What the fuck? Comcast doubled my speed for free. What is their endgame?
What the fuck? Comcast doubled my speed for free. What is their endgame?
They're scared of Google. Everyone is.
not doing things as fast as possible wastes cpu session time
but nub bestiality
to show that the NN was a scam
>but muh internet packs!!
they were the shills all along
you'll pay it off in a week with data for them to collect.
>60 Mbps
Google announced they weren't rolling out to any new cities a long time ago
ISPs will start increasing speeds to show that 'removing NN is good' until people start believing it and then they will start fucking them up the ass.
i have 100 in my RV, is Africa doing ok?
net neutrality
their endgame is giving you so much packet loss from overloading your line that you stop using the internet
Title II (aka """net neutrality""") was blocking parties like Google from coming in and laying down their own cables and competing in the broadband ISP market. All the major current ISPs are going to have to try to repair their horrible reputations to maintain their dominance over the next couple decades.
now that megacorps dont hog all the fucking bandwidth, they can make a PR move and reward their favorite customers or whatnot
This is why regulation is bad for small business. Always the big can comply. The small can not even compete
Imagine if you need a license to broadcast in youtube.
It's a publicity stunt by Comcast to try and get people to think that bet neutrality was somehow holding back their speeds when really Comcast has been purposely holding back speeds for years to make more money
AT&T upgraded me to gigabit for free last year when they installed fiber in my neighborhood.
OP here I live in chicago and this is all this apartment offers
If my memory is accurate, this has been happening all over the place. Basically, you're still getting fucked. They increased your maximum possible download, but it's not guaranteed that you'll actually get it. You're also being given a promotional fee, which will expire soon and you'll be required to pay more for something you didn't ask for.
I got this too. 20 Mbps to like 70 Mbps.
NNfags BTFO!
My ISP did the same when a competitor showed up.
Increased the speed to and lowered the price, so they are both faster and cheaper than fiber.
It's as if the free market works.
>b-b-b-but Ajit ruined the internet!!! :(
>25 to 60
wow so fucking gracious, big deal
>promotional fee, which will expire soon and you'll be required to pay more for something you didn't ask for.
I seriously doubt that would be legal in OP's case.
Usually what happens is they call you and ask if you want to upgrade, claiming you will actually pas less than before.
But the catch is you only pay less for a couple of months, then you pay way more.
This is legal because you agree to it, you just didn't read the fine print.
They're trying to pump public image. Contrary to popular belief they weren't going to flip the fast-lane switch the day after the repeal. We'll see that shit years from now after they've repaired their image and it's out of the public mind.
Not to mention it still has to go through congress and the senate (If the proper acts are invoked) and then the major tech companies will probably take it to the supreme court. Comcast is playing the long game, they're giving you a treat for being a good doggy so when they sell you to the Asian chef you won't feel as betrayed.
this probably
Supposedly it's legal because they're changing prices across the board. The package you had before is gone; it has been replaced by the higher speed, higher cost package. ISPs raise prices all the time, the only reason this is different is the way it's presented. It's insidious.
In business wanna know what we call the free market true believers like you?
No one other than emotionally vulnerable, loser internet dwellers who cant handle complexity and the real world believe in something as absurd as the free market. We laugh all the way to the bank as you vote for politicians who remove consumer protections so we can fuck you even more. So thanks for doing our dirty work and shilling our free market nonsense.
>LARPing this hard
Fucking Trump! We told you he'd ruin everything!
>I cant admit being wrong so I come up with a conspiracy theory
>next time any ISP doesnt something I dont like I will blame lack of net neutrality
>the absolute BTFO state of reddit
You both are delusional. State level monopoly laws still exist, nothing has changed fuckwads
A girl sucked my pee pee yesterday, after I came I laughed and asked "lol did comcast send you? I wont be convinced that net neutrality is bad, john oliver told me so". She seemed confused and angry. Oh well.
>In business
What does that even mean? Kids that work at Mcdonalds are in business, the CEO of Mcdonalds is in business...
They are trying to catch up to Europe. Seriously, 60mbit/s? I had that ten years ago. and it cost around 20€.
Business is baaaad dude *hits bong*
Underrated post
probably trying to make you forget the nn repeal ever happened
Mine just went from 80 to 400
Not really, no. At the state and local level the laws have to do with contracts for the publicly owned cables already in place. "Competition" happens every 2-10 years when companies compete via bids, a process heavily influenced by bribes and corruption. By repealing Title II, competition can now occur in the actual market, with customers choosing the better ISP.
