Making/Finding an Alternative to Google Captcha

Let's be proactive about the upcoming Captcha apocalypse.

Hiro has only implicitly stated ONE requirement for any captcha engine used to validate Sup Forums posts - that they are NOT processed server side on Sup Forums. As long as the checking is done so it doesn't add to Sup Forums's server load, I don't think hiro would have any issue - it's not like Sup Forums is making any money off Google Captcha.

Can Sup Forums make a captcha? Are there any alternatives which exist that wouldn't excessively burden Sup Forums?

To be clear - Google's ReCaptcha v2 has two main problems: navigating using only a keyboard is nearly impossible, and solving the captcha itself takes much longer than the old captcha to do, making posting takes 2 to 3 times as long.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Let's be proactive about the upcoming Captcha apocalypse.

Solution: Buy a: Pass

>giving money to gook moot so he can put more malicious Javascript on the website
>implying gook moot cares about the users of Sup Forums to make the captcha more usable

>implying gook moot cares about the users of Sup Forums to make the captcha more usable

you don't understand my point user
Captcha is something which doesn't affect the admin of Sup Forums in the slightest

he isn't making any money off of using Google Captcha
he isn't getting any special level or access to google analytics through the use of ReCaptcha, nor does this even add value to the site necessarily

the only thing hiro really cares for captcha to do is make sure people or bots can't spam the site with bullshit

implementing a different captcha before March 1st will benefit users who don't want to deal with captcha v2 while not really affecting the site at all

there's no reason not to do it (IF a good alternative exists)

I don't think one does though

Too late


>it's not like Sup Forums is making any money off Google Captcha.
it is. as when alternatives were given he denied to use them.

Would you deal with ads on your captcha if it meant avoiding V2?

what board is that? I checked Sup Forums and it works there for me.

These are easy for spam bots to solve though

>it is. as when alternatives were given he denied to use them.
yes, he denied to use them because Captcha v2 are processed on Google's servers so they can make their bridge/sign recognition dataset

99% of captcha alternatives are not like this

Don't forget the dataset for when you have to click on what a robot would say what a car is

Hiro benefits from captchas being as annoying as possible to sell more passes.

solvemedia captchas seem pretty good, and you don't have to unblock google to use them

>solvemedia captchas seem pretty good, and you don't have to unblock google to use them
I would be ok with ads in my captcha if they took

reminder that implementing recaptcha and turning Sup Forums into a captcha farm is what got moot the job at google.

hiro will probably be working for google in a few years, too. that's why he'll never ever get rid of recaptcha ever.

>not using v1

>he doesn't know
v1 will stop working in march

Oh fuck

So what happens to clover?

you use v2

the mobile app? will most likely just use v2

anyway, a community created/hosted captcha would be great. start nagging the staff on irc.
i'll start working on the logo

>So what happens to clover?
w-what? how is this even relevant?

v1 captcha is being removed across the internet

not just Sup Forums, not just clover

If crypto coins can be mined on the browser then is possible to mine captchas. Use mined captcha to be used by another user.

hopefully phonefags die off

well shit RIP

I liked the original SolveMedia he had cool movies and shows references.
but I prefer him over Google ReCaptcha V2 which is a bit slow, sometimes cannot load properly, needs too many clicks

Does typing "V1 UNSUPPORTED" works?
is that a regional issue?

>If crypto coins can be mined on the browser then is possible to mine captchas. Use mined captcha to be used by another user.
Coinhive has mining based CAPTCHAs
This would also solve the phoneposter problem because it drains their batteries.

Still works on clover app

Why not use the same exact captcha 8ch uses?


also I feel like someone is going to find a funny exploit to spam the site to death

OH... user...!

Hiromoot why.
What is this shit.
What is your problem.

>What is your problem.
it's not his fault brainlet

it's Google's

there is no fucking way typing that would work

>tfw will never get interesting captchas again

Looks like Coinhive is our winner.

>Let's be proactive about the upcoming Captcha apocalypse.

1. close your Sup Forums tab
2. get a life
3. if #2 is too difficult; move to another chan. There are tons of them still around.

>enjoy browsing Sup Forums in my free time
>have a suggestion about a change which will make Sup Forums slightly worse
>"why don't u just get a life???"

calm down dude
it's gonna be ok

> moot at jewgle
Since when?

>navigating using only a keyboard is nearly impossible
Literally use the numpad then press enter twice

>Since when?
have you not browsed Sup Forums in like three years


None of the meta boards.

coinhive is literally malware you retards

"let us burn your CPU out for a minute to gain the privilege to make 1 shitpost oh btw if you block it the entire site breaks"

>ads are cool
>every website being malicious software is the future

did you only make this thread to shill bullshit?

just reload the image and you will get a valid one, we have until March nigga

it shows up on any board when Google tries to load a V1 captcha image, there probably arent that many of those still in their system

>it shows up on any board when Google tries to load a V1 captcha image, there probably aren't that many of those still in their system
I exclusively use v1 and have never seen it

i saw it once yesterday, just clicked on it and it relaoded a new capctcha

i remember on 8ch when hotwheels and josh was still there they solved this exact problem by taking some open sauce captcha and i think they then improved it somewhat.
it seems they have it strong enouh now and no external site is required.
literally just take the code, it should be open source under openib or something.

the Sup Forums dev probably has too much pride to do this

Guy... besides your TRIPZ, check this:


please no.

SolveMedia had no ads before, only cool references

Just remove the captcha to bring back the golden age of posting

Fuck off.

no you.

>Hiro lowers the captcha difficulty (yes you can)
>Use solvemedia, which is text captcha with more potential memes

This can be solved, but Hiro is a lazy fucker and would instead add Ukrainian malware

it's dead, says it's unsupported, had to post with image captcha

>>Hiro lowers the captcha difficulty
He won't. He even made it harder.
Recently the captcha was reloading images for a hole fucking minute before accepting that Im not a bot.

end of an era, lads

if it burned my CPU for the amount of time it takes me to solve a v1 captcha, I think I'd find that bearable
more so than the usual data mining shit, at the very least

What seems to be the problem here?

Your mom

>Hiro lowers the captcha difficulty (yes you can)

...he can lower the difficulty on captcha?