Net Neutrality

Everyone said the internet would end if NN was repealed. What positive and negative things have you seen happen in the industry since Net Neutrality got repealed?

Multiple ISPs committing to invest in infrastructure
Multiple ISPs giving $1,000 bonuses to their employees
Multiple ISPs raising the wages of their workers
Some ISPs raising speeds for their customers for free

Nothing yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I wish the public could see what's inside.

He pooped in it.

That fucking baby face.

He could come to my Danish uni and 95% of people would assume he is a student.

Are you clinically retarded? Just give it a bit ISPs don't give money out for free.

Comcast just increased my speed from 50mbps to 100mbps. I'm only paying $40 a month. Thanks Ajit!

And all those $1000 bonus checks come from?

>Everyone said the internet would end if NN was repealed
You destroyed that strawman OP

My Comcast speed went from 75 to 100 in a week.

I think the net neutrality meme was just that, a fucking leftist misinformed meme.

For now.

NN is a lie.

Yes, just like DRUMPF was going to ruin America.

everything's "for now" you dumb faggot
you're alive "for now"
tomorrow you might be raped to death by a gaggling gang of niggers
"for now"
lmao dumbshit

The internet won't end. But burgers (yea, you are not the internet) expose themselves and their market to being "taxed" by ISP exclusive / priority peering agreements.

They will charge stores and customers both because they can. Enjoy your "premium" connectivity without bittorrent and a good connection to Japan.

That's nice dear.

Are you really that willing to be a shill?

I've seen no net positives. I've also yet to see any MAJOR negatives however I have observed some things that make me uneasy. There have been a some small price hikes with Comcast specifically and in general I've seen some various news about telcomms pushing for even more deregulation. I think they're gearing up for a major change soon and the only thing holding them up is either legal issues or logistics. I do not feel any upcoming changes will be to the benefit of the consumer.


>projecting onto others
Typical shill behavior.

>comitted to invest...
Are you really so easily fooled

Theyre also cutting jobs to the tunes of thousands
trickle down BTFO

could and should be wage increases, benefit increases, etc
these companies have BILLIONS in banked cash. $1000 and job cuts is pathetic

>raising wages
[citation required]

>increasing speeds
o wow you mean we'll finally have 10mb upload in america while the rest of the developed world has 100mb. yippee!

job cuts
shitty bonuses, not wage or benefit increase
reclassifying smartphones as internet so isps can lie

Brought to you by Verizon™ Comcast™ and ATT™

Apply today and you too can be an ISP forum troll!

Oh, no! What shall we do without access to bittorrent to download Linux ISOs!? So sad ;_;

from not giving bernie our income tax to fund gender studies majors

Net Neutrality isn't going to stop them charging more, dumbass.

comcast specifically raised prices during net neutrality year after year.

This. Fuck OP

Did you miss the news about AT&T and Comcast firing thousands of workers so they don't have to pay the $1000 bonus?

>ISPs spent millions in advertising and propaganda just so they can end up making LESS money



I stopped reading there.

The repeal doesn't even go into effect for like, another month and a half.

This. They can neutrally offer you 1mb/s for $1000.

Thanks for reading the most important parts of the post? If you don't like the site you can just read the lawsuit.

These stupid drones should consider themselves lucky they even got $1000 bonuses. Every single one of them can either be replaced by some Chink, Pajeet, or spic willing to work harder and longer hours for less or they can be automated out of existence. We give these beggers jobs out of the kindness of OUR HEARTS AT GREAT EXPENSE TO OUR COMPANIES. WE DON'T HAVE TO. They're lucky to make minimum wage. Asking for more money and benefits is downright greedy and you un-American fucks should be fucking ashamed of yourself. Go move to Communist Russia if you want shit handed to you on a silver platter you fucking millennial degenerates.

bonuses are essentially tax writeoffs

>reddit spacing
>lies on the internet
I actually can't. Chinks will never replace me I am laterally a god. We won you lost enjoy your faster internet speeds and better ruralnet expansion goy. I'll enjoy my bonus and fucking my hot wife.

>lol just wait until ISPs do something bad then pretend it was related to net neutrality

Same here

all of those are being deported. instead of being a redditor brainwashed by commies, you should get on board with the ENTIRE package.

