was just a vm, i dont use windows on my desktop
>will it stay ugly forever ?
Yes, fellow human being, I will.
Get windows LTSD, and then look up a guide on fixing win 10 with registry tweaks and shit
Holy hell thats helpful too bad it took a massive service release to fix it! Getting real tired of these creator updates. Whatever happend to having nice controlled service pack releases?
Im staying with 8.1
No thanks.
Is 8.1 better than 7?
you can disable automatic updates with group policies.
I like the design more. 7 looks kind of dated for me. But more or less is the same.
just fill up your hard drive
can't download updates if the HDD is full breh
>Just go through this list and disable everything on your system
>Just don't update
>Why don't you install this program and rerun it every time your system botnets back
>Just disconnect your internet user
the fact that you faggets are still trying to make windows work instead of learning to use Linux is too funny.
you are pathetic.
>hey goy do you want security updates?
>here have a tons of shit that will fuck with your system and security updates
>what ? you don't want (((Features))) and (((QoL updates)))
>how about you turn off your updates then
>oh then you don't get security updates?
>i guess you are dumb for not wanting security updates kekekek