So when will the isp's all fuck us over, this year? Next? Or will they wait 10 years? Are they all rubbing their hands in a dark room saying "well if we wait 1000 years to fuck them over, they'll never know net neutrality was good!"
ISPs never hesitated to fuck us over even during "net neutrality" aka title II. My internet cost went up plenty in 2015-2017.
this right here, proof that NN never did anything for the consumer, nor will it ever.
Verizon did this a while back for me.
Went from 50up to 120up.
It was because Google wanted to get Fiber in more areas.
ISPs are still afraid of Fiber.
They have blocked it from going into cities for the most part.
I need a good argument against net neutrality, any one got some advice?
it's a trick. check out their fees for going over your download allowance. 2x speed makes it easier to go over.
Reddit is for it, so you have to be against it. Understood?
5G cell speeds are good enough to provide home internet, hopefully we see them soon. Will be tough to stop.
Thats not true, reddit/Sup Forums both want weed legalized generally speaking.
1)Look for the speed & price of competitors in your area. Pretty sure someone has 60mbps for what you were paying for 30. Before you look the other way they make you happy and stay. WOW! cable did this 2 years ago.
2) they want you to reach your data caps faster so you upgrade to that premium package.
That's just not true. A substantial amount of Sup Forums is against weed since it makes you lazy.
Sure I have some
>ISPs are a private business and are free to do what they want, its a free market after all. If you don't like it move to another ISP
>Any government regulations and laws are bad including NN
>The terms and conditions of the ISP says they can do what they want
>Ajit Pai used to work for an ISP so he knows exactly how they work and knows that removing NN is for the best
Ajit Pai works for the government not an ISP so he is doing the best thing for the people he represents
Didn't Ajit get bribed though? Or is that a lie? What did net neutrality limit before this?
docsis 3.1 is coming and they want to fuck AT&T/verizon in the ass so hard that fiber never has to become a thing - ever.
The cost for deploying docsis is trivial. The cost for deploying fiber is not. If they can get a good vantage on the competition by offering free upgrades, they can bite the cost and expand their monopoly while AT&T/verizon have to invest all their earnings into infrastructure.
Before you think AT&T/verizon are the good goys, the AT&T network expansion team is similar to the chinese human rights commission - it's a fucking joke. These guys tried, really, really really fucking hard to expand fiber and in the end they could barely get it out their literal fucking front door in dallas. It's a disgrace, and verizon has been in the similar business of labeling FTTN as FTTP for years now - to the point where they got sued by the city of new york for failing to bring FTTP to one of its districts (I think it was bronx). It's a shitshow all over.
It's that old utility money blood.
so you're saying a company, that has been actively fighting years for data caps and connection throttling, was just doing it all because net neutrality? you're right based user.. they're giving everyone a speed boost out of the goodness of their hearts. how silly of us to think otherwise.
Seeing as 5G is in the millimeter waveband and can't even penetrate through windows (or travel more than ~50-100m), there's a significant amount of infrastructure that needs to be in place before widespread adoption.
When I was at Nokia, the talk was ~2019, but this applied to only cities.
>still using DSL
Someday I'll be free from this hell.
For comparison, up in Canada, Bell has been expanding its fiber network like nothing else on the fucking planet matters - not even their earnings call. They read the writing on the wall like it's the word of christ and now everybody and their dog is getting fiber, economic feasibility be damned.
It helps that the CRTC hasn't really ruled on how smaller ISPs are allowed onto that network, but you don't use a five ton wrecking ball for a half inch nail. It's fucking docsis, it's coming and I don't know what's going to happen in the states.
how many KB/s is that?
I'm in Chicago too
Go check your cable bill if you have one
>seniors citizen discount my fucking ass
>they jacked mine to $211 a month
>i dont even fucking watch sports
>if i call, they'll tack another $20 for bringing up the bill
fuck off, NBN lowest end gives only 12mbps and you think 60 is slow. Some of my neighbours run copper network and its still faster than my HFC. Ill pay anything for that speed
Here in NZ we have one company running the Fiber infrastructure and anyone can choose to run an ISP on it. The infrastructure company can't be an ISP as well so it works great in terms of avoiding conflicts of interest. Now all cities and major towns have or are getting fiber as the government has paid for it to be done.
Now you can reach their data cap twice as fast.
I have been paying $70/mo for the past two years for 25mbps and just now they upped me to 60
>government pays company
>company actually does it
what the fuck is going on in new zimbabwe
I have always paid for 100Mbps, and they recently "increased" my speed from 75 to 100.