>it's okay when op and pro-net neutrality comments reddit space

It's just PR until this all dies down. Can't you see the long con?



u o que

>Multiple ISPs committing to invest in infrastructure
Just like they did 10 years ago and then just sat on the cash

>Multiple ISPs giving $1,000 bonuses to their employees
While at the same time firing tens of thousands

>Multiple ISPs raising the wages of their workers
While at the same time firing tens of thousands

>Some ISPs raising speeds for their customers for free
Already been a thing for decades

I thought the anti-NN Sup Forums shills were gone?



>everyone who is anti-NN is Sup Forums

>Multiple ISPs giving $1,000 bonuses to their employees
>Multiple ISPs raising the wages of their workers

Bait thread. Delete.

I based it all on an unsourced reddit comment I saw. Hold on a sec it'll take me awhile to google this

google i

not an argument

>Just like they did 10 years ago and then just sat on the cash
fake / misrepresentation of events, based on reddit comments

>While at the same time firing tens of thousands
you mean like they do every year? like how they raised prices every year since NN passed?
>Already been a thing for decades
oh im glad youre referencing past trends, but somehow you forgot to with the firings. im sure it was an honest mistake.

show bobs

>that hideous poo in the loo calling people ugly

we did it reddit

I'm not a burger, can someone explain to me the price/speed meme? I thought NN was about charging more for specific types of content. But everyone is crying that internet speeds will decrease and internet prices will increase. What's the correlation? What part of net neutrality prevented companies from charging $350/mo for 1/0.1 u/d?

>Multiple ISPs committing to invest in infrastructure
They already had this chartered out, regardless of NN.
>Multiple ISPs giving $1,000 bonuses to their employees
One time.
>Multiple ISPs raising the wages of their workers
I've not heard of this, it's doubtful and at best likely tied more closely with the tax cuts.
>Some ISPs raising speeds for their customers for free
Charter did this with NN in place here. This is anecdotal at best.

Prove that raising prices was due to NN. It's funny how much you mention reddit considering you are from t_d

not that guy but
>prove to me an argument you didn't make
God damn you have reading comprehension problems. Go back to community college already.

Prove that firing people was due to NN. It's funny how much you mention reddit considering you are from sandersforpresident

There is no correlation. This whole thread is retarded

The post I quoted literally said that prices have been raised every year since NN was introduced. No reason to say that unless there is direct proof that they are related.

That wasn't the argument, the real argument is that while companies try to spin their PR to idiots, they are still firing people without any hesitation because all they care about is their profits and not their customers or employees. You simply fall for apple tier PR statements.

It's time to go back

>Asks for source
>says Google it
>says no NN is bad, mkay
>doesn't say why

I bet you unironicly watch TYT, don't you?

>it's ok if i don't have an argument, but GOD FORBID THEY DON'T PROVIDE ONE EITHER.

kys swiftly.

Can't be done because NN has zero impact on any practice outside of billing, and even then ISPs didn't have a segmented product line so it couldn't have an effect. That's what's really concerning is the nebulous desire of ISPs to steer away from NN when it has zero fiscal impact, when they haven't had a precedence for segmented product lines. NN was preventing them from doing some really shady shit for profits and they're unwilling to actually argue for the sake of it.

>le smug anime panel

wut is this real??

I for one am glad they did away with NN, and anyone who thinks NN was good is an idiot, shill, or idiotic shill.

So says user, so it is.

It's time to go back shill.

isps themselves have said title 2 does not hurt them from investing -

the jobs part is literally everywhere, but since you are just a tool - and i cant even find an article to show that they are waising wages, so i will leave that one to you i guess

are you saying companies should keep dead weight because some berniefag might complain about capitalism on the internet?

>relying on American telecommunications oligopolies to do anything nice

Remember that $400 billion of taxpayer money that went into investing towards fiber optic infrastructure nationwide?

Me neither, how's that cable/DSL triple promo bundle deal working out for you?

I guess all it takes is a flashy $1000 to someone like you to be impressed and ignore that while they push that PR so hard they are firing people in the background.

But nope, you enjoy that $1000 goy!

