Hey Sup Forums I would like to find some way to do the following things:

Hey Sup Forums I would like to find some way to do the following things:
>Tag images/videos
>Be able to search for tags of the images in a file picker would be ideal rather than only in a file manager
>Put a password on the folder
>Be able to put images in and upload images from the folder without having to extract anything, only entering the password
>Sync this folder between a PC running GNU+Linux and a phone running Android
>Be able to use the synced pictures on the go from my phone, not only when I'm connected to my home wifi
>Add tags and new pictures to the folder from both my PC and phone

If you only know how to do some of these but not all of them, that would be ok too. Thanks.

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Man I wish I was a loli

not a very helpful post bro but thanks for replying

Are you gonna use this for porn?

just for my whole Sup Forums folder so yes that would include porn probably

Have you considered seeking the divine help of Allah to alleviate you from these thoughts?

no god damnit can anyone give me a real answer

You've made your bed, infidel.


That's too specific and demanding
You're better off writing your own software

>Sync this folder between a PC running GNU+Linux and a phone running Android
Dropbox of Google Drive?

this is what folders are for

password is useless unless encrypted


I think it would be easier to just search for something instead of using folders. Plus with tags you can give it multiple tags but with folders you can only put it in 1 folder
>password is useless unless encrypted
I mean I don't need to hide illegal shit or something just so someone doesn't find my porn if I let them use my computer

You could name all your files lists of tags separated by underscores

You can be one:

But I don't want everyone to know my tags when I post an image

You'll have to duplicate your image, and rename it, then post the duplicate image, then send the duplicate to the trash when you're finished. It's a little more work during posting, but that is balanced by being easier to find the image you want in the first place.

Look up GitHub Hydrus or use other booru software.

I've heard of Hydrus, but does it let you use the tags on mobile too?

Fuck off sand nigger or get crusaded.
I bet you don't even use Linux!
I bet you use Windows or OS X like some sand nigger would!
Still on Windows XP, abdul?

osx could manage everything but phone stuff

Go to hell

Anime website.

It sounds like you have some enterprise-level porn needs. If I were you I'd set up a personal server or get a $5/month Digital Ocean droplet and deploy an instance of this to it:

If you don't know how to set up Ruby on Rails try Amazon with Elastic Beanstalk. It does all the web server stuff for you.

You should be able to access it with the animeboxes app from your phone, and from your web browser with your computer.

"And Allah will surely make evident those who believe, and He will surely make evident the hypocrites." 29:11

Christians are brothers and sisters to us, the righteous of whom are going to heaven.

I'm too old for your Taqiyya shit, muslim.
If your brothers in Islam manager make their worldwide caliphate, we all know you're going to kill us all.

You trying to hide your hentai from the feds?
Get help weeb.

Islam explicitly prohibits killing unbelievers multiple times in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It also prohibits conversion by force and non-defensive wars.

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely." 5:32

If it hadn't been such a trend to carpet bomb the Middle East and prop up Wahhabist dictators these last few decades, we wouldn't be having these problems.

I don't know about you, as an individual, but I do know that if those Wahhabist dictators have their way with the world (they won't.), you won't oppose them.
After all, they're in the House of Islam, and we're in the House of War.

I'm well aware that there are those of you that are "heretics" to their orthodox Islam, I just wish things didn't have to be like this.
It's likely Islam and the rest of the world will continue to be at war.

ask /h/, even if you're not talking about porn(let's be honest you're totally talking about porn)

They have regular collection management threads for software to do this kind of shit

I will oppose them to the bitter end, and I will laugh on judgement day as they are thrown into hell. There was a time when Islam championed egalitarianism and equality. Now I watch with despair as they defile what I love.

Please look at trueislam.com. The vast majority of us are moderate, rational people.

P.S. - Taqiya is only allowed for those who fear their lives are in danger, and who would not harm the religion by denying it.

>There was a time when Islam championed egalitarianism and equality.
You say that, yet women are sold and abused on slave blocks. (I'm not even some feminist retard and honestly dislike most women, but that's just too far. Unless they try to kill you, then their life is yours honestly.)

Yeah, no thanks. I'm well aware that you people are great at lies tailored to convert western people. That said, I also know that most of the refugees are people from countries in the Middle East no one else will take in, these people tend to be extreme and backwards. (Military-aged men, as the EU wants them, as the USA was trying to get them until >drumpf was elected.)

>P.S. - Taqiya is only allowed for those who fear their lives are in danger, and who would not harm the religion by denying it.
Shia or Sunni?

Women's souls are equal to men's souls, and equal justice is sought for both genders. Islam does not condone this, nor does it condone the persecution of the LGBT community.

We are also prohibited from lying on principle, especially about the religion. "Those who invent lies against God will have no happiness." 16:116

It would be stupid to convert people with lies. They would find out the truth anyhow.

It's actually mainly for reaction images rather than porn. Like it would be much easier to just type in "thumbs-up" inside of searching all of my images for an anime girl giving a thumbs up. I don't think I will be using a server though because I don't want to pay just for this.
Thanks, I might ask them

How the hell did this thread go from ways to organize anime pictures to a religious debate

>persecution of the LGBT community
Caught you. You're white, probably some inner-city liberal who got conned into Islam.
I'm not making fun of you, just this once. Get out of Islam, it's a death cult. You'll find where God truly is in your heart, and hopefully that will lead you to some form of Christianity.

LGBT-whatever have not been persecuted for a long time, by the way.

Also, don't fuck kids. They're gross.

nextcloud is your answer. It has syncing between devices and tags

Hm okay, but you need a server for this though right?

In that case you could just use a synced Google Drive or Dropbox with a description in the filename.

No, I'm not, and it looks like you're dodging the actual issues. It seems like you've made up your mind about what you want to think about us. I hope your religion leads you to heaven, and I wish you a good day.

B-but muh botnet...

God isn't real, it's a myth invented by cavemen to explain things they didn't understand and to get children to go to bed.

>No, I'm not
If you're not white, that means you're even worse.
It means you're a recruiter saying tailored sweet words to the notably liberal audience that technology generally has.
I know all about how Islam tries to convert people online, usually those who are weak of mind, missing something, or are stupid.

I gave you a chance, and you showed me your true colors.

Such certainty is a sign of a uneducated mind.

Yes. Just repurpose an old tower or rent a VPS. Cool thing about nextcloud is that your data isn't with a third party

>Such certainty is a sign of a uneducated mind.
I'm also sure that lightning isn't punishment from some magical space wizard.
I'm also sure that light acts like both a particle and a wave.
And you're sure that there's a magical space wizard who both goes against the laws of thermodynamics and gives a shit about this planet in particular when there's probably much more interesting life on a galaxy far far away.

Are you delusional? I'm on here because I'm a Ruby developer.

With cloud applications you either have to provide your own hosting or accept the botnet. If you have a Raspberry Pi or an old computer it could make for a fun weekend project.

>lightning is punishment
>magical space wizard
>science in it's current form is completely and irrefutably correct outside our local area (you could even argue inside isn't correct lmao)
Fuck off with your shitty strawman.

>Ruby developer
In that case, kill yourself.