Fucking lying kikes trying to pull a fast one on me by pretending to do good by making up shit and lying to my face.
lol what? this site is retarded
Im not anti weed, just stating a fact
>doubled my speed
Congratulations on finally getting half what's been Europe's minimum lowest-tier Internet plans for a decade!
btw, what's that odd
> can use five devices at the same time
statement? My ISP can't regulate or limit or know if I have 2 or 100 devices connected behind my NAT so I find that statement very odd. Perhaps it's another silly US thing - like local ISP monopolies holding Internet speeds back 20+ years compared to the rest of the world (and NO, flouride-water-drinking morons, that does not have anything to do with net neutrality).
they had to. charter spectrum base internet speed is 60mbps with no caps. everyone was jumping ship.
Australias NBN done right.
we also let corporations decide our politics, and spend trillions of tax dollars on bombing 3rd world countries for "muh oil" even though electric cars are going to take over soon.
Against using not against legalizing
No im saying the data caps and throttling were happening regardless because NN is a joke and crying that the world is ending without it proves you've got a childs mind
It's to celebrate the end of (((net neutrality))) You were paying for the bandwidth hogs, not anymore
In euroland you get taxed over half your income at the end of the day. Cant compare.
>docsis 3.1 is coming and they want to fuck AT&T/verizon in the ass so hard that fiber never has to become a thing - ever.
Then why the fuck does comcast keep begging me to sign up for THEIR fiber service?
They have DOCSIS 3.0 here up to 1gbps, but they keep pushing their own FTTH service at 2gbps.
Either Google or some other ISP came into town and is trying to keep all their customers with free upgrades to keep a monopoly OR like said, is NN related, regardless each situation is them trying to look like the good guys on surface level.
Wow, I was going to question this name-calling plebbit-spacing user, but then I realized he had identified himself as being "in business." You just can't argue with reasoning like that. I see it every day, as NASA's intelligence branch's senior symbologist.
tips Fedora
I have 300Mbps with spectrum and honestly its more than enough only rarely do I go past 200Mbps, like torrents or maybe a steam download, but most sites wont let me download faster than 100Mbps at most.
Only thing nice would ge a higher upload but 20Mbps upload is still decent.
At this point I rather not get faster speed, just cheaper.
Speed isn't my issue, my area is serviced by both Verizon and Comcast, both offer 1gbps. Verizon at $69.99/month, Comcast at $79.99/month
Comcast 1gbps has only 35-40mbps upload
Verizon 1gbps has 1gbps both down and up..
Pretty sure comcast only offers 2gbps here so they can still claim to have the fastest internet in the country or some other marketing BS.
I have Verizon 1gbps because their only other option is 50mbps.
Its becoming like popcorn at theatres, 50 cents more for extra large popcorn you wont finish. Well not quite but you get what I mean.
>Customer owned Quantumâ„¢ Gateway Router
>Sup Forums being against anything degenerate
processor speed are going down+internet speed is going up=nothing changes
You can use any router you want, you need to have a moca adapter with certain ports enabled on your router if you have set top boxes and DVRs and shit. But i only have internet. So literally any router you want will work, they ONT converts fiber to ethernet outside, then you get a 1gbps ethernet connection to do whatever with.
>designated pajeet kills NN
>calls his cronies and tells em to increase speeds
>dumb drumpfkins think no NN is great
>five devices at the same time
American ISPs don't care how many devices you use at the same time either. That was just Comcast estimating that 5 users would be able to do things like steaming/downloading comfortably at the same time.
>like local ISP monopolies holding Internet speeds back 20+ years compared to the rest of the world
Where do you people get these numbers from?
>Pic related
Also the top 10 fastest US states is around the average speeds of the top 10 fastest countries.
>Pic related again
Top 10 fastest US states.
Enjoy not having Net Neutrality
2 days ago they gave me a notice that they bumped my speeds from 230 to 300 mbps, the bill is still $230 per month though.
>no Russia
>Romania worse than USA
what the fuck, throw that graph into the bin bro, Russia and Romania have one of the fastest internet speeds in the world. That graph probably accounts something other than speed, like % of population with internet or something, otherwise i cannot explain that steaming pile of shit
Odd im only paying $90 for that speed in TX. Are you in some rich liberal state where they jack the price on you?
Go check your account information. They might have 'more than doubled' your internet speed for a month or two for free and then you'll be charged more when the free billing cycles come to an end.
I'm in Houston, its a package deal with phone and every cable package added (starz, HBO etc.) So thats likely where the rest of the bill is coming from.
I checked starz and hbo and cinemax etc's catalog of vids they have now, seriously maybe 1-2 good movies I might have not seen, the rest are all highly seen popular movies, or total shit. I dont see how its worth it at all.