RIP Terrence
what the fuck
no way
Plz tell me your kidding!! Pls tell me this is a new meme. I know he's missing but come on
pls be fake
What year was terry born in?
Yup, I already heard.
Fucking sucks.
terry davis was born in 1969
Maybe Sup Forums will shut the fuck up about him now.
Yeah, Sup Forums should instead be talking about iphones and video game GPUs instead of someone actually funny or interesting
It's fake, it's not in the website in the OP pic
we can only hope..
haha yeah
i wouldn't be surprised if the cia killed him. he was telling the cattle how ram works and they don't like that.
t. CIA sends their regards.
Post link, nigger faggot OP
CIA niggers be spreading misinfo
>no middle initial
Please no...
should have stay with his parents.
OP is CIA nigger