NN has nothing to do with infrastructure.
NN has nothing to do with employment.
NN has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
NN has nothing to do with Title II.
Title II only affects companies that opt into the Broadband classification to apply for subsidies. They can opt out and resume normal practice.
Title II does not prevent ISPs from throttling or blocking illicit content. (ie torrenting, video archives, porn, etc).
FCC's existence is to censor the use of public broadband services and prevent monopolies of its use. They have no power to institute or regulate net neutrality because they exist to censor.
FTC's existence is regulate trade and business. They have power to institute and regulate net neutrality.
Local State leaders also have the power to institute net neutrality within their State.
All the proponents of Title II were also proponents of censorship.

Jews and Democrats are unAmerican.

Anyone ever notice how pro-NN faggots use comcast as their whipping boy as an argument for NN, when comcast has been pulling shady shit the whole time NN was enforced? Trick no good NNfags

>all they did was agree to repeat NN
>the actual repeal hashnt even happened yet

No shit nothing has changed yet you fucking mongoloids. God the fact that i share a board with you mouthbreathers is depressing as fuck.

Also the fact that you willingly shill for ISPs is embarassing as fuck.

>There's no such thing as a long con


>I'm okay with having to pay more for less

Except they lay off employees every year, and percentage wise, the amount of employees lay offed would be about the same as a 200 person company laying off one person. They also laid off people in their cable sector, and we live in the generation of cable cutters. What did you expect, AT&T to pay employees to do nothing? Go back to /r/politics and /r/latestagecapitalism cuck.

I see you have the new AT&T talking points, keep up the good work Eric!

Comcast is part of the reason NN started in the first place you fucking dip. They were already doing shady shit like throttling competitors and NN stopped them.

Data caps are simply greed.

It doesn't even make sense to talk about the dumb AT&T bonus and pay raises (which are unfounded claims) because those don't even have anything to do with NN.

Brought to you by Google™ Netflix™ and Amazon™
you and op are retards fighting on behalf of corporations, neither of you are even advocating the correct way of doing things
you are basically Sup Forumstard console war fags

Nice implication, did you take it right from your ass?

actually they never really did, that "shady shit" was when a new service came on so they had to change their shit to get it to work right
they even worked with bittorrent

Fuck off kike.

Why do you desperately white knight companies so hard?

Both sides are on the behalf of corporations, one side lets you trust the ISP to do what is right and not fuck you over, which has literally been proven to happen.

Of course not. Go back to reeeeddit. You have to be at least 18 to be here.

>how could net neutrality be good if comcast is giving me FREE stuff for ending it and basically YOU'RE fucking stupid for wanting it

I don't have a Netflix account, so I don't think I've experienced any negatives yet.

Are you retarded? You are saying that they had to readjust their network to handle bit torrent traffic, which had existed for years and years before that?

Why are you a marxist?

Also, nothing you said refuted what I said, so what you had was not an argument.

>Some ISPs raising speeds for their customers for free
Right after NN was repealed my internet speeds went up 30mbps.

I honestly don't care what happens about net neutrality. Liberals are angry and that's all I care about. They have ruined this world, made it almsot a crime to be white, and frustrating their utopian vision where everyone is a faggy tranny is all I want in life now.

I am a little annoyed its an Indian doing it, but whatever.

Show a bill before and after.

My speeds went from 60 to 80 around 6 months ago, with no end to NN in sight. Seems like during NN they could still do that, amazing!

>Multiple ISPs committing to invest in infrastructure
invest as much as they did during net neutrality
>Multiple ISPs raising the wages of their workers
minimum wage is being raised in many places
>Some ISPs raising speeds for their customers for free
and they have been giving promotional packages before, often without telling it will cost more 3 months down the line

Wow, 500 whole workers? Out of 150,000+?? That's insane!!! Fuck comcast, amirite?

Makes sense, since with net neutrality you have to pay for other peoples bandwidth needs. I never understood what people expected when they were upset that ISPs charge Google and Netflix extra for loading their network. I mean, fuck, someone has to pay for the infrastructure.

If it's illegal to "ask" Google to do it because muh net neutrality, it's gonna be the customer who pays.

>All point refuted, literally resort to /t_d and Sup Forums tier trying to fit in.

>Of course not.

